After Huang Yaoshi read out the heavenly ritual,

Su Chen led all the officials of the Xuantian Empire to worship the heaven three times.

The ceremony is over!

In the Xuanniao Palace, the bells and drums began to play [Sacrifice to Heaven].】

"The Xuantian Empire lasts for ten thousand years, and His Majesty the Emperor lasts for ten thousand years!

"The Xuantian Empire lasts for ten thousand years, and His Majesty the Emperor lasts for ten thousand years!

"The Xuantian Empire lasts for ten thousand years, and His Majesty the Emperor lasts for ten thousand years!

Su Chen and Concubine Yan were very happy when they saw the cheering troops and people below.

At this time,

Su Chen nodded to Huang Yaoshi, and

Huang Yaoshi took out a golden scroll from the side and opened it.

"Xuantian Empire, His Majesty the Emperor, Zhaoling!"

"It’s up to heaven, the emperor decreed!"

"Zhao Ling conferred the title of Empress Dowager Xuanhua on her aunt, Mrs. Xiao, and the title of Empress Dowager Xuanrong on her aunt, Mrs. Li."

Su Chen took the lead and saluted Mrs. Xiao and Li Qingluo,"See the Queen Mother Xuanhua, see the Queen Mother Xuanrong."

"See Queen Mother Xuanhua, See Queen Mother Xuanrong"

"See Queen Mother Xuanhua, See Queen Mother Xuanrong"

"See Queen Mother Xuanhua, See Queen Mother Xuanrong"

"Zhaoling, your wife, Concubine Yan, has both political integrity and talent, is gentle and virtuous, and makes your wife, Concubine Yan, the Queen of the Xuantian Empire!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"See Queen Empress,"

"Zhaoling, his wife Murong Qiuci was named Shufei, one of the four imperial concubines."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"See Concubine Shu!"

"Zhaoling, his wife Zinu, was named Concubine Li, one of the four great concubines of the empire."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"See Empress Li Fei!"

"Zhaoling, Madam Pearl, was named Roufei, one of the four great concubines of the empire."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"See Concubine Rou!"

"Zhaoling, the wife’s eldest grandson Wu Chuan was named a virtuous concubine, one of the four great concubines of the empire."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"See the Concubine Xian!".............

The people in Xuannio Square kept saluting Concubine Yan and the others. After conferring the title of Queen and the four concubines, they also made several more concubines, including several princesses who had lost their country.

"Zhaoling, Princess Su Yan, was named the eldest princess of the empire, and was given the title Princess Changle."

"Thank you, Father!"

"See Princess Changle!"

"Zhaoling, the little princess Su Yue, was named the imperial princess, and the title was Princess Gao Yue."

"See Princess Gaoyue!"

Huang Yaoshi spent almost half an hour to confer rewards on all the officials in the empire and the commanders of the various legions. Ximen Chuixue was also conferred the title of a Xiaoyao King.

All the officials in the imperial cabinet were conferred the title of first-class officials and third-class dukes. Huang Yaoshi was made a first-class official and a second-class duke. The commanders of each legion were also made a first-class official and a first-class duke.

The founding of the country, which took more than two hours, was over.

After the state banquet, the establishment of the empire was completed today. Now,

Su Chen's empire no longer has to be called Gusu City, Gusu City. From now on it will be the Xuantian Empire. A huge empire has been born. In the evening, after Su Chen returned to the Phoenix Palace, he immediately She was lying on the soft bed. She was very tired today, not physically but mentally.

Su Chen had never felt so tired.

Concubine Yan was taking off her makeup when she noticed that Su Chen was lying facelessly on the soft bed and reminded her,"Husband, look at what you have become now. If my aunt sees this, she will accuse you again."

Su Chen waved his hands while facing down and said,

"My aunt and the others probably won’t be here. Wu Chu and the others should be accompanying their aunt and Concubine Yan now. I never thought that building an empire would be so tiring. At the end of the day, I was either facing the congratulations of ministers and envoys, or I was maintaining my dignity. The expression on my face as I watched and listened to everything made me feel tired!"

"Haha, are you still tired? Huang Yaoshi is probably quite tired today. It seems that Huang Rong will definitely cause trouble for you in the future."

"cut! Huang Rong looks so weak. If she dares to come to me and cause trouble, I will make sure she can’t leave the house in the future."

"You are so shameless!"

Concubine Yan blushed when she heard Su Chen's words.

She knew that Huang Rong showed up very late today. This bastard must have been in Huang Rong's room last night. Otherwise, Huang Rong, as the commander of the legion, would not have gotten up so late. After Su Chen got up , he saw his little daughter Su Yue beside him and teased with a smile,"Xiao Yue'er, you have to grow up quickly! When you grow up, you will be as beautiful as your mother"

"Stop teasing the moon. Don’t you want to see Lu Xiaofeng and those people?"Concubine Yan came to Su Chen and grabbed Su Yue. She glared at Su Chen and said angrily.

Su Chen sighed after hearing Concubine Yan's words.

His identity is different now.

Lu Xiaofeng and the others will definitely not Just like talking and laughing with him before,

Su Chen also wanted to contact them slowly in the future, so that they would know that Su Chen was still the same Su Chen and would not be superior to them because he became the emperor.

Su Chen gave Concubine Yan After pouring a cup of tea, he said helplessly,"If I don't meet them first, I am an emperor now, and they will definitely be reluctant to let go. It's better to meet them later. Concubine Yan held the chubby Su Yue and drank a cup of tea, then suddenly said,"By the way, Donghuang Taiyi wants to see you, why don't you go to the fusang tree to find her later?""

"Donghuang Taiyi? Ji Ruxihe? I was just about to go find her, and I just happened to go see her later."

"You should pay more attention when you speak. Donghuang Taiyi is a woman after all, so you'd better accept your dirty thoughts."

"Come on, Concubine Yan, you don’t believe me anymore?"

"Can you make me believe it?"

Concubine Yan rolled her eyes at Su Chen and said angrily, this bastard is just a pervert.

If this bastard sees Donghuang Taiyi's face, he will definitely become evil. Donghuang Taiyi is not a woman like Jellyfish Yinji, Donghuang Taiyi Huang Taiyi's determination to be honest is very strong, and anyone may be able to shake her determination.

Su Chen shook his head when he heard Concubine Yan's words.

He had long regarded Donghuang Taiyi as his woman, although he had not yet After taking down Donghuang Taiyi, Donghuang Taiyi could never escape from his grasp.

A perished princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty,

Su Chen was looking forward to the appearance of Donghuang Taiyi.

At night, under the fusang tree, there was a person wearing black clothes. A man with a cloak on his head is sitting under the hibiscus tree and practicing


Donghuang Taiyi suddenly noticed that a figure suddenly appeared and disappeared, which made her very alert.

This is Su Chen's Xuanniao Palace!

And there are six or seven Heavenly Realm and Half-Step Golden Core Realm in Xuanniao Palace. Master, who will break into the Black Bird Palace this time?


"court death!"

Donghuang Taiyi suddenly discovered that this assassin wanted to take off her cloak, which made her very angry.

Except for her parents and master, no one had ever seen her face, not even her close friends. Bai Ruobing had never seen her face before.

Donghuang Taiyi avoided the assassin's attack, and she immediately stretched out her palm to kill the assassin.

"Wait, it's me, it's me"


"it's me!"

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