After hearing Maximus's words , all the soldiers in the ten huge phalanxes of the Black Bird Tribe knocked on their weapons and shields and shouted, bang bang bang......

"For the Black Bird Tribe!"

"For the tribe leader!"

"Fight the enemy bravely!"

"Fight the enemy bravely!"

"Fight the enemy bravely!"

Wenina and Alice are also excited at this moment.

With the roar of millions of troops, they can't help but rush to kill with the army.

"In this war, our Black Bird Tribe will definitely win."

"Yes, our army is as powerful as a rainbow, with neat military formations and consistent actions. The army of the Dayan tribe is a ragtag group of people who don’t understand military formations at all."

"I hope the war will go well. We must be wary of the immortal cultivators from the Dayan Tribe. If the immortal cultivators from the Dayan Tribe dare to move out, we will destroy them."

"Well, Alice, you and Natasha have your black armor ready, just in case."

"Okay, the Black Armored Legion is hidden in the rear. We can have the Black Armored Legion dispatched at any time."

"Okay, Maximus is about to attack the Dayan tribe. Qilin is by Maximus's side. We don't have to worry about their safety. Everyone is preparing individually."

Winina and Alice and the girls talked for a while.

They saw that the army was starting to move out. Alice and the girls were also preparing to rob and kill the immortal cultivators of the Great Yan tribe.

Maximus rode on the horse and ordered,"First, The Second, Third, and Fourth Infantry Regiments were dispatched."

Boom boom boom.....

Four hundred thousand infantry regiments walked out of the phalanx, and all the soldiers started to attack with heavy steps.

Maximus said to Qilin,

"Qilin, you go to the cavalry legion. After a while of fighting, you lead two cavalry legions to attack from the flank of the Dayan tribe. The army of Dayan tribe must be dispersed. Qilin replied with a serious face,"Mark, don't worry, with 200,000 elite cavalry, including 40,000 heavy armored cavalry, I will definitely disperse the Dayan tribe's army." Maximus patted Qilin on the shoulder and said,"Okay, I will give you the best opportunity to attack.""

"I went"

"Qilin boy, be careful in the war, don't die"

"Go away, I won’t die even if you die."


Maximus laughed when he heard Qilin's words. He and Qilin can be said to be brothers in need.

In the two teams,

Alice and the girls are Su Chen's women.

Every time Su Chen is with them, besides drinking, That bastard hangs out with those women.

Mark has been with Qilin for the longest time, and

Qilin has always been silent.

Under his influence in the past few years, Qilin is no longer the Qilin brother whose silence is golden.

The leader of the Dayan Tribe waved his hand and ordered loudly,

"Warriors of the Dayan Tribe, rush over to me. We are the tribe of the Human Emperor Shen Nong. We are the most powerful tribe in the human race. For the glory of the Dayan Tribe, we destroyed the Xuanniao Tribe."

"Kill, destroy the Black Bird Tribe"

"They all rushed and destroyed the Xuanniao tribe."

"Warriors of the Rock Tribe, come to me and destroy the Black Bird Tribe. We will get many slaves."

"Kill, the warriors of the Hill Tribe, destroy the Black Bird Tribe for me, and we will get the territory of the Black Bird Tribe."

"For the glory of the Dayan tribe and for the sake of the Human Emperor Shen Nong, the Xuannio tribe was destroyed."

On the Qingfeng Plain, there are 400,000 uniform troops on one side, and five million troops on the other side are charging and killing.

The asymmetric war is about to break out at this moment.

"Shield array!"

Bang bang bang bang.....

The 400,000 Blackbird tribe soldiers immediately stopped and formed a huge shield. Huge shields stood up around the army. Changge stood up like a hedgehog behind the shield formation.

"Archers prepare, three volleys!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Swish swish.....

Forty thousand archers drew their bows and started shooting. Countless arrows shot down the Great Yan tribe's army from the air like arrows.

The high priest hurriedly shouted,"Defense, defend quickly, how come the Black Bird Tribe has so many archers?""

"Ah, my legs, save me!"

"Raise your shield quickly, raise it quickly~"

"Don't be messy, speed up and rush over."

"Save me, save me, I don’t want to yet......"

"Brother Hong, I can't do it anymore, you have to be careful...."

"Dodge, all avoid the shooting of the archers."

Tens of thousands of troops were killed in the front peak of the Dayan tribe in an instant. Some injured soldiers fell to the ground and kept wailing in pain. The leader of the Dayan tribe shouted angrily,"Archers, shoot down the troops of the Black Bird tribe."

The archers of the Dayan Tribe also started to shoot, but the distance was still too far. The bows and arrows of the Dayan Tribe were just ordinary bows. They were not as far away as the archers of the Black Bird Tribe.

"Damn it, how could the archers of the Black Bird Tribe shoot so far? Are all archers cultivators of immortality?"

Clan Chief Dayan saw that the archers' shooting was of no use at all. He became completely angry. He was also an archer.

Why did the archers of the Xuannio Tribe shoot so far? The archers of the Xuannio Tribe were all Immortal cultivators?

Chief Dayan thought and shook his head.

The Xuannio Tribe has only been established for two or three years.

It is impossible for the Xuannio Tribe to have tens of thousands of low-level immortal cultivators.

The Dayan Tribe has only had a few thousand immortal cultivators for tens of thousands of years. He didn’t believe it. There will be tens of thousands of cultivators in the Black Bird Tribe.

The archers on the battlefield are still shooting, and the army of the Great Yan Tribe is about to approach the army of the Black Bird Tribe. A collision between the two armies is imminent.

Maximus waved his hand and ordered," Prepare the shield array and prepare the long-range soldiers."

Bang bang bang bang.....

After the Great Yan Tribe army came into contact with the Xuannio Tribe army, the Dayan Tribe armies were blocked one by one in front of the giant shield.

The soldiers of the Dayan Tribe slashed at their shields one after another, but before they could break the shields, the long swords instantly penetrated their bodies.

For a quarter of an hour, the shield formation of the Black Bird Tribe turned into a meat grinder. Countless soldiers of the Great Yan Tribe were killed in front of the shield formation.

Time passed little by little, and the Qingfeng Plain was almost stained red with blood. Both sides Countless troops are still fighting.

An hour has passed, and the Dayan tribe's troops have suffered heavy casualties. They have not even been able to break through the 400,000-year-old Xuannio tribe's military formation.

However, there were also casualties among the soldiers of the Black Bird Tribe, and more than 50,000 to 60,000 soldiers were killed by the Dayan Tribe army.

There are too many troops in the Dayan Tribe Alliance,

400,000 to 5 million.

The Black Bird Tribe army is surrounded by a black mass of enemies. Even if they are weak, they cannot kill all the enemies.

Maximus saw the situation on the battlefield. The shield formation of the Black Bird Tribe army was about to lose its hold.

Mark ordered with a serious face,

"Soldiers, order the fifth heavy armored regiment to dispatch. We must contain the Great Yan tribe's army from the front, and order the ninth and tenth reserve regiments to prepare for the war."

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief!".

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