【There are still a few chapters left until the end of the Human-Emperor War. Next, we will go to the Hongmeng World. Should we continue writing about the Hongmeng World? Or should I end this book and start a new one about Hongmeng World? I hope everyone will leave a message]

Su Chen smiled when he heard Tiantian Angel’s words.

Tiantian Angel still looks innocent and is still ignorant about men and women.

This is not bad.

Su Chen likes such an archangel very much, and he also likes it very much. I like Tai Angel’s flaming red lips.

In the space barrier, a seductive voice suddenly came out.

There was no sound, no light, and no movement in the chaos, but a special romance was happening in a small space barrier.

Five days later, the war on the Yellow River Plain was still going on.

Less than 100 million of the 400 million troops of the Bear Tribe remained. The vast Yellow River Plain was full of corpses, broken limbs, and the sounds of fighting and shouting. The land on the Yellow River plain has been flowing with blood since the beginning of time.

In the big tent of the Bear Tribe,

Xuanyuan stared at the war on the battlefield with red eyes.

For five days,

Xuanyuan had not rested and watched the war on the battlefield.

He watched the troops of the Bear Tribe being slaughtered, and watched the soldiers of the Bear Tribe. Soldiers from the army kept escaping, watching the troops of the Bear Tribe retreat on the battlefield.

Yanshan said to Xuanyuan,

"Patriarch, you should run away. The Bear Tribe is going to be finished. The young men of the Bear Tribe will be slaughtered. The war between the Human Emperor and the Emperor will not turn around. The Patriarch is a cultivator in the Divination Realm, so he should be able to escape. Xuanyuan took a sip of wine and said,"Elder, we can't escape. Even the disciples of the three religions can't escape. Can I, a cultivator of immortality, escape?""

"Patriarch, some disciples of the three religions have also escaped. You will definitely die if you stay, but there is still a chance of survival if you escape."

Xuanyuan laughed crazily and said,

"Haha, it’s impossible. The quasi-sages of the three religions and Daluo Jinxian who escaped will be hunted down by the powerful men in heaven. There is no place for the disciples of the three religions in the prehistoric immortal world. In a few days, those disciples of the three religions who escaped will be chased. Kill them."

Xuanyuan saw the quasi-sage from heaven chasing down the escaped disciples of the three religions.

Maybe within a few days, the escaped disciples of the three religions would be beheaded and massacred. There is no possibility that the disciples of the three religions would escape.

Elder Yanshan whispered to Xuanyuan ,"Clan Chief, there is one more thing. Your guard commander Zhushan sent more than a hundred of your women to the Black Bird Tribe.

Xuanyuan roared angrily,"What?" That damn bastard, I'm going to tear Zhushan into pieces."

Xuanyuan didn't expect that Zhushan didn't kill his women and send them to the Xuanniao tribe? Did that bastard use his women to surrender to the city? Did he want Su Chen to insult his women?

"Chief, Zhushan has been executed by the Xuannio tribe."

"A good death, a good death. I still wouldn't be willing to die without that bastard who cut his body into pieces with my own hands."

Xuanyuan looked at the camp of the Xuanniao tribe and felt unwilling.

The Human Emperor's war failed, and the army suffered heavy casualties.

The immortal army was either killed or fled.

Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, he will die too, and he may be killed. The Xuannio tribe executed them late.

In the ruins of Buzhou Mountain,

Su Chen and Tiantian appeared here.

Su Chen looked at the ruins of Buzhou Mountain and shook his head. The Tianzhu of Buzhou Mountain in the ancient fairy world collapsed, and the innate spiritual energy turned into acquired spiritual energy. The ancient heavenly way It was also weakened a lot.

The archangel asked doubtfully,"Master, what are we doing here?""

Su Chen touched the archangel's delicate face and said,

"Archangel, I have never been to the Buzhou Mountain ruins. I will come and take a look today when I have time."

The archangel looked around and felt that there was no point in coming here. The place was deserted, the spiritual energy was very thin, and the surrounding creatures were all races with inferior cultivation levels.


Su Chen suddenly noticed that a quasi-saint came over here, and he looked embarrassed.

"Master, let me go and he comes over."

Su Chen waved his hand and said,

"Wait, Archangel, let’s hide our cultivation realm and hide our cultivation realm to the Golden Immortal."

Su Chen found that there was another Quasi-Saint behind the Quasi-Saint, and he knew that Quasi-Saint.

Jiu Feng!

Hot Girl should be chasing the escaped Quasi-Saint.

The archangel hid his cultivation and said,"Yes, Master!"

After a while, a man in black appeared in Buzhou Mountain in an instant.

He looked at Su Chen and Archangel without paying attention. They were two scumbag golden immortals. The man in black looked back and was very helpless. It has been five days since he was in the ancient world. After five days of running away,

Jiu Feng has been chasing him.

The ancient immortal world is vast, but the man in black has nowhere to escape. Jiu Feng has been chasing him for three days. If it takes a few more days, there may be more than ten The quasi-sage came to hunt him down, and the man in black regretted agreeing to the saint.

"Get out or die!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Chen sat on the archangel's shoulder and said coldly,"`~Get out? Damn it, I've never gotten out of here before, you ugly monster, do you want to die?"

Boom! Bang!

The man in black waved his hand and slapped Su Chen and the archangel.

A golden light flashed in the archangel's eyes. The man in black was shocked and vomited blood and flew hundreds of miles backward.

Whoosh, the archangel and Su Chen appeared in an instant. Beside Hei, the giant sword of the archangel was thrust into the chest of the man in black.

The man in black asked in fear,"Who are you?""

Su Chen curled his lips and said disdainfully,"Zhazha, you are not qualified to know."

"damn it!"

The man in black is desperate.

Su Chen and the Archangel are very frightened.

He is now suppressed by the Archangel's giant sword and can't escape even if he wants to. Jiufeng can chase him in a few breaths. He will definitely die today, and he can't escape." Both body and soul will be destroyed and beheaded.


Jiufeng appeared instantly and shouted,

"Su Chen, why are you here, you bastard? Who is the tall woman next to me? You actually found a woman who is three meters tall? (Wang Wang Zhao) Have you surrendered? Su

Chen threatened with a dark face,"Jiu Feng, is your butt itchy again?" Do you still want to be beaten by me?"


Jiu Feng blushed and didn't want to talk to this bastard. She was worried that Su Chen would slap her butt again.

This bastard not only had a soft spot for her long legs, but also missed her butt.

Jiu Feng thought of Su Chen's love for her. After being forced to do those embarrassing things, she couldn't help but want to escape.

Su Chen patted the archangel on the shoulder and said,"Archangel, kill the man in black.""

"Yes, master!"


The archangel's flaming sword suddenly burst into blazing flames. Before the man in black could scream, he was burned physically and mentally by the blazing flames on the flaming sword.

Su Chen hugged Jiufeng's small waist Said,"Jiu Feng, your prey was killed by me, you must reward me. I still like to serve you with your long, white and smooth legs.""

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