When Master Ling Yuan heard the cold woman's voice, his face turned pale.

The Queen Mother of West Kunlun?

Why did the Queen Mother of the West intercept him? Why still kill him? Is it for the leader of the Black Bird Tribe?

Master Ling Yuan hurriedly shouted,

"Queen Mother of the West, I am the clan leader of the Xuannio tribe invited by Chanjiao to kill you. You cannot kill me."


A small mirror suddenly appeared.

The small mirror burst out with a ray of light and enveloped Ling Yuanzhen. Ling Yuanzhen's body quickly shattered.

"No, Queen Mother of the West, don’t kill me. It was Guangchengzi who wanted me to kill the members of the Xuannio tribe......ah!"

When Master Ling Yuan faced the Kunlun Mirror of the Queen Mother of the West, he had no ability to resist.

In just an instant,

Master Ling Yuan was annihilated by the best innate spiritual treasure, and even his soul could not escape.

Xi Kunlun,

Queen Mother of the West Master Ling Yuan shook her head.

Fortunately, she had been paying attention to Su Chen, otherwise the little bastard might have been in danger.

Queen Mother Xi took back the Kunlun Mirror, sighed and whispered,

"Alas, I don't know if Su Chen's involvement in the Human Emperor's War is a blessing or a curse, but Su Chen is her Taoist companion and the only person she cares about. Even if it is a disaster, she and Su Chen have to face it together."

On the shore of the East China Sea,

Jiufeng looked doubtfully at the place where the powerful aura came from.

Who was fighting just now?

Although it only lasted a few breaths, Jiufeng sensed that a quasi-sage had taken action.

Jiufeng checked She didn't find anything. She thought it might be that the quasi-sage passed by and killed an ungrateful person.

"Su Chen, the clan leader of the Xuanniao tribe, is in a bit of trouble." Jiu Feng saw clearly the war on the Qingfeng Plain. The Xuanniao Tribe was founded by Su Chen. Su Chen's tribe defeated the Dayan Tribe. In the future, the human race will have a three-legged situation. What about the Jiuli Tribe? ? Will the Wu clan continue to support the Jiuli tribe? Jiu Feng feels a headache. Su Chen is her Taoist companion, and the Jiuli tribe is the plan of Hou Tu Zu Wu. She doesn’t know who to help. Jiu Feng doesn’t have it in the first place In order to help Chi You and the Jiuli tribe, several great witches from the Wu clan have been dispatched. One more of her is not a lot more, and one less of her is not a lot.

"Damn it, if nothing happens to Su Chen, go to the Six Paths of Reincarnation and ask the Hou Tuzu Witch."

Jiu Feng thought about it and decided to persuade Hou Tu Zu Wu.

If Hou Tu Zu Wu insists on asking the Wu clan to help the Jiuli tribe, she will help Su Chen. Jiu Feng will not let anything happen to Su Chen, and she will not let her The Taoist companions were killed.

A month later, Xuanyuan and Guangchengzi of the Xiong tribe sat together with very ugly faces. In the past month, more than ten tribes have taken refuge in the Xuanniao tribe and went to kill the leader of the Xuanniao tribe. The immortals are also missing, no, they may have been killed. Xuanyuan said angrily,

"Master, the Black Bird Tribe is getting stronger and stronger. The tribes that were wavering before have gone back on their word. All those tribes have allied with the Black Bird Tribe. This is very detrimental to my Bear Tribe."

More than a dozen large tribes have formed an alliance with the Black Bird Tribe. More than

30 million people and tens of millions of troops have joined the Black Bird Tribe.

The Black Bird Tribe is now stronger than the Bear Tribe. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xuanyuan thought that in a short time, if the Black Bird Tribe integrated all the tribes, the Black Bird Tribe would have an army of 20 to 30 million. Only the Bear Tribe would have an army of 30 million.

This is because of the Bear Tribe. All the people are soldiers, and all tribesmen aged from fifteen to forty-five years old join the army.

Guang Chengzi said with a serious face,

"Xuanyuan, the Xuannio tribe may not be simple. There is no news about the Taiyi Golden Immortal I sent to kill the leader of the Xuannio tribe. I guess there is an immortal in the Xuannio tribe, and he may be a powerful immortal. Xuanyuan asked in surprise,

"What? Master, you said there are powerful immortals in the Xuanniao tribe? Will there be a sage sect supporting the Black Bird Tribe? Guangchengzi shook his head and said,"I don't know, Xuanyuan. I want to go back to Chanjiao and ask your ancestor.""

Xuanyuan asked hurriedly,

"Master, if you leave, what will happen to the Black Bird Tribe? Should I continue to allow the Black Bird Tribe to grow stronger? Guangchengzi said, stroking his beard,

"Xuanyuan, the Xuanniao tribe is not your main enemy yet. Your enemy is Chi You and the Jiuli tribe."

"Xuanyuan, don’t you have an adopted daughter? You can marry with the Xuannio Tribe. If the Xuannio Tribe helps you fight against the Jiuli Tribe, your chances of winning in the Human-Emperor War will be very high....."

Guangchengzi felt that it might be a good choice for the Youxiong Tribe to marry the Xuanniao Tribe.

If the Youxiong Tribe had the help of the Xuanniiao Tribe, Xuanyuan would have a powerful boost in the Human-Emperor War.

In a war between ordinary people,

Xuanyuan's army and Xuanniiao's army will defeat the Jiuli tribe, and Chanjiao will also defeat the Wu tribe.

Xuanyuan frowned when he heard Guang Chengzi's words, marriage?

His adopted daughter Nuba?

Xuanyuan does not want to marry the Xuannio tribe, and Nvba cannot marry the chief of the Xuannio tribe. Xuanyuan wants Nvba to marry Yinglong of the Dragon Clan, and he wants the support of the Dragon Clan.

"Master, I want to think about it."

Guangchengzi reminded Su Chen,

"Xuanyuan, you have to think clearly. There is no harm in marrying with the Xuanniao tribe. You have to remember the importance of the Human Emperor’s war. You have to understand that if you cannot prove the Human Emperor, you will die and your tribe will be destroyed. extinguish"

"Master, I will think about it for three days and will give you an answer in three days."

"Okay, I won’t go back to Kunlun Mountain now. I’ll wait for you for three days before going back to Kunlun Mountain."

"Thank you, master!"

Seven days later, Su Chen stood on the high tower of the Black Bird Tribe and looked around.

The Black Bird Tribe is now getting stronger and stronger, and the number of troops is also increasing. If Mark and Alice integrate all the tribes, The Xuanniao tribe has at least 20 million troops.

Su Chen rubbed his chin and thought,

"Xuanyuan should be mad because Luo Nu's influence is really good. More than ten large tribes have taken refuge in the Xuanniao tribe, and the Bear tribe will lose at least 30% of its strength."


Mu Ningxue quickly appeared next to her and asked,"Husband, why are you here."

Su Chen hugged Mu Ningxue's small waist and smiled,

"Ning Xue, I'm thinking about something here. Didn't you go out with Alice and the others?"

Mu Ningxue leaned into Su Chen's arms and replied,"Husband, Alice and Laura went to discuss things with several tribe leaders. I'm not interested in those, so I didn't go there."

"Did the snail girl go too?".

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