Su Chen hugged the plump waist of Queen Mother Xi and said,"Sister, brother, I won't see you for hundreds of years. I'm worried that you will forget brother." The ruthless empress rolled her eyes at Su Chen and said,"It's just Do you think I will forget you in a few hundred years?"

Su Chen said awkwardly,"Ahem, my brother will miss you if I can't see you in a few hundred years." The ruthless empress held Su Chen's hand and said,

"Brother, hundreds of years will pass in a blink of an eye, and you will see me when you leave seclusion."

The ruthless empress knew in her heart that after her brother Su Chen came out of seclusion, he would probably go to Hongmeng World involuntarily.

The ruthless empress guessed that Su Chen was afraid of not having time to say goodbye to her, and her brother wanted to come and see her before going into seclusion. , or maybe he came to say goodbye to her in advance.

The Hongmeng World is a terrifying world filled with powerful people.

The ruthless empress is worried that something will happen to Su Chen, but for the sake of all the creatures in the Chaos World, Su Chen must go to the Hongmeng World. , her brother is responsible for the life and death of the Chaos World.

Will the Chaos World be destroyed in the future or will it continue?Now, everything depends on her brother Su Chen.

Liu Shen poured a cup of tea for Su Chen and asked,"Husband, are you going to start seclusion?"

"Well, in 3930 days, I will start retreating."

Su Chen nodded to Liu Shen.

There are still three days.

Ten years have passed.

Su Chen has accompanied all his women.

He can no longer continue to have sex with women, for all his women, for his four Daughter, for the sake of all the creatures in the Xuantian Realm and for the Chaos World not to be destroyed, Su Chen must go to the Hongmeng World. The system reminded him that if Su Chen went to the Hongmeng World, the system would be upgraded successfully, and the Chaos Avenue He has been observing him, well, the thinking Chaos Avenue has been spying on him for ten years.

If the system had not said that Chaos Avenue is a female avenue, Su Chen would not be able to help but kill Chaos Avenue.


From now on, he is not from Chaos Avenue now. The opponent,

Chaos Avenue, is three realms higher than him. A large realm has twelve small realms, a total of thirty-six small realms. Su Chen felt his scalp numb just thinking about it. The ruthless empress asked worriedly," Brother, can you advance to the twelfth level of the Holy Realm within a thousand years?"

Su Chen took a sip of tea and smiled and said, (aedb)"Okay, I will leave a whole source of the Heavenly Dao I gave you, and I also have other cultivation resources in my hand. In about five hundred years, I can Promoted to the Twelfth Heaven of the Holy Realm"

"About five hundred years?"

The Ruthless Empress and Liu Shen, the Queen Mother of the West were very surprised. They will be promoted to the twelfth level of the Holy Realm in about five hundred years. Is this possible?

Su Chen is now the eighth level of the Holy Realm, and there are four more realms.

The Holy Realm One by one, the Chaos Demon God wanted to advance to a higher realm. It would take them millions or even tens of millions of years. The three girls did not expect that Su Chen would advance to four realms in about five hundred years.

Su Chen stroked Queen Mother Xi smiled and said,

"Well, you don’t have to be surprised. I am currently at the eighth level of the holy realm, but I can advance to the tenth level of the holy realm at any time. I just keep suppressing my cultivation realm."

The ruthless empress asked doubtfully,"Brother, the reason why you have never been promoted before is because of the ladder and because of Murong Qingcheng. Why do you still suppress your cultivation realm now?"

"I am not suppressing the realm of cultivation, I am trying to break through to the twelfth level of the holy realm in one fell swoop.

Liu Shen said speechlessly,"Breaking through to the twelfth level of the Holy Realm in one fell swoop?" Husband, you are really shocking. With a blush on his face

, Xihuang Shen grabbed Su Chen's hand and said,"Husband, why are you doing this?" Isn’t it good to advance one realm at a time?"

"I advanced to a level of cultivation once and needed to stay in seclusion for decades to stabilize my state. I didn’t want to go into seclusion so I didn’t make a breakthrough."

The Ruthless Empress, Liu Shen, and the Queen Mother of the West shook their heads speechlessly. They didn't expect that Su Chen didn't break through and advance because he didn't want to retreat. Every time Su Chen did it, they couldn't imagine it.

Suddenly, a soft voice came. In Su Chen’s mind,

【Su Chen, can you advance to the twelfth level of the Holy Realm in about five hundred years? 】

Su Chen looked into the air with a dark face,

Chaos Avenue, a peeping avenue,

Chaos Avenue asked him what he meant?

Is there anything wrong with him going to Hongmeng World in advance?

Su Chen asked,"Dao Dao, what do you mean by asking me?" (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The ruthless empress, Liu Shen, and the Queen Mother of the West were very shocked,

Dao Dao of Chaos?

The Avenue of Chaos has arrived?

Why don't they feel oppressed by their aura? Didn't you feel the terrifying aura around you?

But Su Chen couldn't be talking nonsense.

They guessed that Chaos Avenue was in contact with Su Chen.

【Su Chen, if you went to Hongmeng World five hundred years ago, Chaos Avenue would give you a gift, a gift that would allow you to survive three dangers in Hongmeng World.】


【It’s true. As long as someone above Hongmeng Supreme takes action, you will have three chances to save your life.】

"Thank you. In five hundred years, I will be promoted to the twelfth level of the Holy Realm, and I will also go to the Hongmeng World."

【Su Chen, you are different. The destruction and survival of the chaotic world all depend on you. See you in five hundred years. 】

Su Chen curled his lips and hugged the Queen Mother of the West and leaned on the soft couch.

The Avenue of Chaos really regarded him as the hope of the world of chaos.

The three life-saving opportunities should be the same as the three life-saving monkey hairs given by Guanyin Bodhisattva to Sun Wukong.

The Avenue of Chaos Su Chen guessed that if Dao didn't want him to appear in Hongmeng World, he would be killed by the strong men of Hongmeng World.

Su Chen stood up with Queen Mother Xi in her arms and said,"Sister, ladies, I'm going to retreat."

"Well, brother, don’t be impatient, let everything take its course."

"Husband, you can rest assured that we will manage Xuantian Realm well."

"Husband, we are waiting for you to come out of seclusion."

The ruthless empress, Liu Shen, and the three daughters of the Western Emperor mother, they guessed what Chaos Dao talked to Su Chen. They may have urged Su Chen to retreat as soon as possible. Su Chen wanted to retreat as soon as possible to break through the realm of cultivation.

"I see!"

Su Chen hugged the Queen Mother of the West and kissed her hard, and then he hugged Liu Shen and kissed her hard.


Su Chen awkwardly hugged the ruthless empress's delicate body, and he patted the ruthless empress's back. Back.

Su Chen instantly disappeared into the forbidden area of ​​Nanling.

The ruthless empress blushed and whispered,"Brother, see you in five hundred years.""


Xuantian Realm, Merlot Heavenly Court.

A terrifying aura enveloped the Emperor's Palace, and the golden protective shield prevented anyone from getting close. The indifferent voice of Heavenly Dao in the Xuantian Realm spread to all living beings,

【The Emperor of Heaven is in seclusion, and no one can approach the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven. Anyone who violates this rule will be destroyed physically and mentally! 】.

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