Hu Meiren noticed that her sister, Mrs. Hu, was absent-minded, so she reluctantly held Mrs. Hu's hand.

Her sister knew how to think wildly, and this time she must have thought of something bad again.

Her sister lived a very happy life in Xuannio Palace.

Mrs. Hu, who had nothing to do, was busy dealing with the exotic flowers and plants all day long, or making some delicious food for them women to eat.

Hu Meiren guessed that her sister might not want to leave Xuannio Palace.

In Xuannio Palace, her sister could live a carefree life, and Nongyu was living a very good life now. Nongyu would definitely come to Xuannio Palace in the future. , her sister may not want to be separated from Nong Yu anymore.

Zhao Ji also noticed that Mrs. Hu looked a little uncomfortable,"Let's stop worrying here. That bastard Su Chen is not a ferocious beast, and that bastard can't do anything to us. As long as we don't leave the Black Bird Palace, that bastard I'm afraid Ba will have to let us leave."

Hu Meiren nodded to Zhao Ji and said angrily,"That's right, that bastard's Black Bird Palace has many stunning beauties, twelve Black Bird envoys, and piano players. Li Xuemei and Su Chen's maids are all very beautiful."

"Moreover, those stunning beauties who come to the Blue Bird Palace from time to time are all the confidante of that bastard Su Chen."

Hu Meiren is no longer repelled by Su Chen.

After Mrs. Mingzhu's constant nagging for more than half a year, she also saw that Mrs. Mingzhu is living a very good life and lives a very fulfilling life.

Sooner or later, a woman will find a man. , but that bastard Su Chen is too bothersome.

Ever since she met that bastard, Hu Meiren has looked down on other men. She was angry and helpless towards that bastard Su Chen.

At this moment, in the Xiuli Palace,

The princesses from various countries here also know that Wu Xiangjun is back, which makes them very uneasy. After all, they are all princesses of subjugated countries. If Wu Xiangjun is not interested in them, I am afraid their future fate will be very miserable.

In the Xiuli Palace Only Princess Qi of the Jin Kingdom, Princess Nanyang of the Sui Dynasty, and Princess Yan of the Liao Kingdom were not too worried.

After all, their countries all surrendered voluntarily. Even if Lord Wu Xiang didn't like them, he probably wouldn't. What will happen to them.

Especially Princess Qi of the Jin Kingdom. She is already regarded as Wu Xiangjun’s wife, which is acknowledged by Jun’s wife Yan Concubine herself.

And Princess Weirou of the Song Dynasty, Zhao Weirou, is very uneasy, and the Song Empire is She was forced to surrender by Wu Xiangjun's army. Among all the princesses, she was the only one who was sent to Xuanniao Palace. Her mission was to make Wu Xiangjun let go of the rest of the Zhao royal family. Zhao Weirou didn't know that Su Chen How would she treat her?

She didn't know whether she could complete her mission as Emperor of the Song Dynasty.

The future fate of the Zhao royal family depended entirely on her.

In the following days,

Su Chen had been busy building the empire, and Hu Meiren Su Chen didn't go to see them or those princesses who had lost their country, and he didn't know that those princesses who had lost their country existed in Xuannio Palace.

These days, Changsun Wuchu and the other girls have been full of smiles

; It was very beautiful and touching to be nourished by Su Chen.

Su Chen has been busy in the study these days on some regulations of the future empire and the official structure of the empire in the future. He has planned them all according to the advantages of the previous dynasties before time travel..

As for the name of the empire in the future, he still has not decided, but he also has a preliminary idea,

Xuantian Empire!

This may be the name of his empire in the future. Concubine Yan and the others also recognize the name of this empire very much.

Outside the study,

Su Chen The maids Zi Yun and Ning Zhongze were talking.

At this time, a beautiful woman came towards them.

When Zi Yun saw this beautiful woman, she hurriedly took Ning Zhongze and bowed down and said,

"I met Mrs. Jinhua. Princess Qi from the Kingdom of Jin smiled at Ziyun and Ning Zhongze and said,"Ziyun, you're welcome. I want to see my husband. Is it convenient now?""

Princess Qi will not underestimate this beautiful maid.

This maid has grown up with Lord Wu Xiang and is also Lord Wu Xiang's most trusted maid. Mrs. Yan Feijun has told her

"Madam, you're welcome. I'll go and inform Madam right away."

"Thank you very much."

Zi Yun nodded to Princess Qi and went into the study.

After Zi Yun entered the study,

Princess Qi from Jin was a little uneasy.

She didn't know whether Lord Wu Xiang would see her, but she had already agreed. Princess Nanyang of the Sui Dynasty had no choice but to come over to see Lord Wu Xiang.

Ning Zhong looked at Princess Qi and said nothing. In the past few days, she had also initially gotten to know all the ladies in the Xuannio Palace. Among Xiangjun’s four wives, the Princess of Qi is not included.

"Your Majesty, Princess Qi from the Kingdom of Jin is outside asking for an audience."After Ziyun entered the study room, she saw Su Chen writing something unknown on the desk. She whispered to Su Chen,

"Princess of Jin? She is still titled Princess Qi. Could this be Mrs. Jinhua who was given the title by Concubine Yan, right?"Su Chen thought for a moment and asked in confusion after hearing Zi Yun's words.

Zi Yun looked at Su Chen and smiled and said,"Your Majesty guessed it right. Princess Qi is the Mrs. Jinhua whom Mrs. Jun promised on your behalf."

"I'll do it!"

Su Chen was very speechless after Ziyun confirmed it.

He had heard the secret guards talk about this before, but he thought that Concubine Yan was deceiving the Kingdom of Jin, but he didn't expect that it turned out to be true.

"Haha, Your Majesty, do you want to see Mrs. Jinhua?"

"You little girl, let her in!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Su Chen stretched his waist after Zi Yun left.

He hasn't learned about the things in Xuannio Palace these days. It seems that he wants to find out who is living in Xuannio Palace now when he has time? Concubine Yan and the others are not there. Did you tell him that there are other women in Xuannio Palace?

"Wanyan Xiyu met her husband."At this time, a beautiful woman came in and saluted Su Chen.

Su Chen was a little surprised when he looked at this beautiful beauty.

He did not expect that Princess Qi from the Kingdom of Jin was so beautiful, but why was the Princess of the Kingdom of Jin unknown?

Su Chen was right Princess Qi, who looked outstanding and beautiful, nodded and asked,"Are you Princess Qi from the Kingdom of Jin?"


Princess Wanyan Xiyu of Qi Kingdom is also very nervous now. This is the first time she has met Su Chen.

This young and handsome Wu Xiangjun will be her husband in the future.

She is also very satisfied with Su Chen. At least Su Chen is not a young man. An old man over fifty.

Seeing Wanyan Xiyu's nervous look, Su Chen smiled and asked,"What do you want to see me for?""

"Husband, Princess Nanyang of the Sui Dynasty wants to see you, but she is just a subjugated princess, and she is not qualified to see you, so she asked me to send a message to her husband, hoping that he can see her."

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