In the Phoenix Palace in the Black Bird Palace, an old man in black clothes appeared silently.

He looked at the guards around him without paying any attention. With his strength, these guards were not a threat to him.

He frowned when he looked at the legendary Lord Wu Xiang. According to rumors, Lord Wu Xiang was a lecher with low strength, but now Lord Wu Xiang is a Grand Master, even at the peak of the Grand Master's strength.


It's not all bullshit.

There are quite a lot of women in this Wu Xiangjun, and they are all stunning beauties.

"Who are you?"

Su Chen looked at the old man in black shirt and didn't remember who he was.

This old man in black shirt was very powerful. He was either in the Heavenly Realm or half-step into the Golden Core Realm. Su Chen didn't remember offending such a person.


The old man in black shirt put his hands behind his back and said expressionlessly,

"enemy? I don't remember an enemy as powerful as you. Tell me your name, enemy!"

Su Chen frowned when he heard the words of the old man in black.

He didn't expect that this powerful old man was actually an enemy. So who is he going to avenge this time?

Su Chen has offended many people.

He killed more enemies, but there seemed to be only a few enemies with such a strong background, and even those enemies' backers were killed by him.

Who did this old man in black shirt get?

The old man in black shirt looked at Su Chen's composure He smiled and said,"Hahaha! Mr. Wu Xiang, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"you can't kill me"

"oh! Are you that confident?"

"This is not self-confidence. I am very sure that you can't kill me."

"Really? Why don't I believe it?"

"Then you can give it a try?"

Su Chen became angry at the old man who refused to give in. Although he can't deal with this old man now, he does have a big killer weapon, the spirit sword Luo Xue. As long as he surprises the old man in black clothes with a sneak attack, he can't kill him even with a sneak attack. He, but with the ability of the Spirit Sword Luoxue, could also seriously injure the old man in black shirt.


The old man in black shirt was angered by Su Chen.

He suddenly burst out with powerful momentum and pressure and was about to attack Su Chen.

In the old man in black shirt After the powerful momentum erupted, the surrounding secret guards were forced to retreat continuously. Even some of the surrounding precious flowers and plants were shattered by the powerful momentum. The surrounding trees were also shaken by the powerful momentum. With


"oh! Wu Xiangjun, aren't you very tough? how? Do you want to be captured now?"

Su Chen looked around and said to the old man in black clothes,"Call your helpers to come out. Are the rats who have been hiding trying to sneak up on me?"

Su Chen also suddenly discovered that there was a powerful person hiding in the Phoenix Palace, which made Su Chen want to curse.

He could still deal with a powerful enemy, but there was nothing he could do to deal with another one.

Do he have to sacrifice several people? Will thousands of troops come to surround and kill these two powerful enemies?

"Ha ha ha ha......."The old man in black shirt burst out laughing when he heard Su Chen's words.

His old friend's junior actually scolded his old friend.

This made him laugh uncontrollably after not laughing for a long time.


An old man in green clothes also appeared.

After he appeared, he stared at Su Chen and wanted to beat this bastard.

He had been worried about this bastard, but this bastard actually called him a hidden rat.

This made him unable to resist and wanted to teach this bastard a lesson

"You're laughing your ass off!"

"Old Taoist, you too have today!"

"Damn it, you’ve seen this person before. Isn’t it time to fulfill what you promised me?"

"No, Wu Xiangjun must die. You should know that I owe the Murong family. The Murong family was wiped out by Wu Xiangjun. I must give an account to those who died in the Murong family."

"Do you want to die?"

"You can't kill me! We are equally powerful, it’s not like you don’t know that."

Su Chen was a little confused while listening.

He originally thought that the old man in green shirt and this old man were together, but now it seems that the old man in green shirt was here to protect him.

But who did this old man in green shirt get?

Why? Protect him?

And the old man in black clothes actually came to avenge the Murong family. Is there such a powerful person in Murong Fu's family?

This old man in black clothes seems to owe a favor to the Murong family. This time he came to kill him to repay Murong. Family favors.

Su Chen looked at the two old men staring at each other and waved around and said,

"Everybody get down!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"The secret guards and shadow assassins saluted Su Chen and then disappeared here one by one.

Su Chen is no longer worried.

With this old man in green shirt here, this old man in black shirt is definitely dead this time.

If they fight alone. When he got up,

Su Chen would unexpectedly attack the old man in black shirt. He believed that the old man in green shirt would take this opportunity to kill the old man in black shirt.

"Jing Salamander, you take Mingzhu and they move Concubine Yan to another palace."

"Yes, husband!"


The old man in black suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped Jing Salamander and the others,"Want to leave? Wu Xiangjun, you and your women are going to die this time, oh, and your newly born child is going to die too."


Boom boom boom!"

"If you seek defeat alone, you are seeking death!"

The old man in green shirt hurriedly blocked the attack of the old man in black shirt.

Under their powerful attack, some surrounding buildings were knocked down.

"Seeking defeat alone? It turns out that the old man in black shirt is seeking defeat alone."Su Chen understood when he heard the cry of the old man in green shirt.

Dugu Qiubei is also from Xianbei.

The Murong family is the royal family of the Xianbei people.

Dugu Qiubei should have been saved by the Murong family when he was young, and he was even treated by the Murong family. Favor.


Two women suddenly appeared on the Phoenix Palace. When they saw the two old men fighting, they looked at each other.

"Let’s go find your husband first"


Chen also discovered the arrival of Jellyfish Yinji and Shi Guanyin. He felt more relieved when he saw Jellyfish Yinji and Shi Guanyin. With them here, Dugu Qiubai would die here even if he was only half a step into the Golden Core realm.


Jellyfish Yinji and Shi Guanyin shouted when they arrived next to Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at the still beautiful and charming Jellyfish Yinji and Shi Guanyin and said,"You came at the right time, Guanyin, you take Jingyu and the others with you. Protect Concubine Yan and her daughter from here"

"Yes, husband!"

"Husband, what's going on with these two old men?" Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Shi Guanyin escorting the women here into the room. With Shi Guanyin and the others protecting Concubine Yan and the daughter he had never met, Su Chen no longer worried that something would happen to them. Su Chen took Jellyfish Yinji's hand and pointed at Dugu Qiubai and said,"The old man in the black shirt is Dugu Qiubai. He is coming to kill our whole family today. I don't know who the old man in the green shirt is, but he seems to be standing." On our side." When Jellyfish Yinji heard Su Chen's words, she glared at Dugu Qibei angrily and said,"I'm going to kill Dugu Qibei!


"Um! By the way, where is Yan'er? Didn't she come back with you?"

"Come, we left that girl in the Blue Bird Palace."

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