Although Dongfang Bai's words made Qiao Feng speechless, they aroused the curiosity of others.

Yes, Qiao Feng had just been promoted to the peak of Grandmaster.

Why did he go to Wudang to visit Zhang Sanfeng right away?

"Zhang has been in the martial arts world for a long time and has seen a lot. Qiao just wants to ask him to see if he can get some information about the mysterious force. You don't have to be so surprised."

Qiao Feng explained helplessly.

He went to Wudang Mountain to ask about Baisun Taoist.

But this was just an excuse. He mainly wanted to see Zhang Sanfeng's current strength.

Among the several great masters he had seen, the Sweeping Monk was the most powerful.

Zhang Sanfeng might be even more unfathomable.

The group did not stay in Yanjing and left the next day.

But Qiao Feng wanted to leave, but was stopped by someone.

""Master Qiao, are you going to leave like this?"

Dongfang Bai's tone was chilling as he stopped Qiao Feng.

Qiao Feng looked around. Fortunately, there were not many people here. Otherwise, seeing Dongfang Bai's expression, others would think that he had abandoned her.

""What happened to the Eastern Patriarch?" he asked, pretending to be curious.

"You are now the leader of the Sun Moon Sect."

Dongfang Bai said

"Didn't I ask you to be the leader first? Let's talk about this after I finish my own affairs."Qiao Feng replied.

Dongfang Bai narrowed her eyes,"Master Qiao was so mysterious before, I thought he was some hidden master in the martial arts world. I was excited to see the prey, so I made such a bet."

Qiao Feng raised his hand quickly:"Stop, stop, you are not going to say that if it was me, you would not bet so big, right? Do you believe this?" Dongfang

Bai blushed.

If she had known it was Qiao Feng earlier, she would have been more confident.

It was only because of the strength that Qiao Feng exposed in the martial arts world in the past two months that he could only barely beat the mid-stage grandmaster, and he could not be her opponent.

But who knew that Qiao Feng's strength would improve so fast, it has not been long since then, and he has already reached the peak of the grandmaster.

""Whatever you want to deal with, our Sun Moon Sect can help you." Dongfang

Bai turned his eyes and asked.

Qiao Feng frowned:"What do you mean?"

"Otherwise, I will spread the news that you are the new leader of the Sun Moon Sect to the entire martial arts world."

"Are you threatening me?" Qiao Feng's expression turned cold. Dongfang

Bai rarely showed a faint smile,"No threat, I'm telling the truth. I'm just acting as the leader, isn't it? Or... Leader, are you going to break your promise?"

Qiao Feng pondered for a moment and said helplessly,"Tell me your real purpose."

Dongfang Bai said in surprise,"It seems that Master Qiao is different from the rumors in the martial arts world."

Then, she said,"Has Master Qiao practiced the Yi Jin Jing?"

"No." Qiao Feng answered decisively.

"That's fine. When Master Qiao saved your father in Shaolin Temple, everyone saw it clearly.

Qiao Feng frowned,"What do you want to do?"

Dongfang Bai sighed and said faintly,"Why do you look like that, Master? I just have a request."

Suddenly hearing her call him Master again and calling herself a little girl, Qiao Feng was alarmed and immediately took three or four steps back.

"You either speak nicely or forget it."

Dongfang Bai's expression froze for a moment, and then he said seriously,"There is indeed something that I need the leader's help with."

"What's the matter that makes you beat around the bush for so long?"

Qiao Feng asked in surprise.

Dongfang Bai lowered his head slightly,"Because of my own skills, I'm afraid I will only be able to reach the peak of the Grandmaster in this lifetime.

"The Sunflower Manual is not actually suitable for women to practice. It was only after I modified it that the current Sunflower Manual came into being, and its power has also been discounted.

"Breaking through from the peak of Grandmaster to the Saint Realm is a natural chasm, a hundred times or a thousand times more difficult than for others."

Qiao Feng pondered and said,"There is nothing I can do about this. Even if I practice Yijinjing, I cannot help you change the internal energy you practice."

He knew that he had a special physique, so he dared to boldly try to integrate many exercises to create the most suitable internal energy for himself.

Others' exercises cannot be modified at will, which may cause serious injuries at the least, or even go crazy and explode, and even break the meridians of the whole body.

Dongfang Bai shook his head gently,"That's not the case. I just want to ask the leader to help me protect the law once in the future, just once."

Qiao Feng frowned,"You are not talking about the time when you broke through the peak of Grandmaster, right? There is no martial saint in the martial arts world today, why do you want to take the risk?"

Dongfang Bai's thin eyelashes trembled slightly,"There will always be one, doesn't the leader want to help me?"

Qiao Feng's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Dongfang Bai:"What do you know?

Dongfang Bai pursed his lips and said,"There is a sentence on the last page of the Sunflower Manual. Based on this, I speculate that there will always be a martial arts saint in the world."

"I have practiced martial arts for twenty years and have now reached the late stage of the Grandmaster. If it were you, the Master, would you be willing to stop here?"

Qiao Feng fell silent.

After a long while, he said,"I will never be willing, but I am more curious about what the sentence left in the Sunflower Manual is?"

"The four spirits gather, the holy realm opens, the vastness of the martial arts reflects Kunlun, and there is another sentence at the end, which was erased by the writer himself, so the words cannot be seen clearly.

Qiao Feng frowned when he heard this.

"What do you mean? Is there any special condition required to break through to the Saint Realm?"

Dongfang Baizheng nodded,"I think so, but if I really have that day, I hope that Master Qiao can help me protect the law for once.

"If you agree, you can be the leader in the future, or I can take care of it for you temporarily. Dongfang has no complaints."

As she said this, she lowered her head slightly, waiting for Qiao Feng's response.

Qiao Feng was silent.

If there really was such a day, he would definitely encounter it earlier than Dongfang Bai.

She would not fail to think of this.

Then for herself, if she had already reached the Saint Realm, it should not be too much trouble.

Qiao Feng thought for a while and said,"Okay.���Qiao promised you, but you can't call me the leader anymore, otherwise some people in the martial arts world will start to spread rumors that I joined the Demon Sect."

Dongfang Bai snorted,"Oh? So you always thought I was a member of the Demon Sect?"

"That's not the case. We can't explain the root of this matter in a few words. Just understand it yourself. Don't get hung up on it. I was just joking. I don't want to be too loud."

"Even the hero Qiao can joke. If people in the martial arts world know this, they will be shocked. Dongfang Bai showed a faint smile. After finishing the matter with Dongfang Bai, Qiao Feng went forward and prepared to go to Wudang.

Thinking that even Zhu Wusi was a member of the mysterious force, Qiao Feng did not make a big fuss this time.

A few days later, he quietly passed many Wudang disciples and entered Wudang Mountain.

"Qiao Feng, I am here to visit Master Zhang of Wudang."

Qiao Feng shouted as he stood outside a hall in Wudang Mountain.

The auras inside were at least at the Grandmaster level.

But there were only two that were stronger, one at the early stage of the Grandmaster, and the other at the peak of the Grandmaster.

After a little contemplation, he understood. The aura of the early stage of the Grandmaster was still unstable, so it should have been a breakthrough not long ago, most likely Yu Lianzhou.

As for the peak of the Grandmaster, it was probably Song Yuanqiao, and the others were at the early and middle stages of the Grandmaster.

However, at this moment, Zhang Sanfeng's Tai Chi magic and Tai Chi boxing and sword should be about the same. Just finished comprehending.

After his six disciples inherited the Tai Chi magic and the fist and sword, some practiced fist, some practiced sword, or practiced both, and their martial arts strength entered a period of great explosion.

In a few years, Yu Lianzhou can even catch up with the top few people in the contemporary martial arts world.

Qiao Feng was sighing in his heart, but he saw the door of the hall opened, and four people walked out with solemn faces.

An elegant and easy-going middle-aged man came in front and bowed and said,"Why did Qiao Xia visit Wudang? Song Yuanqiao is sorry for not welcoming you."

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