On the wall of Loulan,

Meng Tian looked at Su Chen under the wall with a serious face.

He now wanted to order the army to besiege and kill Su Chen, but he did not dare. If he dared to order the army to besiege and kill Su Chen, the other armies of the Three Kingdoms here would definitely They will send out troops to stop the Qin army. This will not be worth the gain.

The general of the Yan Kingdom was frightened.

He originally had to consider how to explain Yan Dan's death to the King of Yan when he returned to the Yan Kingdom. Now he didn't have to think about it. The Xuantian Empire had never considered letting the Yan Kingdom's army Leave Loulan.

The mountain ghost of the Yin Yang family looked at the Qi army leaving and asked in confusion,"You are just going to let the other four armies leave like this?"

Su Chen nodded and said to the mountain ghost,"The total number of troops here is almost 300,000. This time I brought a legion of 100,000 troops. Although my army can destroy the coalition forces of various countries after the war breaks out, my army will also suffer heavy casualties, which is not worth it."

"Tsk, I didn’t expect you to be a person who loves the people like a son."Gongsun Liji heard Su Chen's words and mocked.

When Gongsun Liji came here, she hoped that the coalition forces of all countries could send out troops to kill this bastard, so that she could avenge her senior brother Jing Ke.

But the coalition forces of all countries unexpectedly They all looked submissive. No country dared to send out troops to besiege Su Chen. And this bastard really divided the coalition forces of the countries one by one like an emperor. This made Gongsun Liji very angry.


Su Chen looked at Gongsun Liji and said with a smile.

Gongsun Liji looked at Su Chen's hateful smile and cursed,"But you are still a shameless bastard."

"Damn it, Gongsun Liji, be careful if you provoke me again. I will go find you at night."

"Shameless pervert!"

"I'll find you tonight"

"Damn it, I'll kill you if you dare to come"


"I'm going to kill, sister Duanmu, let me go, I'm going to kill this shameless bastard."When Gongsun Liji heard what Su Chen was laughing at her, she angrily drew her long sword Nine and went to kill Su Chen, but Duan Murong held Gongsun Liji tightly to prevent her from going over to kill Su Chen.

Duan Murong said to Su Chen Chen Chen was completely speechless.

This bastard actually looked like a woman in front of hundreds of thousands of troops. How did this bastard become the emperor? Isn't Su Chen afraid of losing the majesty of the emperor?

At this time, in the Qi army When they were about to reach the black armored army, the black armored army split into two and made way for a passage. When the Qi army saw the black armored army giving way, they speeded up one by one and quickly passed through the black armored army. The army entered the exit passage of Loulan.

The other generals of the three countries on the city wall nodded when they saw this situation. They each hurriedly gave orders to their respective armies,

"The Wei army went down to the city wall, gathered the troops, and followed me out of Loulan and back home!"

"Yes, General!"

"All the troops of Chu State have descended on the city wall. Let’s return home."

"Yes, General!"

"The Zhao army descended the city wall and gathered the troops to return home."

"Yes, General!"

As the armies of the other three countries quickly descended the city wall and left the city one by one, only the Qin and Yan armies were left on the entire Loulan city wall.

The Qin army was still nervously guarding Su Chen's army, while the Yan army was all They looked like their parents had died, and they all looked sad and didn't know what to do.

Su Chen looked at the leaving armies of the Three Kingdoms and shook his head. These armies didn't even have the courage to fight. No wonder they were King Qin Yingzheng destroyed all the eastern countries in just a few years.

Su Chen looked at Meng Tian on the city wall and shouted loudly,"Meng Tian, ​​do you dare to come down from the city wall to talk?""

"Why not!"

Meng Tian shouted loudly when he heard Su Chen's words.

Meng Tian may want to know how Su Chen will treat the Qin army. Is he going to massacre them all? Or is he trying to recruit them to surrender? There are 100,000 black-armored troops outside the city. His army is It is impossible to leave Loulan no matter what

"Mountain Ghost, take the others to meet with the army."Su Chen looked at the girls next to him and told the mountain ghost,

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Everyone in the Yinyang family and Dianqing looked at Su Chen and walked out of the city, but Xiao Li didn't follow.

She held Su Chen's hand and smiled without letting go.

Duanmu Rong looked at Su Chen and pulled her hand. Gongsun Liji also left with an angry face.

Su Chen touched Xiao Li's hair and said with a smile,"Xiao Li, why don't you leave with them?"

"I am your personal maid, how can I leave?"Xiao Li took Su Chen's hand and shook his head and said,

"That's right, then you can sleep with me tonight!"


Xiao Li was confused when he heard Su Chen's words.

How could he go to bed just as he said this?

This bastard is indeed a pervert.

Xiao Li rolled his eyes at Su Chen in shame and said,"Master, I I'm not a human being, so don't look for me for bedtime or anything like that. Anyway, you have so many women, and you don't need mine. Su

Chen continued to face Xiao Li and said teasingly,"It's better if you are not a human. I can study the differences between you and humans. Will you have children with humans in the future?""

Su Chen sometimes wonders, what kind of creature is Xiao Li?


This is a little unreasonable.


This is possible.

After all, Xiao Li is a clone transformed by the goddess of the sky using the tears of the goddess.

Xiao Li heard that Su Chen Then he shouted with his face flushed,"You.......You are so shameless. What Gongsun Liji and Da Siming said is absolutely correct. You are just a shameless pervert."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

When Meng Tian came to Su Chen's side, he heard Su Chen's laughter. He looked at the little beauty next to Su Chen and shook his head. Su Chen was very lustful when he was Wu Xiangjun. He didn't expect that he would After becoming the emperor, he was still as greedy for beauty as before.

Su Chen looked at the burly Meng Tian and nodded and said,"Meng Tian, ​​long time no see."

"His Majesty Emperor Xuantian, why did you call us here this time? Meng Tian asked Su Chen expressionlessly after saluting.

Su Chen stretched out two fingers and said with a smile,"As long as you complete these two things, I will not order the massacre of the Qin army.""

"Those two things?"

"First, the Qin army destroyed the Yan army. After you finish this thing, I will talk about the second thing."

"Do you want to divide Qin and Yan?"

"Only Qin and Yan are left. Can I still use it to divide you?"

"Okay, I hope you keep your word"

"I'm afraid my integrity is much better than your King Qin, right?"

Meng Tian nodded to Su Chen and left.

He didn't know if Su Chen was deceiving him, but Su Chen's integrity was worthy of belief. From the moment he met Su Chen, his promises were very credible. Su Chen He has never broken his trust with anyone.

As for destroying the Yan State, it is a piece of cake for the Qin Army.

The Yan State's 20,000 soft-footed shrimp army and the Qin Army can be destroyed in less than an hour. It was just Su Chen's first The two things made Meng Tian a little uneasy. He always felt that Su Chen's second condition might not be that simple.

But he couldn't agree to Su Chen.

He couldn't deal with the 100,000 black-armored troops outside the city.

Especially the 20,000. The heavy armored army, just the 20,000 heavy armored troops outside the city, can destroy the Qin army here.

Meng Tian wants to take the army here to return to Qin safe and sound, and he will do it even if there is a glimmer of hope.

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