Empress Nuwa was very happy to see Su Yan, daughter?

Su Yan turned out to be her and Su Chen's daughter. Nuwa never thought that she and Su Chen would have a daughter in the future.

Previously in the Wa Palace,

Empress Nuwa sensed the aura erupting from Tongtian, and she just checked it casually.

Su Chen actually told her that it was their daughter that Tongtian wanted to suppress. Empress Nuwa did not even think about coming to the ancient fairyland in a hurry. She was worried that Tongtian would suppress her daughter.

Su Yan immediately pretended to be innocent and said,

"Mother, it’s Tongtian’s disciples who want to rob my little rabbit, kill me, and kill our whole family. I just want to teach Tongtian’s disciples a lesson, and Tongtian wants to suppress me by bullying the younger ones."


Empress Nuwa burst out with the aura of a saint and looked at Tongtian indifferently.

She found out what happened in one thought.

Su Yan did not lie to her.

The Jie Jiao disciple wanted to steal Su Yan's Jade Rabbit. She also promised to kill Su Yan and Su Yan’s parents and relatives.

Empress Nuwa said coldly,

"Senior Brother Tongtian, you should understand what is going on when you hand over your seven disciples."

Tongtian said helplessly,"Junior Sister Nuwa, my disciples made mistakes, but I can punish them severely. Please let my disciples go."

Empress Nuwa replied coldly,"I don't agree. Senior Brother Tongtian, your disciples want to kill my daughter, and they even brazenly say they want to kill me. Do you think I can let them go?"

Tongtian frowned and looked at the Seven Immortals.

He felt very helpless.

The actions of the Seven Immortals should not be let go.

But after all, they are Tai's disciples. Tongtian can't watch Nuwa die. His disciples.

Swish swish swish.....

At this time, above Jin'ao Island, four saints, Laozi and Zhunti, also appeared on Jin'ao Island. They were very surprised when they looked at Nuwa Empress and Su Yan.

The four great saints of Lao Tzu didn't think about it at first.

Tongtian just burst out with some saintly momentum, and they just checked it casually.

However, with the arrival of Empress Nuwa,

Empress Nuwa also had a daughter, the four great saints of Lao Tzu came one after another to check clearly.

Empress Nuwa actually has a daughter?

They didn't think that the Empress Nuwa was lying.

Nuwa and Su Yan were connected in destiny.

Su Yan still had the strong aura of the Empress Nuwa.

Su Yan was the Great Luo Jinxian when he was more than ten years old. All this showed that Su Yan was really Nuwa. Empress's daughter

"Senior brother, Nuwa actually has a daughter, and we don’t even know about it."

"Zhunti, Nuwa has always lived in Chaos, and we didn’t pay much attention to Nuwa. It’s understandable that we didn’t know she had a daughter."

"No, when Fuxi became the Human Emperor, we all met Nuwa. She had no daughter at that time and was not pregnant."

"Nuwa must have been hiding at that time. You must know that Nuwa is a saint, or the first saint besides Taoist ancestors. If Nuwa deliberately hid it, we would not be able to find out."

"That's right."

I and the four great saints of Quasi-Sage talked for a while with their souls. They all looked at Tongtian and Nuwa. The four great saints of me were ready to watch the show. They also hoped that Nuwa and Tongtian would turn against each other.

At this moment,

Tongtian and Empress Nuwa were still There were Su Yan and the disciples of Jie Jiao.

They all looked up into the air. Laozi,

Yuan Yuan, Zhunti, and Jie Yin arrived. All the saints in the prehistoric immortal world except Dao Zu Hongjun were here.

Tong Tian said expressionlessly,"Female Wa, you are no match for me. Let this matter rest. I will severely punish my disciples."

Nuwa didn't expect that Tongtian would offend her for a few disciples.

Nuwa knew that Tongtian had the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, and the Immortal Killing Sword Formation that could only be broken by the Four Saints was very terrifying.

But Su Chen said that he would protect Su Yan. The ice and snow lotus,

Nuwa Empress can also control the ice and snow lotus. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) She has the half-step Chaos Spiritual Treasure Ice and Snow Lotus. Nuwa

Empress does not believe that she cannot defeat Tongtian.

With a wave of her hand, the ice and snow lotus flew into the hands of Nuwa.

Empress Nuwa felt the excitement of the ice and snow lotus. The ice and snow lotus seemed to be her spiritual treasure. She could completely control the ice and snow lotus without refining the ice and snow lotus.

Nuwa was indifferent. He said to Tongtian,"That's not necessarily the case, Senior Brother Tongtian, although you have the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, but I have the Half-Step Chaos Spiritual Treasure Ice and Snow Lotus, it's not certain who will win."

0 Asking for Flowers

Su Yan said with a smile on the side,"Mother, you lead Tongtian away, and I can kill these scumbag disciples."

"Yan'er, be honest."

Empress Nuwa glared at Su Yan speechlessly.

Killed the disciples of Jie Jiao?

The little girl is really bragging.

If Su Yan kills the disciples of Jie Jiao, Tongtian will definitely go crazy. By then, although Empress Nuwa is protected by the ice and snow lotus Su Yan, but this is not a long-term occasion.

"Yes, mother."

Su Yan curled his lips and looked at Jie Jiao's disciples.

Although Nuwa would not let her destroy Jie Jiao's disciples, she could beat these scumbag disciples of Jie Jiao.

Yutu had been dazed in Su Yan's arms.

She had been there since After the Nuwa Empress appeared, Yutu was shocked and confused by what the Nuwa Empress said.

Su Yan turned out to be the daughter of the Nuwa Empress.

No wonder Su Yan was lawless. No wonder Su Yan didn't care about the saint.

Su Yan's identity was inherently very important. Gao Gui, the Queen Mother, Fairy Chang Xi, Fairy Chang'e, and the resurrected Fairy Xi He, the four quasi-sage powers are all Su Yan's backers.

What now?

Su Yan's mother turned out to be Nuwa, and

Su Yan can be said to be. Except for saints, Yuan Yuan, the most noble being in the prehistoric immortal world, said:"Tongtian, your disciple has made a mistake. You should hand over the seven rebel disciples to Junior Sister Nuwa for punishment.

Zhunti:"Yes, Tongtian, your disciple made a mistake in this matter. Su Yan's status is not that of your disciple and you can offend and insult him. You should understand all this.""

Lao Tzu:"Third brother, hand over your seven traitors. The saint cannot be insulted, nor can the blood of the saint be insulted.

"Tongtian, Su Yan is of the blood of a saint no matter what. You should understand that Su Yan's identity is not your disciple. Hand over your traitor, otherwise if the teacher comes, you will definitely be punished by the teacher.""

Yuan Yuan and Laozi spoke to Tongtian one after another. They didn't want Tongtian and Nuwa to fight, but they could let Nuwa kill Tongtian's seven disciples. In this way, Tongtian and Nuwa would definitely turn against each other, and they were also willing to see it. All these pills..

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