When Su Yan looked at her cute sister, she wanted to hug her.

She wanted to touch her little sister's chubby face, bright eyes, and delicate skin, and she even wanted to pinch her.

But she was held tightly by her mother, and

Su Yan could only look pitifully at her sister who couldn't hug her with her own hands.

Changsun Wuchu and the others shook their heads when they heard Su Yan's words.

They would not let Su Yan hug Su Yue now. After all, Su Yan was still too young, and Su Yue was only born today and was still very weak. Su Yan If Su Yue is not held lightly, Xiao Yue'er may be injured.

Concubine Yan was lying on the bed and looked at Su Yan's anxious look and smiled and said,"Yan'er, you can't hug me today. Your sister was just born today. After a few days, you can hug her.""


"of course it's true"

"How many days will it take?"

"Five days, how about that?"

"hehe! Okay, then I will hug my sister again in five days."Su Yan laughed when she heard Concubine Yan's words. She could afford to wait for five days, but it was a pity that she couldn't hug her sister with her own hands now.

Su Yan suddenly patted her head, and she hurriedly took out a bag from her pocket. He picked up a ruby ​​the size of a pigeon egg and said,"By the way, aunt, this is my gift to my sister. I got this ruby ​​from some white slaves. You see, this is very beautiful.""


The other women here laughed when they saw the ruby ​​​​that Su Yan took out.

They women know that there are a lot of gems like this in the treasure house of Xuanniao Palace, and there are even gems that are bigger and more beautiful than these. There are few, especially Concubine Yan’s Aken gem, which is a truly beautiful gem.

"Thank you, Yan'er. Concubine Yan took the ruby ​​from Su Yan and said with a smile.

Although this ruby ​​is nothing to her, it is a gift from Su Yan to her sister after all. Su Yan can bring it to her sister at such a young age. Gift, this made Concubine Yan very happy

"Sister Shi, nothing will happen to your husband, right? Changsun Wuchuan asked Shi Guanyin worriedly when he thought of the assassin.

Concubine Yan heard Changsun Wuchuan's words and asked hurriedly,"By the way, what's going on with your husband now?""

"Concubine Yan, please cultivate yourself well. Nothing will happen to your husband if you have Jellyfish Yinji."Shi Guanyin looked at Changsun Wuchu and Yan Fei and said comfortingly.

She knew that Jellyfish Yinji was very powerful.

She had been sparring with Jellyfish Yinji while protecting Su Yan, but she was always beaten by Jellyfish. Yin Ji was easily defeated.

Jellyfish Yin Ji was about to advance to the Heavenly Realm.

Shi Guanyin tried her best and could not pose a threat to Jellyfish Yin Ji. If Jellyfish Yin Ji advanced to the Heavenly Realm in the future, then Jellyfish Yin Ji would instantly She can be subdued, and she doesn't even have the ability to resist.

The other women were relieved after hearing Shi Guanyin's words.

They were also very worried about Su Chen just now. Although there was an old man in green shirt helping Su Chen, the old man in black shirt was After all, they are a powerful enemy, and they are also worried that something unexpected will happen to Su Chen.

In the Phoenix Palace, it is now in ruins. Su Chen's face turned dark when he looked at the ruins of the Phoenix Palace. He did not expect that something like this would happen today. The founding ceremony of the nation will be held in about a month, but the Phoenix Palace, the queen's palace, was destroyed. If the world knew about this, they would not know how to laugh at his new empire.

Xiaoyaozi looked at Dugu Qiubai and Jellyfish Yinji were fighting, and he suddenly noticed that Su Chen's expression was very poor, which made him look at Su Chen very confused.

Su Chen's woman, Jellyfish Yinji, had always had the upper hand, and Jellyfish Yinji It seems that she hasn't used her full strength yet.

Although I don't know why Jellyfish Yinji didn't use her full strength to kill Dugu Qiubai? But Su Chen doesn't have to look so ugly, right?

"Boy, why do you look so ugly?"

"Nonsense, can I be happy if my palace is destroyed?"Su Chen glanced at Xiaoyaozi and said helplessly.

Xiaoyaozi shook his head when he heard Su Chen's words.

He knew how powerful Su Chen was.

What does a palace mean to him?

He didn't expect this bastard. The boy is depressed just because of a palace. This bastard boy is stingy enough.

"Isn't it just a palace? I heard that the Southern Continent was conquered by you. Wouldn't it be nice if you built another palace?"

Su Chen angrily kicked the rocks in front of him and said,"I have to have time! But I will build an empire in one month. Can I rebuild the imperial queen's palace in one month?"


Xiaoyaozi didn't know what to say when he heard Su Chen's words.

He didn't expect that Su Chen would establish an empire in a month. This surprised him, although he also knew that with Su Chen's power, he would establish an empire sooner or later. Yes, the country will be established in just one month, which he did not expect.

He looked at the damaged Phoenix Palace around him and shook his head. It was impossible to rebuild this palace in a month. boom!

At this time,

Dugu Qiubai flew out of the palace after a feint.

He was driven crazy by this woman. He tried his best but could not find any flaw in this woman, and this powerful woman seemed to He didn't use all his strength. If he didn't escape, he might be killed.

"escape! Did you escape? I don't dare to use all my strength in the Black Bird Palace, but in the wild, you will be dead."Jellyfish Yinji smiled when she saw Dugu Qiubei escaping and said, she has been waiting for Dugu Qiubei to escape from the Xuandiao Palace.

Jellyfish Yinji was fighting in the Xuanniiao Palace but she couldn't let go.

She and Dugu Qiubei Qiu Qiubai had already razed the Phoenix Palace to the ground without using her full strength. If she had used all her strength to fight against Dugu Qiu Bai's battle, I'm afraid Xuanniao Palace would have been destroyed.

After all, Xuanniao Palace is her home. , she didn’t want to destroy her home while fighting.

After Dugu Qiubai and Jellyfish Yinji disappeared one after another,

Su Chen and Xiaoyaozi looked at each other.

They heard what Jellyfish Yinji said. , it turns out that Jellyfish Yinji has not used her full strength because she is afraid that the Black Bird Palace will be destroyed by the fight between them.

"Boy, your woman is nice. What's her name?"Xiaoyaozi nodded after hearing Jellyfish Yinji's words.

Su Chen's woman is really thinking about this bastard.

This bastard doesn't know where to find someone who is not only beautiful and charming, but also has such strength. Powerful woman, this bastard is really lucky.

"Jellyfish Yin Ji!"

"Cough cough cough! What did you say her name was?"

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