Su Chen looked at Duan Murong and felt that she was now swollen.

Although he had not done anything excessive to her and Gongsun Liji in the past few days, Duan Murong must have regarded him as a sick cat.

When Xiao Li heard Su Chen's words, she looked at Duan Murong.

She didn't want to take action against Duan Murong, who had been taking care of her. Duan Murong had taken good care of her these days.

Xiao Li stood in front of Su Chen in confusion, not knowing what to do. At a loss


When Duan Murong heard Su Chen's words, she stepped forward to hold Xiao Li and said,"Xiao Li, don't pay attention to this shameless pervert."

"Sister Duanmu Rong, the spiritual stone matter is of great importance. Don't tell anyone, otherwise the young master will be in trouble."Xiao Li reminded Duan Murong with a serious face.

Duan Murong saw Xiao Li's serious expression and asked doubtfully,

"Xiao Li, what is the spirit stone?"

Xiao Li looked at Su Chen and explained to Duan Murong,

"Lingshi is a kind of treasure of heaven and earth. A huge amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth is stored in the spiritual stone. After a warrior reaches the heavenly realm, he needs spiritual energy to practice and advance to the golden elixir realm. Without the existence of spiritual energy, it is impossible for a warrior to know how to advance to the golden elixir realm."

"A spiritual stone is comparable to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in a secret realm, and the spiritual stone is also an easy-to-carry treasure."

"Thousands of years ago, the spirit stones disappeared in the Tianxuan Continent. Now there are no spirit stones in the Tianxuan Continent."

"Sister Duanmurong"

"You should understand how precious spiritual stones are, right? If the information about the spirit stone is revealed, it will bring big trouble to the young master."

Duan Murong also understood the importance of spirit stones after hearing Xiao Li's explanation. She didn't expect that this bastard would have treasures from heaven and earth thousands of years ago. Who is this bastard?

Duan Murong now very much doubts that this bastard is not a simple People.

Maybe this bastard's name is also fake.

And has this bastard also changed his appearance?

Duan Murong looked at Su Chen and wondered if he could tell whether this bastard had changed his appearance.

Su Chen didn't care what Xiao Li told him. Regarding Duan Murong's spiritual stone, he knew that Duan Murong was not a talkative person.

After Xiao Li told Duan Murong the importance of the spiritual stone, Duan Murong would definitely be even less likely to tell others about the spiritual stone.

Just this At that moment,

Gongsun Liji suddenly ran in and shouted happily to Su Chen,"Emperor, Emperor, hurry up, Loulan's mechanism channel has been cracked, and armies from various countries have begun to enter Loulan's mechanism channel.""

"Is the agency channel open? It seems that the Mohist family and the public loser family are relatively reliable."Su Chen stood up after hearing Gongsun Liji's words.

The war was about to begin.

This time, I don't know whether the various countries will have civil strife first?

Or will the various countries and various schools of thought send troops together to deal with Loulan's army first?

Xiao Li hurriedly He grabbed Su Chen and said anxiously,"Sir, let's go to Loulan as soon as possible. The Demon God of War must not be activated, otherwise war will break out in Tianxuan Continent."

Su Chen was very speechless when he heard Xiao Li's words.

He has the final say whether Tianxuan Continent is in chaos and whether there will be a war.

The Southern Continent and the Western Continent are already his empire's territory.

As long as Su Chen threatens the Eastern Continent, he will not allow it. In the war, Qin and other countries did not dare to go against his will.

Although the Northern Continent is beyond his reach now, as long as Gai Nie's Tenglong Legion reaches the Northern Continent, with the continuous development of Gai Nie's legion, I believe that the princes of the Northern Continent will He didn't dare to go against his will.

The Demon God of War, Su Chen, was bound to win.

Even if he couldn't get the Demon God of Soldiers,

Su Chen would completely destroy the Demon God of Soldiers. He would not allow any war machine to exist that threatened the stability of his empire.

"Let's set off, Duan Murong, Gongsun Liji, you go back to your Mo family, a war will break out soon, you all have to be careful."Su Chen said and pulled Xiao Li and disappeared directly into the tent.

Su Chen knew that Xiao Li had a secret passage to reach Loulan's palace. If he hadn't wanted to see if the Mo family and Gong Shujia could break through the secret passage, he would I went there with Xiao Li a long time ago

"Hello! Damn bastard, he didn't take us with him."Gongsun Liji was very angry when she saw Su Chen disappear.

Duan Murong was very shocked when she saw Su Chen disappear in an instant.

That bastard was really not an ordinary person. Even the Mohist giant probably couldn't disappear in front of her in an instant, but that bastard The bastard can actually disappear in an instant with a person. He must be very powerful.

Duan Murong shook his head and pulled Gongsun Liji and said,"Okay, Liji, let's go back to the Mo family." Di Jun said Yes, the war for the Demon God of Soldiers will break out soon. Regardless of the various countries or schools of thought, the Demon God of Soldiers and the others all want to get it. I am afraid that a melee will break out in the Loulan Secret Realm.


In the Loulan Secret Realm,

Loulan's more than 100,000 troops are already on guard in a small city, looking at the armies from various countries that are constantly coming out of the passage. Although they have long known that there are troops invading the Loulan Secret Realm, Loulan's army cannot stop the Central Plains army. arrival.

A general from Loulan loudly ordered on the city wall,"Get ready for war. The high priest ordered that unless we all die in battle, the Central Plains troops cannot be allowed to enter Loulan City.""

"Yes, General!"

Outside the city, the Qin army and the armies of other countries continued to come out of the passage.

Under the city of Loulan, the armies of various countries also formed their own military formations and stood not far from the city, preparing to attack. At the headquarters of the coalition forces of various countries, soldiers from each country The generals looked at Loulan City and frowned.

They had all thought that there was an army in Loulan. Otherwise, they would not have come with the army. However, there were more than 100,000 troops in Loulan. This was something they had not guessed.

General Xiang Yan of Chu State looked at General Meng Tian of Qin State and said with a smile,"Meng Tian, ​​I didn't expect there would be so many troops in Loulan. Should we cooperate to capture Loulan City?"

Meng Tian said to Xiang Yan and the generals of the other countries with a serious face,"Xiang Yan, our cooperation ends here. Loulan City has three directions. Our countries can attack separately. Whoever attacks Loulan first will depend on their own abilities."

Meng Tian has long seen that the other five countries have formed an alliance.

After entering the secret realm of Loulan,

Meng Tian ordered the army to be on guard at all times.

The intentions of the five eastern countries towards Qin have been very obvious. The five eastern countries must first Eliminate the Qin State, and then each fight to capture the demon god

"OK, I have no problem with that."

Zhao Mu looked at Loulan City and nodded.

He was unwilling to cooperate with the Qin army.

If Loulan City was captured,

I'm afraid a war would break out among their countries.

This time, the other five countries would unite to deal with Qin. I just didn't expect that there were more than 100,000 troops in Loulan, which forced the five countries to shelve their plan to launch a war against the Qin army if they entered Loulan. The generals of Qi, Wei, and Yan also nodded in agreement. Now, the five countries cannot turn against each other unless they destroy the Qin army. With the huge threat of the Qin army, the five countries have to continue to form an alliance against the Qin army.

At this time, in the Loulan Palace,

Su Chen and Xiao Li had already appeared in the palace.

Su Chen couldn't help but nodded when he looked at the Loulan Palace.

This foreign palace was still very beautiful, especially the huge statue of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl.

Su Chen was very surprised when he saw it.

Su Chen Looking at the beautiful and illusory statue of the goddess, she smiled and said,"Xiao Li, Jiutian Xuannv looks quite similar to you, but you are too young."

"Young Master, is now the time to talk about this? Don't look at the statue of the goddess so lustfully, let's quickly look for the Demon God of War."

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