Hangzhou West Lake, after Su Chen suddenly had a headache and fell into a coma,

Hangzhou West Lake was blocked by the secret guards who arrived shortly afterwards. Thousands of secret guards were on alert throughout Hangzhou West Lake one by one as if they were faced with a formidable enemy. Hundreds of shadow assassins also appeared around Su Chen to protect him.

The governor of Hangzhou collapsed on the ground after learning what happened in West Lake.

He did not expect that something would happen to Lord Wu Xiang under his rule.

This frightened him.

If Wu Xiangjun was really injured in Hangzhou,

I'm afraid he would really die without a burial place.

As soon as the Hangzhou magistrate came to his senses, he hurriedly shouted,"Come here, hurry up, tell the city guards to go to West Lake to protect Lord Wu Xiang.""

"Yes, my lord."

It's really going to end this time,

Mr. Wu Xiang!

Don't let anything happen to you!

Xiao family!

I must go to the Xiao family now.

Mrs. Xiao must not know yet. I will inform Mrs. Xiao now. I hope Mrs. Xiao can say a few good words to herself.

Hangzhou Zhizhou thought about it with a sad face and hurried towards Xiao's house. The only one who can save him now is Mrs. Xiao.

Mrs. Xiao is Wu Xiangjun's aunt, as long as Mrs. Xiao If he opens his mouth, Wu Xiangjun and Mrs. Jun will definitely not embarrass him.

In a pavilion by the West Lake,

Su Chen was carried here by Xiao Yuruo and the others. They are all looking at Su Chen here nervously.

Although Su Chen is unconscious now , but his body was covered in sweat.

Su Chen might have been in a coma but was in great pain.

Xiao Yushuang looked at Su Chen's painfully twisted face and cried,"What the hell is going on? Why does my cousin behave like this?"

Zhao Qingxuan wiped the sweat from Su Chen's forehead and said blankly,"I don't know, Su Chen was fine at first, but suddenly he got a headache."

"Zhao Qingxuan, do you think my cousin is remembering something? Is his amnesia coming back?"Xiao Yuruo asked after thinking about it while holding Su Chen.

She also felt that Su Chen's headache happened too suddenly, and the shadow assassin Youruo didn't notice that Su Chen was poisoned, and even had no physical problems, so she guessed Did Zhao Qingxuan say something to make Su Chen's amnesia recover?

Zhao Qingxuan hurriedly said after hearing Xiao Yuruo's words,"Huh?" Do you think Su Chen is going to recover his memory?"

Xiao Yuruo shook her head and said uncertainly,"I'm just guessing. There is nothing wrong with my cousin's health, and he is not poisoned. He seems to have remembered something."

"The doctor is coming soon, let him take a look before talking."Zhao Qingxuan said heartbrokenly when she saw Su Chen's pale face.

By the Hangzhou West Lake, groups of city guards rushed over.

The West Lake, which had been blocked by the secret guards, made the people beside the Hangzhou West Lake unaware of what was happening. What happened? When they saw the city guards actually carrying this giant crossbow, ordinary people like them were so frightened that they immediately left the West Lake.

After tens of thousands of city guards cooperated with the secret guards to blockade the West Lake, a carriage came out of many places. The protection of the guards came here.

The city guards were originally going to intercept them, but the general of the city guards discovered that Hangzhou Zhizhou had also arrived here on horseback, and even treated the people in the carriage respectfully. This made the city guards hurriedly

The secret guards of the inner guard intercepted Hangzhou Zhizhou and the accompanying guards, but the carriage was directly released by the secret guards.

At the West Lake Pavilion, after Mrs. Xiao got out of the carriage, she saw Xiao Yuruo and several other women were gathered in the pavilion, and a doctor was checking Su Chen's pulse.

Mrs. Xiao hurriedly asked Xiao Yuruo and the others,"What's wrong with Su Chen?" What happened to him?"

When Xiao Yuruo saw her mother coming, she hurriedly supported Mrs. Xiao and said calmly,"My cousin is fine. He just wants to recover his memory, so he passed out with a headache. The doctor said that my cousin is fine, as long as he Nothing will happen when you wake up."

Mrs. Xiao calmed down her anxiety after hearing Xiao Yuruo's words.

She was very worried about something happening to Su Chen. Not only was Su Chen the only male in their family, Su Chen was even the emperor of the future empire. If something happened to him this time , I'm afraid the world will be in chaos again.

Mrs. Xiao looked at the pale Su Chen and breathed a sigh of relief and said,"That's good, that's good. If something happens to your cousin, how can I have the face to see you in the future?" Dead sister."

The old doctor who was checking Su Chen's pulse was now very panicked.

This young man was Wu Xiangjun!

The future emperor of the Southern Continent, he never thought that he would one day treat Wu Xiangjun.

And the old lady of the Xiao family, he I didn’t expect that the Xiao family is actually related to Wu Xiangjun, and Mrs. Xiao is even Wu Xiangjun’s aunt. The Xiao family, which has always been low-key, would have such a big backer?

Then why has the Xiao family been suppressed by businessmen and the government before?

Could it be that Xiao Xiao Don’t the ladies of the family want other people to know about the relationship between their Xiao family and Wu Xiangjun?

Fortunately, Wu Xiangjun just passed out this time, and Wu Xiangjun will wake up after a while. If Wu Xiangjun has no improvement in his hands, I'm afraid his head will also be chopped off.

At this moment, Su Chen kept repeating a dream in his deep sleep, a dream of a little boy protecting a little girl in the palace, and even the promise he made to the little girl, in the dream It was repeated over and over again.

Until one day the little girl disappeared, and no one even knew where she had gone. The little boy gave a severe lesson to several boys in the palace. The little boy thought It was those boys who killed the little girl.

The dream ended here, but in this dream the little boy and the little girl were very happy together. Although they did not meet often, as long as they had the chance to meet, they would We will play happily together.

There are also some vague dreams in the back, but they are too blurry.

Su Chen in the dream doesn’t know what is in the dream behind. He wants to see but can’t see clearly.

"Cough cough cough!"

Su Chen suddenly coughed in Zhao Qingxuan's arms, and he slowly opened his eyes.




When Mrs. Xiao saw Su Chen wake up, she looked at him nervously one by one. They were afraid that Su Chen would lose his memory again.

Su Chen looked at Mrs. Xiao and the others' worried expressions and said,"I'm fine. , I just remembered some things, you don’t have to worry"

"Su Chen, do you remember me?"

"I remember, Xiao Qingxuan, I never thought that Xiao Qingxuan would be so beautiful when she grows up. Why did you disappear without a trace in the first place? I sent many people but failed to find you."

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