Zhao Ji is now a little worried about Ying Zheng. Originally, Ying Zheng's army here was very advantageous. She was also prepared to save the bastard Su Chen at the critical moment, but she didn't expect that the army brought by Wang Yi would actually help Su Chen. In this way, Ying Zheng Zheng's army is evenly matched against that bastard Su Chen's.

Zhao Ji was not worried that something would happen to Ying Zheng or Su Chen, but now that bastard Su Chen had come to reinforce them again, Ying Zheng would definitely fail and be killed this time.

Although Zhao Ji no longer has any expectations for her son Ying Zheng and has no mother-son love. Zhao Ji even wanted to flee Qin because she was afraid that her son would disown her and would execute her. However, Ying Zheng was her son after all, and Zhao Ji still didn't want to Let Ying Zheng die like this.

Su Chen smiled and touched Zhao Ji's panicked face,"Haha, Zhao Ji, do you think I will listen to you?"


When Zhao Ji saw this bastard touching her face, she took a few steps back and glared at this bastard. Now Zhao Ji felt that this bastard was plotting against her and even had a crush on her. This made Zhao Ji very panicked.

Su Chen was a little disdainful. He looked at Zhao Ji. He couldn't help but touch Zhao Ji's face just now. But now he has no idea about Zhao Ji. Although Zhao Ji is beautiful, his own woman is not beautiful.

"Hey, why am I so shameless? Your son Ying Zheng brought this on himself. It was your son who betrayed the covenant. Just a moment before he agreed to my three conditions, he sent troops to kill me again. This is me Shameless?"

Zhao Ji clenched her fists and wanted to punch this bastard. Is this what she said shamelessly?

This bastard had just teased her, but now he said other things here like a normal person. This made Zhao Ji so angry that she didn't know what to do. How to deal with this bastard.

Zhao Ji took a deep breath to stop herself from being angry,"Huh, Mr. Wu Xiang, can you really not let Ying Zheng go this time?"

Su Chen smiled when he saw Zhao Ji who wanted to be angry but didn't dare to be angry.

"You go and tell your son Ying Zheng, three million taels of gold, this matter ends here."

Su Chen has no plans to kill Ying Zheng now. Fortunately for Ying Zheng, he stopped the army in time this time. Otherwise, if the war starts, no one can save Ying Zheng.

Su Chen also wants Qin King Ying Zheng to attract Qin King Ying Zheng to the Eastern Continent. With the firepower of the other six countries, after today Yingzheng's attempt to unify the Eastern Continent may not be as simple as it was in history.

Luowang now belongs to him, and Wang Yi's 140,000-strong army Su Chen will also be taken away. Today, the place is almost dead. With a Qin army of about 200,000, he also blackmailed King Qin Yingzheng of three million gold. This time King Qin Yingzheng's Qin State was seriously injured.

"You are despicable."

Zhao Ji's chest was heaving with anger at this bastard. This bastard had just received three million taels of gold from her, but turned around and wanted to extort three million taels of gold from her son Ying Zheng. Zhao Ji's delicate face Now I'm going to kill this bastard with a cold face.

"Zhao Ji, do you want to go or not? If not, I will order the destruction of Ying Zheng."

Su Chen looked at Zhao Ji and didn't care about her current mood. This trip to Qin State will get 6 million gold.

When Su Chen leaves, he can leave some money for Zi Nu to develop her power. The remaining money From now on, I will hand it over to my first lady, Concubine Yan. From now on, Concubine Yan will manage her own territory, which is impossible without money.

"I'll go."

Zhao Ji glared at this bastard with her beautiful eyes, and then walked towards Ying Zheng with her eunuchs and maids.

The gate of Yong Palace was completely destroyed this time. The gate of the palace was breached three times in succession. Although there was no army to defend the gate of Yonggong this time, Su Chen's heavy armored cavalry of the Netherworld Cavalry directly broke through the gate of the Lama Temple.

Ten thousand Netherworld heavy armored cavalry and 20,000 Netherworld cavalry. The legion rushed into the sacrificial square in an instant. Behind them, there were Donghu and Xiongnu servants who also came in tens of thousands of cavalry. Now the Yongcheng Palace can only bring in so many troops.

"Netherworld Cavalry Legion, Captain Cui Hao met Wu Xiangjun"

"See Wu Xiangjun."

At this time, the Netherworld Cavalry Army rushed towards the viewing platform. Wang Yi's army and Qin Wang Yingzheng's army had already retreated to each side of the sacrificial square before the arrival of these armies. When the Netherworld Cavalry Army When he arrived at the auditorium, he neatly dismounted and saluted Su Chen on the auditorium.

"Donghu Army, see Wu Xiangjun"

"Xiongnu servant army, see Lord Wu Xiang."

The Donghu cavalry and the Xiongnu servant army who came later also dismounted and saluted Su Chen. They knew that Lord Wu Xiang was their real master. If they were disrespectful to Lord Wu Xiang at this time, , I'm afraid they were either executed by Madam Hu Ji, or killed by those demonic Netherworld Cavalry Legion.

After Su Chen stood on the high platform and waved the troops to get up, he said to Cui Hao,

"Cui Hao, you came very timely this time. Where is Hu Ji?"

"Your Majesty, Madam Hu Ji is right behind with her army. Madam will arrive in a moment."


Su Chen was a little speechless when he saw this bastard Cui Hao talking about Mrs. Hu Ji. Su Chen also thought about it. Hu Ji is very charming and beautiful. It is good to have such a wife, but this Hu Ji needs to be beaten in the future, otherwise in the future If Hu Ji betrays him, then Su Chen's losses may be a bit big.

In the sacrificial square,

Wang Yi looked at the arrival of these cavalry troops with some surprise. He did not expect that this boy Su Chen actually controlled Donghu and the Huns.

This Do you want to defy heaven?

The Donghu and the Huns are nomads on the grassland. These nomads are not easy to conquer, but this bastard not only conquered but also formed an army of these Donghu and Huns. This made Wang Yi I can't see clearly that bastard boy Su Chen.

On the other side, King

Qin Yingzheng is now feeling scared. He didn't expect that Qin's great enemy, the Huns, would be defeated by that bastard Su Chen. They even let these Huns form a servant army.

Then wouldn't the Qin border be threatened by Su Chen, a bastard?

There is also Jiuyuan County. That bastard wants to station troops in Jiuyuan County. It turns out that it is for the army on the grassland. No wonder That bastard Su Chen must station troops in Jiuyuan County.

As for the Donghu people, Ying Zheng has never heard of them. Some Donghu people are also a small tribe on the grassland.

Wang Jian came to Qin King Ying Zheng and bowed and reported. ,

"Your Majesty, why don't we withdraw our troops quickly? This place is very unfavorable to our Qin army."

Qin King Ying Zheng looked at the gate of Yongcheng Palace and felt that things were unstable. Previously, he was so high-spirited that he wanted to destroy Lao Ai's army. At the same time, he also wanted to beat Wu Xiangjun to make him withdraw his three conditions.

Ying Zheng Just now he saw the complicated relationship between that bastard and his mother Zhao Ji, and he was even more angry and wanted to send out the army to kill that bastard Su Chen, but now that bastard also arranged for reinforcements, and now he fell into that bastard's hands again In his hand.

King Qin Yingzheng felt a little embarrassed when he thought about how happy that bastard Su Chen was now, and that bastard Wu Xiangjun didn't know how to humiliate himself for a while.

"Wang Jian, the gate of Yongcheng Palace is now guarded by Wu Xiangjun’s army. Do you think we can withdraw our troops smoothly?"

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