After Su Chen, Xiao Li, the high priest and the others left, he saw that the Qin army's war was coming to an end, and this time Loulan's matter was also settled.

Where did Ji Ruxi and that woman go?

It’s time to leave Loulan, why hasn’t that woman appeared yet? Could it be that Ji Ruxi is practicing to find the treasure she needs? Or did Ji Ruxihe encounter any danger?

At this time,

Meng Tian came to Su Chen again and asked loudly,"His Majesty Emperor Xuantian, what is your second condition?"

After Meng Tian arrived, Su Chen touched his chin and asked with a smile,"The second condition. Two conditions? Meng Tian, ​​do you think Qin can still destroy the remaining five countries in the east?"

"Of course, the Great Qin army is the most powerful army in the Eastern Continent. The remaining five eastern countries are no match for the Great Qin army at all. It will be a matter of time before the remaining five eastern countries are destroyed."

"oh! What if my Xuantian Empire also intervenes in the war on the Eastern Continent? Do you think Da Qin will be a rival to our imperial army?"

"you.......Da Qin is notThe opponent of the Heavenly Empire."Meng Tian was very embarrassed when he heard Su Chen's words.

The power of the Xuantian Empire is not comparable to that of the Qin State. The four major combat legions of the Xuantian Empire have millions of troops.

And the black armor of Jiuyuan City here in the Eastern Continent The black-armored army and the black-armored army in Xinzheng City are also very powerful. Even if the four major combat armies of the Xuantian Empire did not come to the Eastern Continent, the black-armored army of Jiuyuan and Xinzheng City, Great Qin, would not be able to do anything.

Su Chen came to Meng Tian and Patted him on the shoulder and said,"Meng Tian, ​​is Ying Zheng a good king?"

"Of course the king is a good king."When Meng Tian heard Su Chen's words, he answered directly without thinking.

Su Chen shook his head and said to Meng Tian disdainfully,

"Can a king who doesn't keep his promises also be a good king? A man who even his mother was afraid of leaving him could be considered a good king? Is a king who gives away his wife a good king? Can a king who doesn't care about the life or death of his troops be considered a good king? Meng Tian, ​​is this what you said about Qin King Ying Zheng being a good king?"

Meng Tian was very surprised when he heard Su Chen's words.

He knew that Zhao Ji left Qin, but he didn't know that Zhao Ji left because he was afraid of King Qin. King Qin Yingzheng sent 500,000 troops to attack Gusu City. He also Yes.

Meng Tian also knows that even if the 500,000 Qin Army succeeds in the sneak attack on Gusu City, the 500,000 Qin Army will never return. After all, no matter whether the Qin Army succeeds in the sneak attack or not, the 500,000 Qin Army will be defeated by the angry Xuan Army. The army of the Heavenly Empire was destroyed.

So what happened to King Qin’s wife?

Why did King Qin give a wife?

Who did King Qin give a wife to?

Which wife was he given?

This all made Meng Tian very confused.

Meng Tian looked at Su Chen and said He asked with a serious face,"Your Majesty Emperor Xuantian, what happened when King Qin sent his wife to you?"

Su Chen laughed when he heard Meng Tian's words. He now understood that King Qin Ying Zheng's gift of his wife was done in secret,"Haha! Meng Tian, ​​do you still remember that 500,000 Qin troops wanted to attack Gusu City?"


"Then do you know why Hu Ji and Zi Nu’s revenge against Qin suddenly stopped? Why didn't Hu Ji's army in Shangjun of Qin continue to attack the capital of Qin? Why did Qin's army that attacked Zhao return to Qin safely?"

"Are you saying that in order for King Qin to make Hu Ji and Zi Nu retreat, Qin sent you a wife as a hostage?"

"King Qin Yingzheng gave me a wife, but not as a hostage. You should understand what it is for."

Meng Tian was very angry when he heard what Su Chen said.

He didn't expect that Hu Ji and Zi Nu's retreat would be such a secret. The king of a country would abandon his wife and let the enemy country retreat. This is simply not worthy of being a king. The king of the country, if he sends his wife today to make the enemy country retreat, tomorrow he may make the enemy country retreat and sacrifice their generals.

Meng Tian clenched his fists tightly and asked angrily,

"Is it that lady?"

Su Chen thought of the gentle Mi Hua and said with a smile,"Mrs. Mi Hua of the State of Qin is also the mother of Fu Su, the son of King Ying Zheng of Qin."

"This is impossible, this is not true."

Meng Tian shook his head when he heard Su Chen's words and looked in disbelief.

Mrs. Qin Mihua is the princess of the Chu Kingdom, and she is also the half-sister of Lord Changping. She is also the mother of Fusu, the eldest son of the Qin Dynasty. How could King Qin possibly do this? Would you give Mrs. Qin to this shameless pervert?

"Believe it or not, you should know about Zhang Han, the commander of the Shadow Guards. Zhang Han is now in Jiuyuan City. You should know why he dare not return to Qin."

"Zhang Han is actually in Jiuyuan? No wonder I haven't seen him in months."Meng Tian lowered his head with a complicated face.

He knew that Su Chen could not deceive him, and

Su Chen had no reason to deceive him.

These were all true.

He knew about King Qin's arbitrary actions.

In the Qin State, King Qin's orders No one can violate it, and he can still remember the execution of those ministers who opposed it. The

500,000 captured troops of the Qin State caused many people who opposed the King of Qin to be executed. Those people only asked the King of Qin to redeem the army, but the King of Qin believed that Those are rebels and are not allowed to be redeemed.

Meng Tian calmed down and said to Su Chen,"His Majesty Emperor Xuantian, what is your second condition?"


Su Chen pointed at Meng Tian and said seriously.

Su Chen respected Meng Tian very much. Su Chen admired this famous general in history. The

Eastern Continent will also need a combat legion to guard it in the future, but his legion Each has its own garrison.

Li Xiuning's Eastern Combat Legion guards the Western Continent [Da Ming], Mu Guiying's Western Combat Legion guards the north of the Southern Continent [Da Song], and Shen Luoyan's Northern Combat Legion guards the Southern Continent. East [Great Sui Dynasty].

Gai Nie's Tenglong combat legion will launch a war in the northern continent, and Huang Rong's southern combat legion will attack the eastern continent.

If the eastern continent is conquered in the future, a combat legion will be left here to guard it.

But Su Chen Chen wants to prepare a quick-response army to respond to war at any time, so Huang Rong's Southern Combat Legion is to be deployed as a quick-response combat legion. It is impossible for Huang Rong's Southern Combat Legion to stay in the Eastern Continent to guard it.

This is why Su Su Chen wanted to reorganize a combat legion to guard the Eastern Continent. Meng Tian was also one of the candidates to lead the future combat legion. In addition to Meng Tian of Qin State, Li Mu of Zhao State was also selected in one of Su Chen's plans.

"I? Meng

Tian looked at Su Chen pointing at him in confusion.

Su Chen nodded and said,"Yes, you are a very capable general. I need you to surrender to me and my Xuantian Empire.""

Meng Tian heard Su Chen's words and said angrily,"It's impossible. Our Meng family has been loyal to the Qin Dynasty for generations. It's impossible for me to betray the Qin State and the King of Qin. Your Majesty, Emperor Xuantian, don't have any wishful thinking."

"Meng Tian, ​​if all your 100,000 elite troops are massacred in Loulan this time, what do you think King Qin Yingzheng will do with you? What will you do with your Meng family?"


"The whole family was executed, and the nine clans were implicated. Meng Tian, ​​do you think King Qin would do this?"

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