When Wang Qi returned to the Netherworld Cavalry Legion, he waved his hand, woo woo woo........

The horn of the Netherworld Cavalry sounded.

Wang Qi would not go head-to-head with the Qin Army in this war. After all, the Qin Army had a large number of troops, and this time the Qin Army was an elite force in the Qin Army.

Wang Qi looked at the 100,000-strong Qin Army's left wing and ordered,"Prepare the crossbows, target the Qin Army's left wing, and attack with guerrilla tactics! For the sake of your Majesty, fight bravely to kill the enemy!""

"For the sake of your Majesty, fight bravely to kill the enemy!"

"For the sake of your Majesty, fight bravely to kill the enemy!"

"For the sake of your Majesty, fight bravely to kill the enemy!"


"kill! kill! kill!"

Fifty thousand Netherworld cavalry, led by Wang Qi, charged towards the Qin army's left wing.

The Netherworld cavalry wore evil ghost masks and black armor. Their horses were covered with black light armor. The sound of dense horse hooves was loud. Stomping on the ground, he charged towards the Qin army like a savage beast.

"Archers, shoot!"A general on the left wing of the Qin army saw Wang Qi's cavalry rushing towards their left wing army. He hurriedly ordered the Qin army's archers, swish, swish, swish!

Under a burst of arrows, the Netherworld Cavalry Corps also had Many people were shot and killed, and even some war horses were shot to death. However, the armor of the Netherworld Cavalry Legion had very strong protective capabilities, and not many soldiers were lost in this attack.

"Prepare the spear array!"

When the Qin army on the left saw the cavalry that was about to charge, they nervously picked up their spears and looked straight ahead. The troublesome formation of spears was like hedgehogs, making it impossible to start.

"Crossbow, release!"

Swish swish swish.......

Just when the Netherworld Cavalry was about to charge over, the Netherworld Cavalry's six-shot crossbow began to shoot at the Qin army.


The soldiers in the Qin army were killed by crossbows for a while.

Some soldiers were shot directly in the head and died. Some soldiers were shot and fell to the ground wailing. Some soldiers were even shot several times in a row. Crossbow arrow, died without even making a scream.


The Netherworld Iron Cavalry did not directly collide with the Qin Army. When they were about to come into contact with the Qin Army, the Netherworld Iron Cavalry began to take a roundabout way and continued to shoot and kill the Qin Army. In addition to the archers on the left wing of the Qin Army who posed some threats to the Netherworld Iron Cavalry, the other Qin soldiers The army was the prey of the Netherworld Cavalry.

Round after round of military crossbow arrows kept killing the Qin army.

The Qin army on the left wing began to be a little confused. Each soldier of the Qin army had to use a shield to resist the shooting of the military crossbow, but the broken The Qi army's crossbows were shot too intensively, and the Qin army on the left wing was constantly shot to death by the crossbows of the Netherworld Cavalry.

The general on the left wing looked at the Qin army that suffered heavy casualties and shouted angrily,"Shield formation! Everyone raise their shields to defend!"

Wang Qi saw the Qin army's shield array counting and ordered with disdain,"Prepare the spear, throw it!"

Swish swish swish......

Long guns were thrown by the Netherworld Cavalry to kill the Qin Army. The Qin Army's shields were directly shot through like tofu under these spears, killing the Qin Army behind them. Even these spears directly shot through several people with one shot.

In the middle of the Qin army,

Meng Tian saw Wang Qi's cavalry shooting at the Qin army in a roundabout way.

He watched the Qin army being shot and killed and said to General Wang Jian anxiously,"General, Wang Qi's cavalry is simply There is no contact with our Qin army, and our Qin army’s archers are too little threat to Wang Qi’s cavalry."

"If the Qin army on the left continues like this, the losses will probably be very serious. Should we dispatch the Golden Fire Cavalry?"

Wang Jian shook his head and refused,

"No, the Golden Fire Cavalry cannot be dispatched now"

"Li Mu from Zhao State should be arriving soon, and Wang Qi's army of 100,000 infantrymen is probably coming too."

"The Golden Fire Cavalry is the trump card of our Qin army. How many of the 500,000-strong army can return to Qin depends on the Golden Fire Cavalry. Meng

Tian looked at the Qin army who had been shot and shouted unbearably,"General, if we don't dispatch the Golden Fire Cavalry, if we continue like this, our left wing may not be able to hold on for long and will be maimed.""

"Meng Tian, ​​don't panic. The war has just begun. Our goal is to bring the Qin army here back to the country. Some sacrifices are inevitable."


"Stop talking. If you don't want us to be wiped out, you have to obey my orders."

"Yes, General!"

Although Wang Jian said this to Meng Tian,

​​his heart was still full of blood.

These are the elite troops of the Qin Dynasty, but the infantry is powerless against the cavalry army. Unless Wang Qi's cavalry is surrounded, otherwise Da Qin's infantry cannot catch up with the cavalry to encircle and kill.

But the military formation he has set up cannot be moved.

Li Mu of Zhao can lead the army to arrive at any time, and the infantry from Xinzheng City may also arrive.

If he orders the army to encircle and kill now Wang Qi's cavalry will be unable to defend quickly after the army is dispatched.

If Li Mu of Zhao and the army from Xinzheng City arrive at this time, I am afraid that his army of 500,000 will be divided and killed.

At this time,

Li Mu also arrived with his army.

He saw that the army in Xinzheng City and the Qin army had begun a war.

He was very excited.

Li Mu knew that Xinzheng City belonged to the power of Lord Wu Xiang. This time the army in Xinzheng City fought against the Qin army. To start a war, his guess in Shangdang City was probably right. Wu Xiangjun and Qin King Yingzheng had broken up.

Li Mu looked at the war on the battlefield and muttered to himself,"Zhao Guo has been saved. This time Zhao Guo has been saved." The country will not be destroyed"

"General, do we want to attack the Qin army?"A deputy general next to Li Mu looked at the battlefield and said hurriedly.

Li Mu shook his head and said seriously to the deputy general,"No! We only have 30,000 cavalry, which is no match for the Qin army, and the cavalry in Xinzheng City are also harassing the Qin army in roundabout ways. Our Zhao army does not have the solid armor of the Xinzheng City army. Joining the war now will result in heavy casualties"

"But if we don't help the army in Xinzheng City, will the army in Xinzheng City have any objections to our Zhao country?"

"Lieutenant General Li, take a group of soldiers to find the general in Xinzheng City. I hope to discuss with the general in Xinzheng City how to destroy Qin's 500,000 troops this time."

"Yes, General!"

Da Qin's general Wang Jian also discovered the arrival of Zhao's army.

His guess was right.

Li Mu's arrival made Wang Jian very uneasy.

Zhao had 200,000 troops in Shangdang City. If there were another In addition to the 150,000 troops from Xinzheng City, more than 300,000 troops came to attack the Qin army. He was not sure of defeating these armies.

Zhao's army was not something to be afraid of. He knew that at least half of the Zhao army had no war experience. But Xinzheng City's army is very difficult to deal with. He can't destroy the 150,000 Xinzheng City army even with 300,000 troops. It is obvious to all that Wu Xiangjun's army is powerful. In the valley, the Mohists also discovered The arrival of Zhao's cavalry. Although Zhao's 30,000 cavalry arrived, this was a good start. As long as the armies of Zhao and Xinzheng City united, Qin's army would not be a concern. Duan

Murong looked at it with cold eyes When Zhao Jun arrived, he whispered,"Zhao Jun is here. This war has really taken a turn for the better.""

"yes! Qin's invasion of Zhao will fail this time, and it is still unknown whether the Qin army here can successfully return to Qin."

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