Su Chen was not worried at all about Hongjun's desire to borrow the power of Heaven.

He had communicated with the Ancient Heaven in advance. Hongjun and the four great saints had been abandoned by the Ancient Heaven.

The spokesperson of Heaven?

The prehistoric Heavenly Way no longer needs the spokesmen of the Heavenly Way, and the Heavenly Way will no longer need the Heavenly Way saints. The selfish and selfish Heavenly Way saints are the fundamental harm to the Prehistoric Immortal World. In the future of the Prehistoric Immortal World, there will be Su Chen, no, in the future of the Prehistoric Immortal World, there will be Su Yan, and the Prehistoric Heavenly Way will become more and more important. It is powerful and will become more and more perfect.

Nuwa frowned and asked,"Husband, do you really want Hongjun to borrow the power of heaven?"

Su Chen shook his head and replied,"Don't worry, Hongjun can't borrow the power of heaven.""


"I showed Tiandao some things that happened in later generations. Both Hongjun and the Saint were abandoned by Tiandao. If I had not killed them with my own hands, Tiandao would have stripped away their Hongmeng Purple Qi."

Nu Wa rolled her eyes at Su Chen and said,

"It is unnecessary for you. The prehistoric heaven will deprive them of their Hongmeng Purple Qi. Hongjun and the four great saints will fall into the holy realm. Wouldn't it be easier for us to kill them?"

"Nuwa, I have not killed Hongjun in future generations, and I don’t know what little world Hongjun is hiding in. This time, I will personally kill Hongjun completely in this period."

Nu Wa said helplessly,"Forget it, I hope it will go smoothly and nothing will happen."

At this moment,

Hongjun has a bad premonition, but he is still the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao, and he also controls some authority of Heavenly Dao. Why is Su Chen not worried about him using the power of Heavenly Dao?


Hongjun needs to borrow the power of Heavenly Dao to communicate with the ancient Heavenly Dao. Jun's aura became more and more powerful, and Hongjun, who was in the sixth level of the Holy Realm, was about to be promoted to the seventh level of the Holy Realm.


Hongjun's aura of being promoted suddenly disappeared. He was still a saint in the sixth level of the Holy Realm.

"how so? Why does the power of heaven disappear? Why can't the old Taoist borrow the power of heaven?"


Su Chen took a step forward, and his cultivation realm instantly became the eighth level of the holy realm.

Su Chen violated the rules of destiny and heaven again, but he was not worried.

What Su Chen faced was a saint, or five powerful ones. Saint,

Qiyun Tiandao knew that he violated the rules, and Qiyun Tiandao didn't dare to say anything. Su Chen had the ability to destroy Qiyun Tiandao, and Qiyun Tiandao should also be afraid of him destroying it.

"Space prison!"

Su Chen waved his hand and imprisoned Hongjun.

He wanted to deal with the four great saints first, and then completely kill the old bastard Hongjun.

Su Chen said to Nuwa,"Madam, Yuan Yuan, Zhunti, Jie Yin, you Contain them for a while first, don't kill them, I will deprive them of the Hongmeng Purple Qi later"

"I see!"

Nu Wa nodded to Su Chen.

This bastard was too powerful.

Hongjun from the Sixth Heaven of Saints was instantly imprisoned. Nuwa didn't know if Hongjun could escape from the space prison.

But as long as they had a little time,

Nuwa and Su Chen will kill the four great saints, but Hongjun will die even if he escapes from the prison in space.

Nuwa took out the ice and snow lotus and said coldly,"Original, Zhunti, Jie Yin, let's fight."

Yuan, Zhunti, and Yin, the four people in Tongtian looked very ugly.

Is Hongjun here to make a joke? What can he say to deal with Su Chen? What can he say that Su Chen is evenly matched and will not be defeated? Let them work together to kill Nuwa.

This Will they not be defeated?

Su Chen trapped Hongjun with just a wave of his hand. How could the four saints face Su Chen and Nuwa?

They were dead when facing Su Chen, and there was another person with half-step of Chaos next to him. Lingbao’s Nuwa, the four of them are dead and without life.


Yuan Yuan, Zhunti, and the other three took out their spiritual treasures and prepared to fight.

They can't escape.

If they don't want to die, the three saints can only defeat Nuwa.

They also hope that old bastard Hongjun can escape and save them.

"damn it."

Tongtian's hands are trembling.

Nuwa has to deal with the original three people.

What about him? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Is he going to face Su Chen?

Su Chen can kill him in one glance. , Tongtian is doomed whether he resists or not.

Boom boom boom....

Nuwa took the ice and snow lotus and fought with the original three people. The evil energy of chaos continued to surge, and the violent evil energy shattered and dissipated the surrounding chaotic rocks.

Su Chen looked at the battle between Nuwa and the three saints.

He looked at Tongtian and asked,"Tongtian, do you have any last words?"

"The Zhuxian Sword Formation rises!"

Tongtian didn't answer Su Chen.

He waved his hand and set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation.


He didn't want to fall.

Since becoming a saint,

Tongtian was one of the most powerful people in the prehistoric immortal world. How could he want to fall? He just had a glimmer of hope. He has to fight for it, he has to resist in order to escape death0...


Su Chen still wanted to resist when he saw Tongtian. He waved his hand and pointed at Tongtian's Zhuxian Sword Formation and shouted,"Zhuxian Sword, Absolute Immortal Sword, Killing Immortal Sword, Trapping Immortal Sword, Zhuxian Formation, come here!"


Tongtian had just arranged the Zhuxian Sword Formation, but before he activated the Zhuxian Sword Formation to attack Su Chen, the Four Zhuxian Swords and the formation diagram suddenly flew towards Su Chen uncontrollably.

"How can it be?"

Tongtian looked at Su Chen in disbelief.

How could the Four Swords of Zhu Xian and the formation fly into Su Chen's hands? He had completely refined the Four Swords and the formation of Zhu Xian. How could Su Chen control his Four Swords of Zhu Xian and the formation? ?

"space bound! deprivation!"

Su Chen waved his hand to trap Tongtian with the law of space. He waved his hand to deprive Tongtian of the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

A little scum in the Holy Realm.

Su Chen didn't want to delay.

There were four saints who wanted to deprive them of the Hongmeng Purple Qi. Su Chen had no time to deal with the arrogant Tong Tian.

Tong Tian was restrained and shouted in panic,"No, damn it, Su Chen, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you.""

Su Chen said with a cold face,

"Tongtian, 0.5 after three breaths, your Hongmeng Purple Qi will be deprived of you. Don't blame me. From the moment you deal with my daughter, you will definitely die. Don't worry, other saints will follow you. Tongtian shouted with a pale face,"Su Chen, the ancient heaven will not let you go. We are the saints of the heaven. If you kill us, you will also be killed by the ancient heaven.""

Su Chen reminded disdainfully,

"Saint of heaven? Isn't I a saint of heaven? Did I kill me? Has the prehistoric heaven sent down thunder and punishment?"

Tongtian shouted hurriedly,

"Damn it, don’t take away my Hongmeng Purple Qi, Su Chen, I can hand over my soul to you to control, let me go."

"Tongtian, death is your only ending. There is no need for saints in the prehistoric immortal world, so you should completely perish."


"Space disappears, goodbye, Lord Tongtian!".

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