In the prehistoric fairy world, all the powerful men and saints looked at the demon clan in Beiyuan.

Tens of millions of monsters erupted with terrifying evil energy. This was the first time since the Lich War.

What are the monsters going to do?

Could it be that he wants to take back the demon clan's heaven and fight for dominance in the prehistoric fairyland again?

The Starry Sky,

Lao Tzu, Primordial, Tongtian, Zhunti, and Jingyin, the five great saints looked at all this with expressionless faces.

"Don’t the demon tribe give up and huddle in the wild northern plains? Do the Beiyuan Demon Clan want to be exterminated?"

"It should be that the heaven is now an empty shell, and the demon clan should want to take back the former demon clan’s heaven."

"Empty shell? Zhunti, there are now tens of millions of immortal armies from the Dragon Clan, Shura Clan, and the Earthly Immortal Realm in Heaven. It will not be easy for the Monster Clan to take back Heaven."

"Well, there are two quasi-sages, Haotian and Yaochi, in Tianting, as well as Zhen Yuanzi, Ancestor Minghe, and Zhulong. It is impossible for the remaining four demon saints of the demon clan to conquer Tianting."

"This has nothing to do with us. It’s best if the Heavenly Court and the Monster Clan fight and both sides suffer."

"That’s right, we don’t have to worry about the war between the demon clan and Heavenly Court having nothing to do with us. If both the demon clan and Heavenly Court suffer losses, it will be very beneficial to our Saint Sect."

The five saints talked for a while, and they all looked aloof and ready to watch a show.

In the ancient heaven,

Haotian came out of seclusion, but he was confused when he looked at the empty Lingxiao Palace.

Where are his men?

In the heaven Where are the heavenly soldiers and generals?

How come the Lingxiao Palace is empty? There isn’t even a serving fairy

"Yaochi Wonderland? Candle dragon? Zhen Yuanzi? Ancestor Styx? And Chang'e? Um? Chang Xi and Xihe did not die? How could they be in Yaochi Wonderland?"

Haotian looked at the ancient heaven and was even more confused.

The Queen Mother's Yaochi Fairyland was heavily guarded, and was surrounded by black-armored legions of more than 100,000 heavenly realms.

There were six quasi-sage powers in the Yaochi Fairyland.

Haotian couldn't figure it out.

What did the Queen Mother do during the few hundred years he was in seclusion? Could it be that he was ignored by the Queen Mother?

"Damn it, what the hell is going on?"

Haotian did not go to Yaochi Fairyland rashly. He was no match for any of the veteran quasi-sages in Yaochi Fairyland.

(aefe) Haotian is worried that Zhen Yuanzi and others will catch him and imprison him. He first wants to know what major events happened during the hundreds of years of seclusion.

In Yaochi Fairyland, in the Peach Garden,

Su Yan was sitting with the Queen Mother, the Xihe daughters, Zhen Yuanzi, Zhulong, and Ancestor Minghe. They all understood what was going on with the demon clan's dispatch. The demon soldiers from the demon clan in the Great Wilderness Beiyuan also wanted to join the Heavenly Court. No, to be precise, they wanted to join Su Yan. Su Yan stood up and said with a cold and serious face,

"Zhen Yuanzi, Zhulong, and Ancestor Minghe, your three armies will be formed into the Southern Immortal Combat Legion of the Ancient Heaven, a 10 million Immortal Combat Legion, and I will provide you with training resources. Zhulong bowed to Su Yan and said,"Your Royal Highness, we will merge the armies into the Southern Immortal Combat Legion. The resources will not be needed. The three of us still have some training resources.""

Zhen Yuanzi stroked his beard and said,

"Your Highness, Zhulong is right, we have the resources to train the Southern Immortal Combat Legion."

Ancestor Minghe said with a smile,

"Yes, we have all survived dozens of guild yuan, and we can afford 10 million military resources."

Ever since Zhulong and the others talked with Su Yan, they believed in what Su Yan said, especially their respective spiritual treasures.

Su Yan could command them at will.

Even if they wanted to control their spiritual treasures, they couldn't.

And Su Yan is also the daughter of Empress Nuwa. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After Zhulong and the other three talked to each other, they guessed that Su Yan should be a descendant from the prehistoric fairy world who became a saint?

They will be Su Yan in the future. Yan's father's subordinates all became Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Regarding these,

Su Yan did not lie to them.

The beating of their souls showed that what Su Yan said was true.

Zhulong and the other three were very excited about this. , they did not dare to express their inner guesses, but they would obey Su Yanyan.

Su Yan nodded and continued,

"Okay, the Southern Immortal Combat Legion relies on three ancestors."

"I remind the three ancestors"

"Southern Immortal Combat Legion, you just borrowed the title of the legion. The real Southern Immortal Combat Legion has the existence of the holy realm. The power of the Southern Immortal Combat Legion is beyond your imagination."

Su Yan wants to form several combat legions.

The armies of the three tribes can be merged into one combat legion.

The demon tribe will form a demon tribe combat legion. The witch tribe will form a witch tribe combat legion.

The immortals from heaven and the immortals recruited in the future can be formed. A combat legion. The

Black Armored Legion, the female fairies of West Kunlun, and the Phoenix Clan. Su Yan plans to set up a guardian legion.

Each legion has ten million.

She will have fifty million immortal armies in her hands. If she does not launch the world In the domain war, the 50 million immortal army was enough for her to unify the ancient immortal world.

At this moment,

Zhen Yuanzi, the three people and the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother were very shocked when they heard Su Yan's words. The real southern immortal combat army actually had the existence of the holy realm. ?

Su Yan's father has a southern immortal combat legion?

What about the other legions?

If there is a southern legion, there will be an eastern, northern, and western immortal combat legion. Are there saint realms in these legions?

Chang Xi asked Su Yan He said,"Yan'er, how many immortal combat legions does your father have?""

Su Yan touched his chin and replied with a smile,

"My father has four major immortal combat legions in the southeast, northwest and northwest, as well as the Tenglong Immortal Combat Legion and the Gray Wolf Immortal Combat Legion.

"There are also the Wu Clan Immortal Combat Legion, the Demon Clan Immortal Combat Legion, and the Xuantian Realm Defense Legion united by all races."

"The others are the Angel Guardian Legion of the Angel Clan, which is my father’s guardian legion, and my Immortal Black Bird Legion, which is my personal combat legion."

"These legions all have the presence of the Holy Realm, and the commanders of each subordinate legion are at least Daluo Jinxian. Except for the Angel Guardian Legion and the Black Bird Legion, the other legions have an army of one billion immortals."

The Queen Mother and the others looked at Su Yan in stunned silence. Su Yan's words made them unbelievable. More than a dozen immortal combat legions?

Tens of billions of immortal armies?

Each legion has the existence of a holy realm?

More than a dozen saints ?

Su Yan's father actually has more than ten saints under his command?

Is this going against heaven?

Chang'e couldn't help but ask,"Yan'er, what level of cultivation is your father?" Is he a saint?".

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