The barbarian mammoth waved his huge palm and slapped Su Chen. He was a little scumbag.

He was determined to cut the little scumbag into pieces.

"Um? Escaped? Little scumbag, can you escape? Tianqing spear, kill me?"

The barbarian took out a golden spear and threw it.

He didn't expect that Su Chen knew the laws of space.

Although the little scumbag was a little difficult to catch, the barbarian mammoth also took some time.

Within a quarter of an hour, he would definitely catch it. Su Chen.


"Let me guess, it’s the Hongmeng Lingbao again. Damn it, the Hongmeng world is really dangerous. Any domain lord has a Hongmeng low-grade Lingbao."

Su Chen discovered that the Hongmeng Lingbao who was chasing him escaped quickly.

He wanted to hold the barbarian back, not fight with him.

Su Chen would not fight the barbarian furry bear.

Above the Death Star,

Mia and Anlize also started fighting.

Mia attacked Anlize fiercely. The powerful and terrifying attack shook the Death Star and began to shatter.

Anlize used the Star Flag to resist Mia's attack while shouting insults,

"Mia, you can't break through my spirit treasure defense. When the mammoth arrives, we will catch you and enjoy you together. The most beautiful woman in the spirit flower tribe, we will humiliate you."

"court death!"


Mia's big white palm slapped An Lize hard. 070

A perverted demon who is on the verge of death.

Mia will make An Lize regret the words that insulted her. She will take out An Lize's soul and make him unable to survive. Can't die

"Damn it, crazy woman!"

Anlize was shaken and flew thousands of miles backward.

If it weren't for the defense of Hongmeng Lingbao, Anlize would have been seriously injured by Mia's palm.

One day, three days, ten days, half a month later.

Anlize's face became darker and darker. It's getting darker and darker, where is the Barbarian Mammoth?

He's been here for half a month, why hasn't the Barbarian Mammoth come yet?

Every time An Lize sends a message, the Barbarian Mammoth says he'll be here soon, but it's been half a month since he came, and he's coming right away. ?

An hour?

Damn, the barbarian Mammoth is a waste. The wasteful Territory Lord hasn’t killed the little scumbag for half a month.

Boom boom boom....

An Lize saw that his Hongmeng Lingbao dimmed. He understood that Hongmeng Lingbao could not hold on for long. I was afraid that the defense of Hongmeng Lingbao would be broken in another six or seven days.

"An Lize, I will crush you to death, and I will imprison your spirit to torture you day and night. (ceeh)"

Mia kept bombarding An Lize's spirit treasure.

In a few days, she can break An Lize's Hongmeng spirit treasure. At that time, Mia will brutally kill An Lize.

Su Chen?

What a scumbag. Scumbag,

Mia didn't expect that Su Chen really restrained the barbarian.

She became more and more curious about Su Chen, but Mia would not let go of the shameless pervert Su Chen.

The little scumbag dared to hug her and said

Although Su Chen deliberately provoked the barbarians by saying those disgusting words that insulted her , the little scumbag should not use her innocence to anger the barbarians. Mia would let Su Chen know the consequences of offending her.

A month later,

Su Chen was in the wasteland. He was constantly escaping, and his laws of space and time and space were brought into full play.

Within three breaths every time,

Su Chen would teleport and escape tens of thousands of miles away.

He would not be careless in the face of the Territory Lord Realm, nor would he. He will be crushed to death by the Territory Lord Realm because of his carelessness. If

Su Chen dies, (to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) the chaotic world will be destroyed, and his women and daughters will also perish.


"I'll do it!"

Su Chen ran away quickly and instantly.


Su Chen was almost attacked by the Savage Mammoth's Hongmeng Lingbao. The Savage was really pissed off by him.

"Little scumbag, you deserve to die, you deserve to die!"

The barbarian Mammoth is going crazy.

It's been almost two months.

His dignified Territory Lord hasn't caught a scumbag in two months.

Is he a fake Territory Lord?

Is the little scumbag hiding his cultivation realm?" ?

Su Chen instantly appeared on a star and shouted,

"Mao Mao Bear, are you a waste?"

"I am just a small Emperor Realm. Even your mighty Domain Lord Realm can't do anything to me. You should go back and continue to evolve. Maybe after your Dao body becomes human-like, you can catch me, a little scumbag."

The barbarian Mammoth shouted angrily,"You are looking for death. If I don't kill you, I, the Mammoth, swear not to be a human being."

"Damn, you are not a human being, you are just an animal. I am waiting for you to kill me."

"Ahhhh~, I want to kill you, I want you to destroy your body and soul"

"Idiot, yelling won't kill me!"

Boom boom boom....

"kill! kill! kill!"

"I'm going to attack in a large area! Archangel, come out and help me."

Su Chen quickly summoned the Archangel.

The Archangel knew the laws of time and space.

Su Chen and the Archangel jointly used the laws of time and space, making it even more difficult for the barbarian mammoth to catch him.


The archangel appeared and activated the laws of time and space to take Su Chen away.

Su Chen instantly sat on the archangel's shoulder and said,"That's right, archangel, let's play with the furry bear behind."

The realm of the archangel's cultivation is very terrifying.

After the archangel was promoted to Hongmeng Lingbao, her cultivation was so high that Su Chen didn't expect it. At the twelfth level of the Tao realm, the archangel is going to defy heaven.

The archangel asked with a serious face. He said,"Master, can we join forces to kill the Territory Lord Realm?"

Su Chen stroked the Archangel's delicate red lips and said,"I don't know, Archangel, we don't have to fight with the Territory Lord Realm. As long as we delay him for another three or four months, the furry bear will be dead."

"Yes, master!"

The archangel blushed and nodded to Su Chen. She activated the law of time and space to teleport to avoid the barbarian's attack.

One month, two months, three months later,

Su Chen was very angry after contacting Mia.

Mia had not been killed yet. The Lord of Heavenly Star Territory, cripple him? Mia's crippled Lord of Heavenly Star Territory is useless.

If Mia doesn't kill the Lord of Heavenly Star Territory quickly, the barbarians may go to help the Lord of Heavenly Star Territory.

Damn it, it's been almost half a year,

Su Chen Even if he wanted to scold the barbarian, he had no words to continue scolding him. The barbarian might be immune to his scolding.

Su Chen angrily said, [Mia, can you be more reliable? It's almost half a year, can you? Destroyed the Heavenly Star Territory Lord?】

【Little scumbag, shut up. I said it’s about half a year, not half a year. Doesn’t it mean that I don’t mean what I say?】

【Let me guess, how many months is about half a year? Seven months? Eight months? Or eleven months?】

【Go away, in two months, I will definitely crush the Lord of Tianxing Territory to death】

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