The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit is very disappointed with her teacher Tongtian.

Tongtian wants to steal Zhen Yuanzi’s spiritual treasure openly and honestly. Not only will Tongtian be embarrassed in the ancient immortal world, Jiejiao will also be looked down upon by all living beings in the ancient world. I am afraid that Jiejiao’s disciples will not be able to do so in the ancient immortal world in the future. will be isolated.

Yunxiao smoothed her hair and said helplessly,

"The teacher has changed. Since the teacher was killed by Nuwa Empress a year ago, the teacher has always wanted revenge. Zhen Yuanzi's Lingbao can suppress luck. The teacher wants to use Zhen Yuanzi's Book of Earth to replace the Four Swords of Zhuxian. Cutting off luck."

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit shook her head and said with a bitter smile,

"The teacher is too arrogant. The Four Swords of Zhu Xian must be broken by the four saints, but Nuwa alone broke the four swords of Zhu Xian and killed the teacher once. The teacher may not be able to withstand the blow."

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit nodded and said,

"Yes, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian cannot be defeated by the Four Saints or"four or five zero". The teacher's arrogance, the teacher's dignity, and the teacher's face were all destroyed at once by the blow from the Empress Nuwa."

The Holy Mother of Jinling and the six girls from Yunxiao talked for a while. They all looked at the Nantian Gate of Heaven and the confrontation between the nine quasi-sages of heaven and Tongtian. The nine quasi-sages are not Tongtian's opponents, but where is Nuwa?

Nv. Empress Nuwa may also be paying attention to the Heavenly Court.

If their teacher Tongtian dares to take action, Empress Nuwa will definitely kill Tongtian again.

In the prehistoric fairy world, all the saints, quasi-sages, Daluo Jinxian and other immortals understand what Tongtian wants to do.

Seize the soul. Treasure?

A majestic Saint of Heaven wants to snatch the Lingbao, and even openly threatens to rob the Lingbao.

Where is the saint’s face?

Saint Tongtian is like a despicable villain, a shameless person at this moment.

"How could Saint Tongtian do this? Grab the spiritual treasure? Have you lost all the face of the saint?"

"Zhen Yuanzi’s Book of the Earth can suppress luck. Tongtian Sage wanted to use the Book of Earth instead of the Four Swords of Zhuxian to suppress the luck of Jiejiao."

"Hey, this is an open robbery. Zhen Yuanzi refused to give it to Saint Tongtian, and Saint Tongtian actually threatened to rob him. Saint Tongtian completely embarrassed the saint."

"I used to think that Saint Zhunti was shameless, but now I understand that Saint Tongtian is even more shameless than Saint Zhunti."

"Alas, saint, there is a ceiling in the prehistoric immortal world. Even if we know the shamelessness of the saint, there is nothing we can do."

"Let’s take a look, Empress Nuwa will arrive soon. If Saint Tongtian dares to take action, Empress Nuwa will definitely kill Saint Tongtian again.".......

The great masters of the ancient immortal world chatted with each other for a while, and they also paid attention to Nantianmen.

Regarding Tongtian, all the immortals speculated that Tongtian would be tragic in a while.

The heaven was controlled by Su Yan, the daughter of Nuwa Empress, and Zhen Yuanzi was Su Yan. If Tongtian dares to attack Zhen Yuanzi, Empress Nuwa will definitely kill Tongtian again.

At Nantianmen, the Queen Mother's nine quasi-sages resisted Tongtian's terrifying aura.

Tongtian's terrifying saint's aura was oppressive. Only the Queen Mother's nine quasi-sages united to resist the saint's power!

The nine Queen Mothers and Empresses knew that it was impossible to compete with them.

However, the Nine Queen Mothers and Empresses were not timid. Tongtian was a saint, and there were saints behind them. If Tongtian dared to take action, they believed that Nuwa Empress would take action to kill Tongtian.

Tongtian said with a cold face,"Queen Mother, I only want the book of the land, don't force me to kill you."

Tongtian was also very helpless in his heart.

As a saint, he didn't expect that Zhen Yuanzi would disagree, take action?

Tongtian looked at the Queen Mother and the nine Xihe people and did not dare to take action.

The nine Queen Mother and the Nine were all innately powerful.

If Tongtian killed the nine quasi-sages of the Queen Mother, he would get terrible karma.

However, the immortals in the ancient immortal world are paying attention to this place.

If Tongtian leaves in such a dejected manner, he will be disgraced in the ancient immortal world.

The Queen Mother said with a serious face,

"Saint Tongtian, we will not leave. Aren't you afraid of losing face by doing this? You are a saint of the way of heaven. You have taken things by force, threatened and robbed. You have lost the face of a saint of the way of heaven." boom!


Tongtian burst out with a terrifying momentum that sent the nine Queen Mothers flying. Tongtian was furious.

Queen Mother's words made him understand that all living beings in the ancient immortal world would look down on him. Many immortals even talked to each other and scolded him for his face. Sweeping the floor? Shameless? The face of the saint of Tongtian has been wiped out. I am afraid that all living beings will look down on him0

....(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In this case,

Tongtian’s plan will be carried out to the end, and

Zhen Yuanzi’s book of ground must be obtained.

In order to defeat and kill Nuwa, Tongtian didn't care about losing face or what the prehistoric immortals thought.

The Queen Mother and the other nine people looked at Tongtian with pale faces. The saint was too powerful and terrifying. Tongtian's saint's aura could knock them away. The quasi-sage and the saint were incomparable.


Empress Nuwa suddenly appeared at Nantianmen, she said with a cold face,

"Tongtian, what you did has brought shame to the saint. Heaven is not the place you should come to. Go back to your Jin'ao Island, otherwise, I won't mind killing you again. Tongtian shouted with an ugly face,"Nuwa, today's matter is none of your business. You'd better leave.""

Empress Nuwa said coldly,

"None of my business? Tongtian, heaven is my daughter’s heaven, Zhen Yuanzi is the great power of heaven, why is it none of my business? Tongtian reminded Nuwa with an expressionless face,"Nuwa, Heaven is Haotian's Heaven. This is the teacher's personal appointment. Your daughter occupies Heaven. Aren't you afraid of the teacher's blame?""

Empress Nuwa sneered disdainfully,

"Hey, Haotian? Did my daughter take action against Haotian? Did my daughter drive Haotian out of heaven? Zhen Yuanzi's nine quasi-sages, have they taken action against Haotian?"

Tongtian's face turned dark when he heard the words of Nuwa Empress 0.0.

Haotian fled from Heaven.

No powerful man could take action against Haotian.

Haotian escaped because he was worried about being killed by the nine quasi-sages of the Queen Mother.

A majestic Heavenly Emperor, A majestic quasi-sage, Haotian secretly left the heaven as cowardly as a mouse.

A boy is a boy.

Haotian was granted the status of Emperor of Heaven by the ancient Tao of Heaven, and was named the Emperor of Heaven by the Taoist ancestors. Haotian is still a useless

Adou who cannot be supported.

, as timid as a mouse,

Emperor Haotian is virtuous and unworthy of his position.

"Nuwa, I only want Zhen Yuanzi’s land letter, and I can promise Zhen Yuanzi a cause and effect."

Nuwa Empress shook her head and said coldly,"Impossible, Tongtian, leave heaven immediately, don't force me to take action against you."

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