The next day in Xuannio Palace,

Su Chen came out of Concubine Yan's palace early in the morning with Su Yue in his arms.

He teased Su Yue while walking towards the study.

He was not needed for small things in the empire. After all, he didn't have to get up early every day to go to the morning court.

With the cabinet handling state affairs and the supervision of Changsun Wuchu,

Su Chen was not worried about what might happen to the empire.

In the study,

Li Xiuning and the others were already waiting for Su Chen. After they saw Su Chen arriving, Li Xiuning teased Su Chen and said,"Your Majesty, we thought you would not arrive so early because you are addicted to women. Su

Chen handed Su Yue to Ning Zhongze and sat down to take a sip of tea."Li Xiuning, are you in need of cleaning up? How about you come to bed tonight?""

"Bah, I'm not your concubine, so don't try to mess with me."Li Xiuning's face turned red when Su Chen said this.

This bastard has remained stubborn even after he became the emperor. It seems that he won't be able to joke with this bastard anymore.


Su Chen smiled at Li Xiuning and looked at the commanders of the four legions.

This time, in addition to allocating their respective defense areas, the Eastern Continent will also send a legion there. The Ming Empire in the Western Continent has surrendered, and the Tianxuan Continent has also surrendered. That leaves the Eastern Continent and the Northern Continent.

These two continents will also be captured in the future.

Genie will set off for the Northern Continent in about ten days, and the Eastern Continent also needs to send a legion to prepare for war.

"Huang Rong, your Southern Combat Corps is preparing to enter Jiuyuan City in the Eastern Continent. Hu Ji is also in the Xuandiao Palace now. You will discuss the specific military operations with Hu Ji later."

"Okay, husband! Huang

Rong glanced at Li Xiuning and smiled and replied.

She is very happy now.

The war in the Eastern Continent will also belong to her Southern Legion. There are still six countries in the Eastern Continent. This time her Southern Legion will Destroying six countries at once, that stinky woman Li Xiuning will be even worse than her in the future.

When Li Xiuning heard Su Chen's words, she glared at him and said angrily,"Your Majesty, how can you keep looking at this little dwarf? This is unfair to our other three combat corps."

Mu Guiying and Shen Luoyan looked at Su Chen with expressions that were not angry.

Su Chen looked at Li Xiuning and Mu Guiying and rubbed his head.

He knew that these women did not arrange it, but he did not have time to do this again. The consumption has gone on. In a few days, he will secretly go to the desert Loulan with Donghuang Taiyi. In these days, he must arrange everything.

Su Chen waved his hand and said helplessly,

"Okay, Li Xiuning, there will be no war in the future, so don't go on fooling around. After your Eastern Legion took control of the Ming Empire, you worked with Zhao Min to destroy the Yuan Dynasty.

"Mu Guiying, your Western Legion is stationed in the original Song Dynasty and the surrounding foreign countries. You should also find an opportunity to destroy the foreign Turks."

"Shenluo Yanyuan and the Sui Dynasty will be garrisoned by your northern army."

"I will rotate all your legions to the battlefield in the future."

Mu Guiying and Shen Luoyan nodded and agreed,"I understand, husband (Your Majesty)!"

Li Xiuning also nodded without anger. She had no way to change Su Chen's decision.

This made her look at Huang Rong, the little dwarf, and glared at her. This time, the little dwarf asked her again. Got a bargain.

Su Chen explained some things to Huang Rong and others and let them leave. Then Hu Ji and Hai Lanzhu and others came to Su Chen's study one after another. After they talked with each other, they all went out..

Today Su Chen has arranged some things to be arranged.

Even if he leaves in a few days, nothing will happen.

The Xuantian Empire is also in operation after the new year. Officials from various state capitals are in the cabinet. After being appointed, they all returned to their respective state capitals.

However, Gusu Imperial City has always been very lively. With a population of over one million, Gusu Imperial City is the most populous city in Tianxuan Continent. The bustling streets are full of people. In the past, the cries of vendors on the street, the joy of the people, and the noise of drinking in various restaurants shocked the wealthy businessmen and Jianghu who came to the Suzhou Imperial City for the first time. Five days later,


Chen kept shouting at Donghuang Taiyi Under the urging, he had to go to the desert of the Eastern Continent with Donghuang Taiyi from Rourou Township.

After Su Chen and Donghuang Taiyi left Gusu City,

Su Yan took Zhen Mi and secretly left Gusu City. Ci was planning to go to the Northern Continent with Zhen Mi. After the Ming Empire surrendered in the Western Continent, Su Yan had no need to go to the Western Continent. Zhen Mi always wanted to go back to the Northern Continent, so Su Yan thought it would be good to go to the Northern Continent.

On a merchant ship going to the Northern Continent,

Zhen Mi kept walking around the cabin uneasily. This time she took Su Yan back to the Northern Continent. She regretted it very much now.

Su Yan was now the eldest princess of the Xuantian Empire.

She is still the most powerful imperial princess in the Tianxuan Continent.

If something happens to Su Yan in the Northern Continent,

I am afraid that she and her family will be killed by the angry Su Chen.

Zhen Mi couldn't bear it when she looked at Su Yan, whom Su Xiang had negotiated with. He said,

"Su Yan, do you really want to go to the Northern Continent? It's too dangerous to do this. If something happens to you, I'm afraid your father will kill me. Otherwise, why don't you go to the Northern Continent with me?"

Su Yan waved her hand to Zhen Mi, and she looked at the sea and said boredly,

"What are you afraid of? I'm not afraid of anything. What are you afraid of? My father's wives are all here at this founding ceremony. Otherwise, I would have introduced you to my father. It's a pity that you were not made a concubine by my father this time."

"Now is not the time to talk about this, aren't you worried about safety issues at all?"Zhen Mi said worriedly as she sat next to Su Yan with a flushed face.

Su Yan took a sip of tea and smiled and said,"Don't worry! No one knows me in the Northern Continent. I am a little girl from a wealthy businessman. No one will do anything against me."

"I hope so!"

At this time, in the Eastern Continent, the story of the Soldier Demon God was also spread in the Eastern Continent. The fact that an old man who came out of Loulan was captured by the Qin State also made all the countries and rivers and lakes in the Eastern Continent pay attention to the Qin State. The news about the ancient legend of the Demon God of Soldiers. People from various countries and rivers and lakes like them have found some information. The powerful Demon God of Soldiers is very desirable to the countries and rivers and lakes in the Eastern Continent.

As long as they get the Demon God of Soldiers, their armies Will wear a cloak on the battlefield, and no army in the future can stop the attack of the Demon God of War.

When the Qin army marched to the desert with a hundred thousand troops,

Chu! Zhao, Wei, Qi, Yan, the armies of these countries Confucians, Mohists, peasants, Taoists, and some other Jianghu people also moved towards Mobei.

The battle for the Demon God of War could happen at any time.

On a high mountain in Qin State,

Han Fei More than ten people from the Confucian School looked at the Qin army marching down the mountain.

They all looked silently at Han Fei, who had a gloomy face next to him.

They all knew that this young master from the Qianhan Kingdom was bound to win against the Demon God of War, and the Little Saint Xianzhuang was dispatched. Two great masters and more than ten masters came to help Han Fei.

Zhang Liang looked at the Qin army at the foot of the mountain and frowned and said to Han Fei,

"Han Fei, is the appearance of the Demon God of War true this time? Could this be a trap set by Qin?"

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