The appearance of Qiao Feng and his companions made the atmosphere in the room quiet for a moment.

Many people recognized Qiao Feng and their expressions changed slightly.

Qiao Feng threw Cheng Kun to the ground and looked at Zhang Wuji.

"It's just been a while since we last met, how did you get yourself into this state?"

He grinned as he said this.

Zhang Wuji replied with a bitter face:"Master Qiao, it happened suddenly and I was slightly injured."

Then, Zhang Wuji repeated what had happened just now.

He saved the lives of most of the disciples of the Ming Cult, but also allowed these people to go to the Bright Summit unimpeded.

Yang Xiao and others were severely injured by someone unknown, and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. Instead, they were beaten by Miejue and others without any ability to fight back.

They were more seriously injured, but fortunately, the White-browed Eagle King Yin Tianzheng arrived in time and led the Sky Eagle Cult masters to support.

But this could not withstand the attack of these people.

Zhang Wuji was injured by the foreign monk when he was blocking the other party and protecting Yin Tianzheng.

The other party was powerful and had strange means of attack, so he was caught off guard and injured.

But with the ability of the Nine Yang Divine Art, this injury is not a big problem, but it looks rather embarrassed

"These people are……"

Qiao Feng frowned, looking at the foreign monk and the middle-aged scholar in front of Zhao Min.

Both of them were mid-level grandmasters, so it was normal that Zhang Wuji couldn't handle them.

It was just that Qiao Feng didn't recognize the origins of these two people.

"This woman brought a master here for the Ming Cult's unique skill, the Great Shift of the Universe."

Zhang Wuji pointed at Zhao Min and said

"Is that the master of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty?"

Qiao Feng turned his gaze and looked at Zhao Min.

Zhao Min shuddered, panic appeared in her eyes, and she subconsciously took two steps back.

The scene of Qiao Feng killing the two Xuanming elders a few days ago was still deeply imprinted in her mind.

"Princess, don't worry, we are here."

The middle-aged man with the sword on his back spoke gently and stood with the foreign monk.

Zhao Min squeezed out a few words from between her teeth.

"He is Qiao Feng."

The two men froze and stood there in a daze, neither of them saying a word.

"Your identity is quite useful. It's been a long time since we last met, and now you have a new master to protect you?"

Qiao Feng said while looking at Zhao Min.

Zhao Min immediately said,"Qiao Feng, we are here to eradicate the Demon Sect. It has nothing to do with you."

She sounded a little fierce but weak.

Qiao Feng smiled and said,"Where did these two people come from? How could the Ruyang Palace mobilize so many masters? This makes me curious."

Zhao Min's words"Qiao Feng" had already shocked other people present who did not know the truth.

Now they heard that she was from the Ruyang Palace, and they were even more shocked.

Wasn't the Ruyang Palace on the side of the Mongols?

How could it be mixed up with the Central Plains martial arts world?

""Qiao Feng, this princess didn't mess with you today, so don't do anything rash. Master He Tianmo and Mr. Song are disciples of the National Master. If you dare to touch them, the National Master will not forgive you."

Seeing Zhao Min retreating again and not wanting to give in, Qiao Feng almost laughed.

However, Zhao Min did explain the identities of the two.

The National Master of the Yuan Dynasty?

If I remember correctly, the current National Master of the Yuan Dynasty is Ba Shiba.

This guy is definitely at the peak of the Grandmaster, and he knows mental attack methods.

After looking at He Tianmo, Qiao Feng ignored him.

However, He Tianmo was sweating all over after seeing this.

The huge pressure was swept away, and only he knew how terrifying the other party was.

Qiao Feng looked at the people of the Ming Cult.

"Here, it is better for you Mingjiao people to look at these two things yourself."

He threw out the Qiankun Da Neng Yi Mentality and Yang Dingtian's letter.

Yang Xiao quickly caught them and opened them with a puzzled look.

Suddenly, his body was shocked, and he stepped back a few steps, his lips trembling, and he couldn't say a complete sentence.

"What is this?"

At this time, Yin Tianzheng, Wei Yixiao and others were very surprised and hurried forward to check

"Impossible, how could the leader die?"

"The leader is dead……"

Several people murmured to themselves, extremely shocked.

When the others heard this, their expressions changed slightly, and they all had different thoughts.

Yang Dingtian was dead?

Wouldn't that mean the Ming Cult was doomed?

""Master Qiao, is this... true?"

Wei Yixiao asked hurriedly.

Qiao Feng said,"I followed Cheng Kun all the way, but accidentally entered the secret passage of the Ming Cult, and encountered the corpse of Yang Dingtian. He had indeed passed away many years ago. I only found these two things in his arms."

The blood on the parchment had dried up at this moment, and the words had disappeared.

"Mr. Qiao, what about this parchment?"

"The Great Shift of the Universe"

"What, this……"

Yang Xiao quickly grasped the parchment in his hand and looked around cautiously.

"Qiao, today we are eradicating the Demon Cult. Do you want to stand with the Demon Cult?"

At this time, a middle-aged nun stood up and said.

Qiao Feng looked at her and thought,

"Oh? You think that's it, right?"

"you……"Miejue was furious, but she didn't dare to scold Qiao Feng.

If it were anyone else, she would have picked up her sword and chopped him up.

The news that Qiao Feng fought against the peak grandmaster in the battle in the Forbidden City had already spread.

She was accompanied by several young female disciples, all of whom were young and beautiful.

On the contrary, everyone in the Ming Cult listened to their conversation, and hope rose in their eyes.

If Qiao Feng could really help the Ming Cult, it would not be difficult for the Ming Cult to survive this disaster today.

Dongfang Bai was puzzled and hesitated to speak.

The Ming Cult had a grudge against him, and Qiao Feng knew it.

If he helped the Ming Cult, what should he do?

Just thinking about it, he heard Qiao Feng say:"When I was checking the Qiankun Great Shift method just now, Qiao subconsciously read it once, and I am afraid I can't forget it even if I want to.

"This mental method is a secret skill that your Ming Cult does not pass on. Since I have read it, I am indebted to you. As for the name of the Demon Cult, Qiao will make the decision for you."

Qiao Feng has read the Great Shift of the Universe...

When he said this, everyone's face changed.

The people of the Ming Cult were shocked, but after thinking deeply, they were relieved.

If they could exchange a mental method for the Ming Cult's peace today, it seemed that it was not a loss.

Dongfang Bai, who was standing aside, had a strange look on her face. She heard something wrong from Qiao Feng's tone.

What was the reason for him to do this?

Is there something else that she didn't know?

""Master Qiao, are you really going to stand up for the Ming Cult?" Dongfang Bai asked in a low voice.

Qiao Feng replied,"Don't panic, just watch."

Zhang Wuji was happy,"Master Qiao, if you say it, things will be much easier. They don't believe what I say."

Qiao Feng nodded, looked at Cheng Kun lying on the ground and said,"This person is not Yuan Zhen from Shaolin Temple, but Cheng Kun. Most of the names of the Ming Cult as a demon sect over the years are related to this person.……"

Qiao Feng explained the matter clearly in a few words, because it was not complicated in itself.

The hatred between Cheng Kun and Yang Dingtian led to so many things happening, until finally Xie Xun slaughtered the heroes of the martial arts world.

When everyone heard this, their faces became solemn.

"Cheng was he who instigated us to attack the Ming Cult"

"Yuan Zhen is actually Cheng Kun, so aren’t we all deceived?"

"Just because of the grudge between him and Yang Dingtian, he actually had such a vicious mind. Cheng Kun was the one who deserved to be killed."


Everyone pointed to Cheng Kun in their words.

Cheng Kun first bullied and killed Xie Xun's family, which led to Xie Xun killing people and leaving Cheng Kun's name.

Most of the bad reputation of the Ming Cult came from Cheng Kun and Xie Xun.

This is why they acted under the name of eradicating the evil cult.

""Master Qiao, although Cheng Kun started the incident, the Golden Lion King Xie Xun killed many fellow martial artists, so this incident is probably true."

At this time, Shi Feixuan spoke slowly, and the atmosphere became stagnant.

She was right, Xie Xun really killed many people.

This is difficult to judge.

What they said just now was just following Qiao Feng's steps.

Shi Feixuan's words made everyone's faces change slightly.

"Oh? What do you think, Miss Master?"

Qiao Feng asked slowly.

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