"Ding! The lottery is over, congratulations to the host for getting, the thousand-year-old dragon yuan, getting the Tianya Divine Sword, and obtaining the Divine Sword and Thunder True Technique!".


Looking at the reward for this random inspection, Su Yan's heart was suddenly shocked.

You draw three rewards for me in a lottery, and each of these three rewards is a supreme treasure!

Just talking about this thousand-year-old dragon yuan, if you absorb it, the improvement of your own strength is immeasurable!

Suddenly, his realm was to reach the realm of a great grandmaster!

How long has it been?

He went from having no waste material from an internal force to directly leapfrogging to becoming a grandmaster powerhouse, and now absorbing this thousand-year-old dragon yuan has directly reached the realm of a great grandmaster!

You must know that if an ordinary person wants to advance from the Grandmaster realm to the Great Grandmaster realm, even if it is a person with excellent talent, it will take more than ten or even thirty years!

Of course, this doesn't include those perverted demons on the Shenzhou Continent.

And for those who are slightly less talented, it will take longer.

And it only took him less than an hour to reach the realm of the Great Grandmaster, even the genius demon of this Shenzhou Continent is beyond his reach!

There is also the Tianya Divine Sword!

It is the divine sword of the heroine Lu Xueqi in the world of Zhuxian!

This sword is a fairy sword made of Nine Heavens Iron, the whole sword body as a whole presents the color of sky blue, the color is distinct, and there is a faint flashing of streamers, it is the Nine Heavens Divine Soldier, the treasure of the fairy family!

It is rumored that Tianya is out of the sheath, the waves are flowing, the sword qi is overwhelming, and the sky is broken!

Finally, there is this divine sword and thunder true trick, which is also one of the Zhenshan thaumaturgy of Qingyunmen in the Zhuxian world, and it is Lu Xueqi's famous stunt!

Its power is even more powerful in the world!

If this method is urged, it can trigger the power of heaven and earth, lead the nine heavens to thunder, shake the earth, and make the wind and clouds change color!

At this time, Su Yan's body directly erupted with a momentum that was so powerful that it was suffocating, and an invisible coercion suddenly pressed down, and everyone present only felt that there was a big mountain pressing down!

Everyone was shocked!

"The Great Master Realm ?!!


"Fang Cai is still a strong grandmaster, but in a flash, he will directly become a great grandmaster?!!

"How strong is this Mr. Su's strength, and what kind of powerful and mysterious exercises is he is cultivating?"

"Could it be that Mr. Su himself has the strength of a great grandmaster or a great grandmaster?"

Everyone was shocked and began to speculate.

And in their hearts, they felt that this Su Yan must have such a profound cultivation in the first place, otherwise how could he be promoted to the realm of a great grandmaster in one year?

From the Grandmaster realm to the Great Grandmaster Advancement, it was decades to say the least, and he was promoted to such a realm in just a thought, so he could only have such strength before.

Everyone was also a little shocked and curious in their hearts, what kind of strength does this Su Yan have?

But the next moment, everyone looked at Su Yan on the stage with responsible faces, and their hearts were even more mixed!

I was also glad that I hadn't done any disrespectful behavior and behavior towards Su Yan before this, otherwise I would have died at Su Yan's hands.

With the strength of his great grandmaster, destroying their group of innate strength scum is just a matter of raising his hand!

You must know that the powerhouses of the realm of the great grandmasters are generally the Dharma protector elders of those great sects, or even the heads of the sects!

For example, Song Yuanqiao, one of the contemporary Seven Heroes of Wudang, is in the realm of the Great Grandmaster, and Ding Chunqiu, the ancestor of the Star Sect, is also in the realm of the Great Grandmaster.

These people are famous in the rivers and lakes, but Ding Chunqiu is notorious, but it does not prevent him from being strong.


Lu Xiaofeng's expression when he looked at Su Yan at this time also changed.

In his opinion, Su Yan knew so many secrets in the world, and even knew five or six methods of immortality, so he would definitely not be an ordinary person.

A disciple of the Hidden World Sect?

I'm afraid it won't be that simple, how did he know so many ways to live forever?

Now that he knew it, he must have a way to cultivate one of them, so that he could keep himself young and immortal.

Maybe this Su Yan is a powerful old-timer, but it is only because of his immortal method that he has always maintained this appearance.

At this time, General Meng Yuan also raised his eyebrows, the guess in his heart was very different from Lu Xiaofeng's guess, after all, they were all knowledgeable.

The person who burst out of the aura of the grandmaster realm before Su Yan had already guessed Su Yan.

And now that he has suddenly become a great master, I am afraid that the previous inference is not accurate.

How old is he?

However, when he was in his twenties, he already had the realm of a great grandmaster, which he had never heard of in the entire Shenzhou Continent.

If it weren't for some old-timer who had cultivated the method of immortality and rejuvenation, he wouldn't have believed it.

In other words, no one can believe that a young man in his twenties is already in the realm of a great grandmaster!


At this time, the people in the audience, facing Su Yan's coercion, already had beads of sweat on their foreheads.

Only then did Su Yan retract his momentum, and regardless of everyone's shocked looks, he just smiled faintly and said, "That's the end of today's business." "

"If you still want to hear me explain the method of immortality, come back here in three days!"


Drunken Immortal Building, Su Yan's news about the law of immortality has spread all over the rivers and lakes in just one night, which shows how strong this news is.

At this time, the dragon protection villa of the Ming Dynasty!

Zhu ignored the important matter with Duan Tianya in the main hall, and at this time, Shangguan Haitang came in.

Zhu ignored it and didn't say much, but asked, "What's the news in the rivers and lakes?"

"Father-in-law, just now the secret agent came to report that there is a storyteller in the Drunken Immortal Building in Feixian City, who is actually talking about the method of immortality!".

Zhu ignored and Duan Tianya's eyes lit up when they heard this.

"Is there such a thing?!" Zhu asked without regard.

However, at this time, Shangguan Haitang shook his head and said: "I think this is simply nonsense, where is there any method of immortality in this world?

"Indeed, this method of immortality is too ridiculous, and I have never heard of such a method of immortality before. Duan Tianya nodded in agreement.

How big is the Shenzhou continent and how long is the history?

There has never been any method of immortality, and if there was really a method of immortality, it should have been recorded in ancient books or legends.

Zhu Wuzhi also nodded, feeling that Shangguan Haitang's words were even reasonable!

But Shangguan Haitang said disdainfully: "This method of immortality must be fake, but the gods are sure that there is really a method of immortality at this time!"

And he was still a strong believer in the storyteller's words. "

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