Lu Xiaofeng and Ximen Chuixue were very surprised.

Cultivation world?

Fairyland? is this real?

They suddenly thought that Su Chen had not appeared for more than ten years, and Su Chen's women had not appeared in the world again. Could it be that Su Chen took his women to the world of immortality or immortality?

Ximen Chuixue and Fu Hongxue looked at each other.

They were called to Xuannian Palace more than ten years ago.

Concubine Yan and Hua Baifeng asked them to stay in Xuannian Palace and tell other friends that they would always stay in Xuannian Palace for retreat. Fu Hongxue Ximen Chuixue did not want to stay in Xuannio Palace and refused.

Did Concubine Yan and Hua Baifeng ask them to prepare to go to the immortal cultivator and the immortal world at that time


Fu Hongxue hurriedly asked Su Chen,

"Su Chen, more than ten years ago, Concubine Yan and my mother asked us to stay in Xuannio Palace and told our friends that we would not appear in the world again. Did they ask us to go to the world of immortality at that time?"

Su Chen took a breath and smiled,

"Yes, the world of immortality and the world of immortality are secrets and cannot be exposed at that time. Fu Hongxue, do you know Bai Feifei? She is now at the level of Golden Immortal, and Bai Feifei can blow you into hypocrisy with just one breath."

Fu Hongxue and Lu Xiaofeng were frightened.

Bai Feifei called Fu Hongxue a hypocrite in one breath?

So terrifying?

What is the realm of Golden Immortal?

Has Bai Feifei become an immortal?

Lu Xiaofeng asked hurriedly,"Golden Immortal? Su Chen, what is the realm of Bai Feifei's Golden Immortal?"

Xiao Yu took a sip of wine and said,

"Golden Immortal is the realm of cultivation in the immortal world. The realms of warriors and above are the realms of immortal cultivators, which are the Golden Elixir Realm, Nascent Soul Realm, Out-of-Orifice Realm, Dividing Spirit Realm, Fusion Realm, Cave Void Realm, Mahayana Realm and Overcoming Tribulation Realm."

"The realm of cultivation in the immortal world is divided into: Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, Xuan Immortal, Golden Immortal, Taiyi Golden Immortal, Daluo Golden Immortal, Quasi-Sage, and Saint. Among them, Saints are divided into twelve levels of the Holy Realm, one level and one ascending to the sky."

Lu Xiaofeng, Huamanlou, Ximen Chuixue, Sikong Zhaixing, Fu Hongxue, all five of them were silent.

It's too scary.

Bai Feifei has really become an immortal.

Bai Feifei is much higher than them in cultivation realm.

In one breath?

Bai Feifei I'm afraid that if they burst out even a little bit, they will all be shocked into hypocrisy.

Fu Hongxue asked hurriedly,"Su Chen, what level of cultivation is my mother?""

"Your mother, Hua Baifeng, is the Great Luo Jin (aeae) Immortal. In less than a thousand years, your mother will be promoted to Quasi Saint! Fu

Hongxue asked confusedly,

"Damn it, my mother is Daluo Jinxian? Will he be promoted to quasi-sage in less than a thousand years? Su Chen, how old is my mother?"

Su Chen patted Fu Hongxue on the shoulder and said,

"Your mother's age has increased by more than ten years. However, your mother has spent millions of years practicing in the time barrier. The time in the time barrier does not affect real time."

Su Chen didn't tell Fu Hongxue that Bai Feng was nearby.

He was also speechless to Hua Baifeng.

In order to keep the secrets of Shenyu Continent and Xuantian Realm, Hua Baifeng really didn't tell Fu Hongxue.

If he hadn't come to Tianxuan Continent, ,

Su Chen didn’t know Fu Hongxue and Lu Xiaofeng, and they didn’t know there was a world of cultivating immortals and a world of immortals.

Lu Xiaofeng and others were his only friends, and

Su Chen also wanted them to go to the realm of cultivating immortals and the world of immortals to practice.

"Millions of years? My heaven!"

Fu Hongxue is about to faint.

Although the time of the time barrier does not affect the actual age, his mother has spent millions of years. After millions of years, does his mother still remember his son?

Xiao Yu reminded with a smile Tao, (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Fu Hongxue, you don’t have to worry that your mother will forget you."

"Since your mother went to the fairy world, she, Yaoyue, Madam Yedi, Jellyfish Yinji and other women have been in seclusion in the time barrier. If your mother comes out of seclusion, she will definitely take you to the fairy world.

Sikong Zhaixing asked Su Chen,"Su Chen, what level of cultivation are you at?""

"The eighth level of the holy realm!"

"Holy shit!"

Sikong Zhaixing and Lu Xiaofeng are really about to faint.

The most powerful immortal in the immortal world is in the holy realm, and

Su Chen is actually in the eighth level of the holy realm. Could it be that Su Chen is also the top existence in the fairy world?

Xiaoyu raised his hand Wine Glass said to everyone,

"You don’t need to ask anymore. If you go to the Shenyu Continent and the Immortal World where you cultivate immortals, you will know everything about me. When the time comes, you must not be frightened, and don’t dare to talk to me because of my identity. We are very good friends after all."

Lu Xiaofeng and Fu Hongxue heard what Su Chen said.

They guessed that Su Chen's status in the Immortal Cultivation Realm and the Immortal World was probably not low, and his status might be similar to that of Tianxuan Continent.

Lu Xiaofeng:"Oh, even if you are the Emperor of Heaven in the Immortal Realm, so are we. My friend, maybe because of your relationship, no one in the fairy world dares to offend us."

Sikong Zhaixing:"Yes, after we go to the immortal world and the fairy world, we still need your identity protection. We don't want to be eaten by monsters when we go to the fairy world. Fu

Hongxue:"Drink, cultivate the world of immortality and the immortal world!" Let’s go to the world of cultivating immortals first, and then go to the fairy world. Hua

Manlou:"Yes, cultivating immortals can lead to a long lifespan, and becoming immortals can lead to endless lifespans. We must become immortals.""

Ximen Chuixue:"We want to become powerful in the world of cultivating immortals and the fairy world. I want to become a powerful sword immortal."

Su Chen and Lu Xiaofeng drank all day long.

He also talked to Lu Xiaofeng and the other five about many things. The cultivation rules of each small world are different, the development of civilization is different in each world, and there are different races in each world.

Chapter The next day,

Su Chen disappeared without a trace.

After Lu Xiaofeng and the other two sobered up, they would go to the Xuantiao Palace and then go to the Shenyu Continent through the teleportation array.

On a large mountain,

Su Chen, Mi Hua, Bai Jing, Hua Baifeng, The four girls of Dai Qisi, they have seen the snow-capped mountains, the prairie, and the sea in the past few days. After more than ten days of travel,

Su Chen was very happy both physically and mentally.

The four girls of Mihua became immortal queens, each one more beautiful than the other. Beautiful, each one plumper and more attractive than the other.

Dai Qisi adjusted her dress and asked with a blush,"Husband, where else are we going?""

Su Chen hugged Dai Qisi and kissed her and said,

"Let's go to Yihua Palace and Cihang Jingzhai. I'm going back to the Xuantian Realm. The realm war has begun. Nuwa, the Ice and Snow Queen, and Luo Hu, the three of them don't know if they can kill the Beast King Shen Ni."

Dai Qisi said while nestling in Su Chen's arms,

"This is fine, the Beast King Shen Ni has been killed, our Xuantian Realm is the most powerful existence in the chaotic world, and no other realm dares to offend our Xuantian Realm."

Su Chen stroked Dai Qisi's plump body.

He looked at the white phoenix, which was still sleeping.

Su Chen found that Bai Jing and Mi Hua had not come back yet, and he did not check what Bai Jing and Mi Hua had done.

"Where is Bai Jing? Where did she and Mihua go yesterday?".

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