Selina and Bai Yuekui nodded, they also understood that the black armored army could no longer hide.

The Dayan Tribe is going to launch a war against the Xuannio Tribe. The scale of the war may be in the millions. The

Xuannio Tribe only has hundreds of thousands of troops. Adding the troops of the Luonv Tribe, the Xuannio Tribe has millions of troops.

How many troops does the Dayan tribe have? one million?

Or two million?

There are also tribes affiliated with the Dayan Tribe. These tribes together have at least three million troops.

Alice and the other girls felt that if Su Chen's black armored army was not used, this war might be very dangerous, and the Blackbird tribe might be wiped out by the tribes of the Great Yan Alliance.

Natasha looked at the map and asked doubtfully,

"Why do you think the Great Yan Tribe launched a war against us? The Dayan Tribe and the Xuannio Tribe are separated by the Tianmai Mountains. Our Xuannio Tribe is developing straight to the east. Logically speaking, the Dayan Tribe should not launch a war against us. Is there anything fishy in this? Venina nodded and said,

"There is something strange. We are thousands of miles away from the Dayan Tribe. Although the human race in the prehistoric immortal world is physically strong, it really doesn't make sense that the Dayan Tribe has traveled thousands of miles to launch a war against us. Alice frowned and agreed,

"Yes, don't forget that the Dayan Tribe is the tribe of the last Human Emperor Shennong. The Dayan Tribe can also be regarded as the royal family of the human race before the prehistoric times. Dayan should not launch a war against the human tribe."

Laura said with a serious face,"Check, we must find out, we must find out the intention of the Dayan tribe to launch a war against us."

Bai Yuekui said hurriedly,

"Natasha, send our immortal cultivators to find out the purpose of the Great Yan Tribe’s war."


Alice said to Mu Ningxue,"Mu Ningxue, go ask Luo Nu about the situation in the Great Yan Tribe."

"I'll go now."

Mun Ningxue nodded to the girls, and she hurriedly left the room.

The war is imminent, a war involving millions of troops. This is no joke. Mu Ningxue must ask the Luonv Dayan tribe about the situation as soon as possible.

Alice and the girls After another discussion, they left one after another and controlled a large tribe with a population of nearly ten million. They had never experienced it before. The distribution of materials for war and the logistics support of food and grass. Alice and the girls could not make any mistakes.

Heavenly Court,

Pantao In the garden,

Su Yan ate peaches and sat boredly on the peach tree. She also saw what happened in the ancient fairyland. It rained blood from the sky, and

Nuwa killed the saint Tongtian, but why didn't Nuwa come to heaven to find her?

Su Yan Yan touched his chin and whispered doubtfully,

"It's really strange, why didn't Aunt Nuwa come to take me away? Aunt Nuwa regards herself as her daughter. She should not keep herself in heaven."

Su Yan looked around the Pantaoyuan and became even more speechless.

The space barrier formation!

The Queen Mother and Aunt Xihe actually arranged a space barrier. Su Yan was imprisoned in the Pantaoyuan.

"A mere space barrier formation, but you still want to trap yourself? Should we break it?"

Su Yan showed a weird smile and wanted to break the space enchantment.

Space enchantment formation?

Su Yan knew the laws of space and had practiced it to 60%. She could break the small space enchantment formation with a wave of her hand.


The Queen Mother suddenly Appearing in the peach garden, she looked at the leisurely little girl and shook her head.

Su Yan saw the Queen Mother arriving and asked in confusion,"Auntie, why are you here?

The Queen Mother asked Su Yan,"Girl Yan, what did you say to Zhulong, Zhen Yuanzi, and Ancestor Minghe?" Why are they preparing an army to come to heaven?"

The Queen Mother was talking to Xihe at Taiyin Star, but she suddenly received a message from Zhulong.

Zhulong actually prepared five million dragon troops for Su Yan.

After a while,

Zhen Yuanzi and Minghe Ancestor also came. Send her a message:

Ancestor Minghe prepared three million Shura troops for Su Yan, and Zhen Yuanzi actually prepared one million Earth Immortal troops for Su Yan. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Why did Zhulong and the others prepare an army for Su Yan? What did Su Yan talk to Zhulong and the others half a month ago?

Su Yan appeared next to the Queen Mother in an instant.

She grabbed the Queen Mother and asked hurriedly,

"Auntie, Zhulong, Zhen Yuanzi, and Patriarch Styx, have they all prepared their armies?"

The Queen Mother replied with a serious face,


"Zhulong has prepared five million dragon tribe troops for you, Styx Ancestor has prepared three million Shura tribe troops for you, and Zhen Yuanzi has also prepared one million Earth Immortal Realm troops for you....."

"These troops will go to heaven tomorrow and will obey your orders unconditionally"

"Su Yan, what are you going to do with so many troops?"

Su Yan laughed when he heard the Queen Mother's words. Zhulong, Zhen Yuanzi, and Ancestor Minghe are really good people. It seems that they all believe what they say.

Su Yan said coquettishly to the Queen Mother,"Auntie, you Don't ask too many questions. It won't take long before you understand what I'm trying to do."

The Queen Mother touched Su Yan's hair and said,"You.....Alas, I won’t ask you, but why did you ask Chang Xi to summon the demon clan? Don’t you know that monsters are not welcome in the prehistoric fairyland?"

"Auntie, I know everything about the Monster Clan. I am also very familiar with the four Demon Saints of the Monster Clan. They will not do anything against me. If the four Demon Saints Bai Ze and Shang Yang know my identity, they will do whatever it takes. protect me."

The Queen Mother looked at Su Yan in confusion.

She understood somewhat.

Su Yan had a relationship with the demon clan in the later generations.

No, it should be Su Yan's father who was related to the demon clan. The demon clan should be Su Yan's father in the later generations. Su Yan should know everything about Bai Ze and the four demon saints Shang Yang.

If Bai Ze and the others knew Su Yan's identity, they would protect Su Yan at all costs.

Su Yan asked the Queen Mother,"Auntie, can you Go for a trip to the Six Paths of Samsara?"

The Queen Mother asked speculatively,

3.0"Yan'er, don't the Wu clan have something to do with your father?"

"Well, Houtu and the great witch Jiufeng of the Wu clan are both my father's women, and they are also my aunts."

Su Yan smiled and nodded.

The Wu Clan is indeed related to her father. She can also be regarded as the princess of the Wu Clan and the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Su Yan really admired her father.

Almost all the powerful women in the ancient fairy world were Her father's women include

Heavenly Court, West Kunlun, Monster Clan, Witch Clan, Taiyin Star, and the only female saint Nuwa.

As long as Su Yan gathers these strong women, she will be able to rule the prehistoric fairyland. There is an 80% chance that if the other saints in the Great Desolate Immortal World are dealt with, Su Yan will become the true ruler of the Great Desolate Immortal World.

"Yan'er, tell your aunt, what was your father Su Chen's status in later generations?".

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