King Qin Yingzheng nodded when he heard the minister's words, but he was not worried now, nor was he angry again.

He knew that Zi Nu in Xinzheng City would retreat in a day or two, although this time he paid the price of his wife. Mi Hua, but a woman can help the Qin Empire survive dangerous moments. Qin King Ying Zheng still feels that it is very worthwhile.

King Qin Yingzheng looked at the Shadow Secret Guard next to him and ordered,"The Shadow Secret Guard immediately pay attention to Zhao's Purple Girl Army. I want to get the movements of the Purple Girl Army in Xinzheng City as quickly as possible."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Meng Wu, you lead the newly recruited 500,000 troops to station on the edge of Shangjun. You must be prepared for a sneak attack by Hu Ji's army."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Li Xin, you will lead the 200,000 troops you recruited to station at Hangu Pass, ready to receive Wang Jian's army at any time."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Wei Qing, I’m going to trouble you about weapons and armor."

"I will try my best to complete the casting of the weapons and armor needed for the army as quickly as possible."

In the Kingdom of Zhao,

Wang Jian's army is now in a dilemma.

He is about to hit Handan City, the capital of Zhao Kingdom, but the country of Qin will be attacked by foreigners.

He also did not expect that the King of Qin would send fifty Thousands of troops went to attack Gusu City. Now the alien Hu Ji is attacking Shangjun of Daqin. An army of 150,000 from Xinzheng City has also been dispatched to Zhao State.

If Zhao State learns about the situation in Da Qin,

King Zhao may fight with Xinzheng If Cheng Zinu cooperates, his half a million troops may also be in danger.

In the big tent,

Meng Tian's face is also very ugly now.

He knows the hatred between King Qin and Lord Wu Xiang, but King Qin's decision this time is too risky. , the 500,000-strong Qin army is now unable to move in the southern continent, and perhaps the 500,000-strong army may not be able to return to the Qin State.

And the Zhao State is also surrounded by dangers.

Originally, this war was a good situation, but now the King of Qin has made the Qin Dynasty face embarrassment on all sides. Meng Tian looked at General Wang Jian and asked with an ugly expression,"General, what should we do now?"

Wang Jian looked at the map in the big tent and ordered,"Meng Tian, ​​order the army to defend on the spot. Now we cannot return to Qin, nor can we continue to attack Zhao. Before the army from Xinzheng City appears, we The current situation must be stabilized."

Meng Tian was very worried when he heard Wang Jian's words. If General Wang Jian did not obey King Qin's order, King Qin would catch and punish General Wang Jian, and even execute General Wang Jian.

Meng Tian thought about it and turned to General Wang Jian. He reminded,"But the king's order is to return to the country as soon as possible to defend Xianyang City. If we don't return to Qin, I'm afraid the king will be angry and deal with the general. Wang

Jian shook his head expressionlessly and explained,

"Meng Tian, ​​do you think we can return to Qin now?"

"There are 200,000 Zhao troops in Shangdang City of Zhao State, and Li Mu personally leads the army there. If we retreat when we win, Li Mu will definitely guess that something has happened to our Qin State."

"Once Li Mu knows about the changes in Qin's country, Li Mu will stop our army from returning to Qin at all costs, and the army in Xinzheng City will probably not let us return to Qin safely."

"For the sake of the half a million troops here, we must not act rashly, otherwise we will fall into a situation where the entire army will be annihilated."

Meng Tian nodded when he heard the words of General Wang Jian.

The situation here is indeed not one that can be acted upon rashly, at least not by Li Mu in Shangdang City. The changes in the Qin State cannot be noticed.

In a valley not far from Wang Jian's army Here, hundreds of Jianghu people appeared here.

These people were men and women, old and young. They were very nervous when they looked at the Qin army with weapons.

These are the disciples of the Mo family, and some of the leaders of the Mo family. Five or six people came every time, and even the Mohist giant Six Finger Black Man was here.

Master Ban, who was short in stature and had a snow-white beard, looked at the hundreds of thousands of elite Qin troops and said helplessly to a middle-aged man next to him. ,"Big brother, the Qin army has an army of 500,000 this time, and the Zhao army in Shangdang City is only 200,000, and they are all new soldiers. This time the Zhao country will definitely be destroyed. We, these people, can't stop it at all. Unable to resist the Qin army's attack."

The Mohist tycoon Six-fingered Black Man nodded and said,"We can't enter Shangdang City now. Let's just wait and see here this time. Maybe the war will turn around."

A man in black next to the Mohist giant was very angry when he saw the Qin army.

The Zhao State was almost beaten to the capital Handan by the Qin Army, but other countries did not send troops to rescue the Zhao State. Don't all the countries understand? Is it true that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold?

He angrily patted the boulder next to him and said angrily,"Damn it, the Qin State has already destroyed the Han State. If it destroys the Zhao State now, I am afraid that all the six eastern countries will be violently attacked by the Qin State." They were destroyed, but Chu, Wei, Qi, and even my father, King Yan, could not see Qin’s ambition to unify the Eastern Continent."

The Mohist giant looked at Yan Dan and said in a deep tone,

"Yan Dan!"

"The six eastern kingdoms have all lost the courage to fight Qin. Now that the Han Kingdom has been destroyed, Zhao may not be able to hold on for long. In the future, the six eastern kingdoms may all be destroyed by Qin one by one."

"We are just Jianghu people, and our Mohist family adheres to the principle of"universal love!" Non-attack], but you must also act within your ability."

At this time, a young man holding a long sword came to the six-fingered black man and asked,"Big man! What about Xinzheng City? Will Mrs. Zi Nu in Xinzheng City see Qin unify the Eastern Continent?"

The six-fingered black man shook his head when he heard the words of the leader of the Mo family, Jing Ke, and said,

"Xinzheng City?"


"I am not sure"

"Jing Ke, there are almost 200,000 elite troops in Xinzheng City, and the Qin State destroyed the Han State, but the Qin Army in Xinzheng City did not invade at all. This may be because the King of Qin was afraid of offending Lord Wu Xiang."

"Otherwise, it would be impossible for the King of Qin to destroy the traitors of the Qin Army in Xinzheng City"

"But now Qin State and Xinzheng City have no conflict with each other at all, and I don't know what kind of deal Wu Xiangjun and King Qin have."

Jing Ke nodded.

He knew what Juzi said was right.

He had also met Mr. Wu Xiang, and that shameless bastard had even had an idea of ​​his junior sister Gongsun Liji.

But could Mr. Wu Xiang coexist peacefully with the King of Qin?

Jing Ke thought about it. Even thinking about it, I think it’s impossible. King Qin Yingzheng’s ambition is very great, and Lord Wu Xiang’s ambition is probably not much less than that of King Qin Yingzheng.

"Big man, I'm afraid Lord Wu Xiang will unify the Southern Continent, and I also heard that Lord Wu Xiang's millions of troops are attacking the Ming Empire in the Western Continent. If King Qin unifies the Eastern Continent, King Qin will definitely have an affair with Lord Wu Xiang in the future. War, I'm afraid it will be a fight between two tigers."

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