Su Chen lifted Shangguan Xuefei's fair chin and said,

"Shangguan Xuefei, if you know too many secrets, you will be silenced. Do you still want to know? Shangguan

Xuefei snorted coldly and said,

"Hum, you won't kill me.

Su Chen asked in surprise,"Oh?" Shangguan Xuefei, why won't I kill you?"

"Because I am a beauty!"

"I'll do it! You are so beautiful!"

"Su Chen, don't forget to kiss me. Will you kill me?"

Shangguan Xuefei sat on the stone next to her.

She was still uneasy.

Shangguan Xuefei was not worried that Su Chen would kill her to silence her.

She just couldn't understand why

Su Chen was a very terrifying strong man. Why would he hide his cultivation? What realm? Why did you appear in Tianwu City? Why did you become Liu Mengyao's guard commander?

Su Chen hugged Shangguan Xuefei's small waist and said,

"Shangguan girl, today’s affairs must be kept secret. I don’t want anyone to know what happened today."


Shangguan Xuefei slapped Su Chen's hand away and said angrily,

"let me go!"

"You are so heartless"

"You are so shameless!"

Chen stroked the little rabbit in his arms and smiled and said,"Shangguan Xuefei, we have kissed, you are also my future woman, you should keep my secret secret from me, right?"

"Go away, I will be your woman for the rest of my life7."

Shangguan Xuefei blushed, woman?

Will she become Su Chen's woman?

Shangguan Xuefei looked at Su Chen and her heart skipped a beat.

Su Chen was not only noble and handsome, but he might also be a strong Taoist. ?

Tianwu City does not have a Dao realm.

Shangguan Xuefei's father, one of the four powerful men in Tianw City, is only at the twelfth level of the Emperor Realm.

Su Chen handed the Tianling ribbon to Shangguan Xuefei and said,"Little girl, remember , we are just going out to play in the city today, put away your Tianling ribbon, I will take you back to Tianwu City"

"It depends on my mood"

"Don’t worry, you will be in a very good mood in the future!"


Seven months later,

Tianwucheng's army of more than 10 million cultivators was assembled. The domain lord ordered Tianwucheng to assemble an army of 10 million cultivators. The four major families in Tianwucheng gathered 12 million troops just in case.

In the Liu family,

Su Chen was holding the little rabbit and basking in the sun.

The war between the Far North Region and the Tianxing Region was about to break out. He was thinking about whether to participate in the war between the two major regions (bhci).

Su Chen stroked the little rabbit and asked doubtfully,

"Little Rabbit, you are a little strange. I raised your realm to the third level of the Tao Realm. Why didn't you transform? Didn't you run away? Are you used to being fucked by me?"

The little rabbit looked up at Su Chen and lay down again, transforming?

Does she dare?

Su Chen is a pervert.

For more than half a year,

Su Chen either touched Liu Mengyao or ate up Shangguan Xuefei..

If she transforms,

Su Chen will definitely eat her.

Moreover, she only followed Su Chen for less than a year, and the little rabbit was promoted from the third level of the Holy Realm to the third level of the Tao Realm, and promoted to two major levels in one year. Realm, how could the little rabbit leave Su Chen for such a good thing ? Su Chen petted the little rabbit and said,"arrogant rabbit, if you are useless in the future, I will stew you and eat you."" The little rabbit was furious when she heard Su Chen's words. She glared at Su Chen fiercely." Stew it and eat it? The little rabbit couldn't help but devour this bastard. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) It's just that , Little Rabbit thought that Su Chen could instantly kill the demons in the Tao realm. She could not be Su Chen's opponent.

"Little rabbit, from now on you will be called Leng Hanshuang"

"Squeak, squeak, squeak,"

Su Chen knocked a little rabbit on the head and said,"Squeak, your objections are ineffective, you will be called Leng Hanshuang from now on."


" Liu Mengyao appeared in an instant and said hurriedly,"Su Chen, I have been appointed as the commander-in-chief of an army of four million cultivators. You have to help me.""

Su Chen asked in surprise,

"Let me go, is your father crazy? You are just a little scumbag. How could your father appoint you as the commander-in-chief of the army? Liu

Mengyao explained with a smile,

"Su Chen, you don’t understand. If the war between the Far North Territory and the Tianxing Territory is won, the Territory Lord will reward the commanders and races of each big city, four Hongmeng Spirit Fruits for each force, and the heirs of the four major families in Tianwu City will become commander in chief.

Su Chen asked doubtfully,"Hongmeng Spirit Fruit?" What is it?"

"Hongmeng Lingbao is the best spiritual fruit in the Hongmeng world. A Hongmeng Lingbao can not only improve three to five minor realms, but also change the Tao body into a Hongmeng spirit body."

Su Chen nodded after hearing Liu Mengyao's words.

The Hongmeng Spirit Fruit is good, but it is almost impossible to get the Hongmeng Spirit Fruit. Su Chen does not believe that the domain master will have thousands of Hongmeng Spirit Fruit. The war between the two regions, the Far North There are thousands of big cities in the territory, countless races and forces. Will the territory master have so many Hongmeng spiritual fruits?

Su Chen guessed that after the war, either there will be very few coalition forces left in the Far North Territory, or the Territory Lord of the Far North is deceiving Far North. The major cities, races and forces in the domain.

Su Chen touched his chin and asked,"Liu Mengyao, do you think the domain master will have thousands of Hongmeng spiritual fruits?"

"this.....There can't be any."

Liu Mengyao shook his head in confusion.

Yes, there are thousands of big cities in the Far North Territory, as well as various races and forces, and thousands of Hongmeng Spirit Fruits?

How could the Territory Lord have thousands of Hongmeng Spirits ? Fruit, Liu Mengyao guessed that the Territory Lord has at most more than ten Hongmeng Spirit Fruits.

"Su Chen, do you think the Territory Lord is deceiving us?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

Su Chen did not explain to Liu Mengyao.

He believed that the patriarchs of the four major families knew that.

Even if the patriarchs of the four major families knew, they could only gamble once, because the four major families, as well as other big cities in the far north, race, The various forces did not dare to disobey the orders of the Territory Lord, let alone rebel against the Extreme North Territory Lord.

Except for accepting their fate, no one had any other choice.

Liu Mengyao grabbed Su Chen and asked expectantly,"Su Chen, you Do you want to accompany me to the battlefield? Su

Chen hugged Liu Mengyao's slim waist and smiled and said,"Liu Mengyao, I can accompany you to the battlefield. You must agree to serve me once as I asked you the day before yesterday.""

Liu Mengyao's face turned red and she cursed,

"Inglorious bastard, I let you kiss and touch me, I won't do that disgusting thing with my mouth"

"You can!"

"I'm a bastard. I won't be as obedient to you as Shangguan Xuefei."

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