Lin Shiyin and Lin Xianer chatted for a while and then each read the martial arts secrets.

Lin Shiyin was also angry at that bastard Su Chen.

When she learned that Su Chen was back two months ago, she went to find that bastard, but As soon as they met, that bastard laughed at her for her low level of cultivation.

Especially since I haven't seen that bastard for almost a year, he is actually a great master.

What kind of medicine did that bastard take to suddenly become a great master?

Later, under Lin Shiyin's questioning, Su Chen told her that she had eaten the Heaven and Earth Spirit Fruit, and Su Chen also promised her that as long as she could master a king-level martial arts before the end of the year, Su Chen would give her one too. Zhu Guolai improves his strength.

Lin Shiyin initially found a book on King-level martial arts to practice by herself, but practicing alone was too boring, so she directly invited Lin Xianer to practice with her.

Lin Xian'er was originally not qualified to enter the martial arts pavilion of Xuannio Palace.

Lin Shiyin also persuaded Su Chen through hard work, during which that bastard Su Chen took advantage of her. atWhen Shiyin was thinking about Su Chen,

Lin Xianer suddenly said in her ear,"Sister Shiyin, you said that Lord Wu Xiang will establish an empire by the end of the year, will you become a concubine?"

"I'm not marrying that bastard." Lin Shiyin blushed shyly when she heard Lin Xian'er's words.

Lin Shiyin is not sure whether she will be with Su Chen before the end of the year.

Her current relationship with Su Chen is only about breaking the window paper. It's ordinary. She hugged and hugged that bastard, and the bastard even kissed her, more than once.

Lin Xianer was very envious when she saw Lin Shiyin's shy look.

She also wanted to be with Wu Xiangjun, but she There has never been a chance to see Wu Xiangjun alone.

The Xuanniao Palace in Gusu City is very beautiful.

For almost a year,

Lin Xianer has been living in the Xuanniao Palace. She has taken advantage of it. Lin Shiyin was so advantageous that she didn't want to leave the Black Bird Palace one day.

Lin Xianer laughed when she saw Lin Shiyin's face flushed,"Haha! I don’t believe it. Three days ago, I saw you and Wu Xiangjun hugging each other."

"ah! You actually peeked at us"

"cut! You hugged each other in the Blue Bird Palace without any concealment. I’m afraid everyone in the Blue Bird Palace saw it."

"I won’t have the face to see anyone anymore"

"hehe! So many days have passed, and no one has said anything about you. Even Mrs. Jun probably knows about your relationship with Mr. Wu Xiang."

Lin Shiyin was lying on the table so embarrassed that she couldn't even lift her head. She didn't expect that everyone in the Blue Bird Palace would know about her and Su Chen. She would never have the face to see those women in the Blue Bird Palace in the future.

Lin Xian Er shook her head and stopped teasing Lin Shiyin.

She picked up the king-level martial arts secret book and continued to read it.

There were a lot of martial arts secret books in the martial arts pavilion. If Lin Shiyin had not taken her with her, she might not have any in her life.

She was very grateful to Lin Shiyin for the opportunity to learn these unparalleled martial arts.

In the garden of Xuanniao Palace,

Su Chen and Mi Hua still didn't speak. Su Chen was leaning on a chair and basking in the sun with his eyes closed, while Mi Hua She was fidgeting and picking her fingers.

She was very worried that Lord Wu Xiang would order Hu Ji's army to continue attacking Da Qin. If Mrs. Hu Ji started to attack Da Qin again, then she would be a completely useless person.

In this way, her son would help her. I'm afraid Su's life is in danger.

"Su Chen, why did you ask me to come over? I'm very busy now."Just when Mi Hua was thinking wildly, a very familiar voice called out from behind her.

Zhao Ji came to the garden and saw Su Chen basking in the sun and was very helpless.

This bastard looked like he had nothing to do all day long, but These women are all extremely busy. If this bastard hadn't been sorting out the matters of establishing an empire during this period, she would have gone on strike with Madam Mingzhu and the others.

"Zhao Ji, look who this person is?"When Su Chen heard Zhao Ji's words, he opened his eyes and pointed at Mi Hua and said,


Zhao Ji was very confused when she heard Su Chen's words.

She looked at the woman carrying her and felt that she was very familiar, but she didn't seem to be in the Xuandiao Palace.

Who is this woman?

"Mihua met the Queen Mother."

At this time, Mi Hua stood up and saluted Zhao Ji.

She was very helpless now.

Zhao Ji was probably the person she least wanted to see here.

She used to go to greet Zhao Ji basically every day in the Qin Palace, but Her current identity has changed.

King Qin Yingzheng has abandoned her and even used her as a bargaining chip to give her to the enemy.

She did not call Zhao Ji her mother-in-law this time.

"Mihua? Why are you in Xuanniao Palace?"

Zhao Ji was very surprised when she saw it was Mi Hua.

Although her substitute had been meeting Mi Hua in the past, she also knew Mi Hua very well secretly. However, how could Mi Hua be in Su Chen's palace if she was not in the palace of the King of Qin? In the Bird Palace?

Zhao Ji looked at Su Chen with a very ugly face. Could it be this bastard who kidnapped Mi Hua? This bastard wanted to take revenge on his son Ying Zheng, but he couldn't do such an immoral thing.!

Mi Hua lowered her head and did not answer Zhao Ji.

What should she say about these things?

Zhao Ji is the mother of King Qin Ying Zheng after all, and she doesn’t know Zhao Ji’s attitude towards her now.

Mi Hua thought that as long as Zhao Ji looked at Hu Ji She believed that

Zhao Ji would understand why she appeared here. As for whether she would complain or even scold Ying Zheng, it was none of her business.

Su Chen became furious when he saw Zhao Ji looking at him with an unkind look. Said,"Holy shit, why are you staring at me? You will understand after reading this letter"


Zhao Ji snorted at Su Chen after taking the letter and started reading it.

But she was so angry that she wanted to kill someone.

She didn't expect that his son would do this. Doesn't Ying Zheng have any feelings? He is just an animal. She also has family ties.

Because of the defeat in the war,

Ying Zheng actually gave her wife to the enemy.

Is he just doing this to keep his throne? Is it because of his superior power that he has become disowned by his relatives?


Zhao Ji He slammed the table hard and said angrily,"Damn it, that bastard is a beast. From today on, I don't have that son who I don't even recognize.""

"Haven't you long since stopped recognizing Ying Zheng as your son?"Su Chen couldn't help but interjected when he looked at Zhao Ji.

When he was in Qin State, Zhao Ji knew who Ying Zheng would be in the future.

His heart was as hard as iron!

He disowned his relatives!

He was cruel and ruthless!

At that time, Zhao Ji had already disowned Ying Zheng. Otherwise, she would not leave Qin with him shamelessly.

But why would Zhao Ji say this again this time?

I just can’t believe what a woman says.

"you shut up!"

"What the hell!"

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