Su Yan looked at Shennong with disdain.

She came secretly to kill Shennong and Fuxi this time. Su Yan just wanted to kill the two human emperors with her own hands. The human emperor could only be her father, and no one else was worthy of being the human emperor.

Shennong said calmly,"Empress, do it!"

Shennong knew that he could not escape.

Empress Su Yan came to kill him and Fuxi in person. Shennong guessed that there were quasi-sages hiding around, and there might be more than one. The quasi-sages in heaven would not Let Su Yan be in danger on the battlefield.

Su Yan waved his hand, and the Five Elements Spiritual Orb appeared instantly, and a terrifying aura erupted and enveloped Shennong.

"Shen Nong, the Human Emperor can only be my father. If you want to blame me, I blame you for being chosen as the Human Emperor by the saint. Shennong pointed to the sky and shouted,"Empress, I was born a human emperor, not a saint who chose me to be a human emperor.""

"Humph, if there is no saint, you are just a fart, born to be a human emperor"two or seventy-seven"? Just keep dreaming, Mie!" boom!


Shennong shouted and his body was instantly shattered and dissipated, boom!

"No, don’t destroy my Yuan....."

The Five Elements Spiritual Pearl quickly strangled Shennong's soul.


Su Yan saw that Shennong was killed instantly.

She looked at Fuxi in the distance.

The red hydrangea was still killing Fuxi. In less than a quarter of an hour, Fuxi would be completely killed.


The prehistoric fairyland was shaken again. When he got up, the blood rain falling from the sky became heavier and heavier.

The war on the Yellow River Plain also stopped.

The pouring blood rain made it impossible for the war to continue.

Su Yan looked up to the nine heavens and whispered,"Be good, four saints have been destroyed." Kill, dad and Aunt Nuwa are really fierce, there is only one saint left, Hongjun should be the last one left."

At this time, in the chaos, after Su Chen destroyed Yuanshi Tianzun, he handed over all the spiritual treasures he got to Nuwa.

Nuwa accepted all the spiritual treasures and asked,"Husband, Hongjun is the only one left, we have to take action. Destroy him?"

Su Chen hugged Nuwa's soft waist and said,"Destroy, of course we must destroy Hongjun."

"Then destroy Hongjun"


Su Chen waved his hand, and Hongjun was released from the prison of space.

"Su Chen, I didn’t expect that you had reached great success in cultivating the laws of space. But you can’t kill the old Taoist yet!"

After Hongjun appeared, he hurriedly took out the jade butterfly.

He also sensed that the four great saints of Yuanshi Tianzun were killed. Hongjun didn't care at all about the fall of the four great saints.

Su Chen said disdainfully,"Hongjun, I want to kill you. , you can’t hide, you can’t escape"

"Zixiao Palace!"


A huge palace appeared instantly, and

Hongjun quickly disappeared into the palace.

The Zixiao Palace, half a step away from the Chaos Spiritual Treasure, was

Hongjun's last resort to save his life. For thousands of years, Hongjun used the stolen source of heaven to advance his defense. Lingbao, Hongjun had to blow up Zixiao Palace to escape today in order to survive. Hongjun is no match for Su Chen and Nuwa, but he can break through the chaos and hide in an unknown small world.

"Su Chen, Nuwa, half-step Chaos Spiritual Treasure self-destructs in the chaos, you will be overwhelmed by the self-destruction of Zixiao Palace, and you will also be annihilated by the terrifying evil energy of chaos, haha~."

Su Chen hurriedly activated the law of time and shouted,

"Time pauses! Nuwa, attack Zixiao Palace quickly. You must not let Zixiao Palace explode. Otherwise, the prehistoric fairyland will be impacted by the evil energy of chaos, and countless creatures in the prehistoric fairyland will be killed or injured."


Nuwa Empress quickly used Ice and Snow Lotus to attack Zixiao Palace.

She did not expect that Hongjun was so insidious. Hongjun would use Zixiao Palace to self-destruct to escape. If

Zixiao Palace self-destructed,

Nuwa and Su Chen would escape, but the prehistoric fairy world What?

The prehistoric fairy world may suffer heavy losses, and all the creatures in the prehistoric fairy world will be wiped out by the evil energy of chaos.

"Archangel, attack Zixiao Palace."

Su Chen waved his hand and released the Archangel and ordered that he would use the law of time to immobilize the Zixiao Palace and explode himself.

Su Chen could only ask the Archangel to help Nuwa attack the Zixiao Palace. As long as the Zixiao Palace was shattered, that old Yin Hongjun would be destroyed. If he is dead, Su Chen will torture Hongjun to death.

"Yes, master!"

Boom boom~

The ice lotus and the archangel kept attacking the Zixiao Palace, and the Zixiao Palace was shaken violently by the attack.

"Chaos spirit treasure? It's still a living Chaos Spiritual Treasure, damn it, this bastard actually used a beautiful woman as a Spiritual Treasure, and even upgraded it to the level of a Chaos Spiritual Treasure."

When Empress Nuwa saw the archangel appear, her expression was very bad. She was a living chaotic spirit treasure, or a very beautiful woman with a bumpy figure.

Is this a spirit treasure?

Or is it Su Chen's woman?

"I'll settle the score with that bastard later0...."

Nuwa Empress waved her hand and took out the God-killing Spear to attack Zixiao Palace.

Now was not the time to cause trouble with Su Chen. After killing Hongjun,

Nuwa had time to settle accounts with Su Chen.

Time passes little by little. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Zixiao Palace was also attacked and cracks appeared. It won’t be long before the Zixiao Palace will be shattered and dissipated by the attack.

"Damn it, the law of time? Su Chen not only knows the laws of space, he also knows the laws of time."

Hongjun became anxious.

Zixiao Palace was his last resort.

If Zixiao Palace was shattered, Hongjun would be killed instantly when facing Su Chen and Nuwa.

Su Chen saw that Zixiao Palace began to crack. , it won’t take long for it to break. He looked at Zixiao Palace and his face became cold.

He did not underestimate Hongjun, but Hongjun still surprised him.

The old yin is indeed an old yin.

During the Conferred God Period,

Hongjun Jun used Zixiao Palace to open up a ruined fairyland. This time he wanted to blow up Zixiao Palace and wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

"The law of fire is blazing!"


A fire suddenly broke out in the Zixiao Palace.

The fire of law was more terrifying than the real fire of Samadhi 3.1. The Zixiao Palace was instantly burned red.

"Create a jade butterfly and merge it into the Zixiao Palace for me."

Hongjun hurriedly integrated the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly into the Zixiao Palace.

The Zixiao Palace cannot be broken.

Although the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly is a half-step chaos spiritual treasure, compared to his life and death, Hongjun had to give up the Good Fortune Jade to save his life.

"Hum, dying struggle!"

Su Chen did not expect that Hongjun would abandon the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly.

The Good Fortune Jade Butterfly integrated into the Zixiao Palace, which can only delay a little time. If the Archangel explodes with all its strength, the Archangel of the Chaos Lingbao will crush the Zixiao Palace in a quarter of an hour.

Boom boom boom.....

Suddenly, streaks of black thunder struck from the prehistoric starry sky toward the Zixiao Palace,

"Let me go, the ancient heaven actually dropped the Zixiao Divine Thunder to bombard the Zixiao Palace. The ancient heaven must have discovered Hongjun’s intention."

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