Duan Yu shook his head repeatedly,"No, I only killed Yun Zhonghe. That guy had evil thoughts about Miss Wang and wanted to attack her. Once I started, I couldn't stop.……"

Qiao Feng raised his eyebrows:"So that's why, no wonder your strength has improved so quickly."

The two did not say it explicitly, but Qiao Feng knew that Duan Yu must have used the Beiming Magic to absorb the internal energy of these people.

However, Qiao Feng thought of something and said:"Second brother, don't leave for a while, I need to tell you something important."

"Okay, then, big brother, you deal with the Ming Cult first."

Duan Yu was not in a hurry. After he finished speaking, he slowly walked to Wang Yuyan's side and whispered something.

Wang Yuyan, however, looked tangled and shook her head repeatedly.

Qiao Feng caught a glimpse of this scene and couldn't help but secretly cursed the dog-licker for being hopeless.

But if he didn't interfere, the dog-licker would eventually get everything.

It's hard to say. After all, his appearance has changed Murong Fu's life trajectory a lot, and Wang Yuyan, who is related to it, must be different.

But it all depends on his luck. If he can succeed, he will succeed. If he can't, there are so many women in the world. With Duan Yu's conditions, he can find anyone he wants. Wang Yuyan, if she doesn't have good character, what's the use of being beautiful.

Qiao Feng was already unhappy with her behavior, and he didn't bother to pay attention to their mess.

""Master Qiao, please come in."

This time, Qiao Feng was invited into the main hall by Yang Xiao, Yin Tianzheng and others.

Zhang Wuji hesitated for a moment and followed Qiao Feng and others into the hall.

"We also want to visit the Ming Cult, and we wonder if we can have the honor to see you."

Lu Xiaofeng and Chu Liuxiang came slowly.

Wei Yixiao said,"Lu Xiaofeng and Xiang Shuai came hand in hand, which is an honor for our Ming Cult. Please come in."

Several people laughed at each other and entered the hall in a happy atmosphere.

""Master Qiao, please allow me to thank you again for saving my life."

Yang Xiao bowed again.

The Ming Cult members also bowed.

If it weren't for Qiao Feng today, the Ming Cult would be on the verge of destruction.

Qiao Feng raised his palms, and a powerful internal force lifted everyone up.

"There is no need to be so polite. Qiao cannot stand their behavior."

When Ouyang Feng appeared, and Lu Xiaofeng and Chu Liuxiang followed, he began to wonder if someone was secretly pushing this action.

Cheng Kun was also brought in at this moment.

""Cheng Kun, how do you want to die today?"

Yang Xiao said in hatred.

It was because of Cheng Kun that the Ming Cult almost perished today.

Wei Yixiao said,"In my opinion, we should hang him at the foot of the mountain to warn all the followers and those who want to do something bad to the Ming Cult."

Monk Peng retorted,"Not appropriate, that would confirm our name as a demon cult. I think we should let him kneel in front of the leader's tomb for three days to repent, and then execute him."

Yang Xiao said,"That's good, what do you think?"

Everyone in the Ming Cult nodded in unison.

They were not extremely vicious people.

Any punishment during life was not excessive, but insulting the body after death was quite inappropriate.

Wei Yixiao did not feel anything, he was just talking nonsense to scare Cheng Kun.

Now that he thought about it, Cheng Kun had hated the leader, and making him kneel in front of Yang Dingtian's tomb to repent was a more painful punishment than killing him.

Immediately, a group of people began to discuss the burial of Yang Dingtian.

Qiao Feng pointed out the location of the secret passage, and they went to carry out Yang Dingtian's body and then buried it in a secluded place in the back mountain.

Everything was done, and it was almost dark.

Wei Yixiao and others kept Qiao Feng, Lu Xiaofeng and others for dinner in the Ming Cult, but they held Qiao Feng and did not let him leave.

Qiao Feng looked at them with a little doubt.

"What are you doing?"

He had already guessed 80% of it.

After all, according to the plot, it was the time for the Ming Cult to give birth to a new leader.

Dongfang Bai and others also looked at the Ming Cult members curiously.

They looked serious and solemnly pulled Qiao Feng to sit on the main seat.

""Master Qiao, after our joint discussion, we have finally decided to invite you to take over the position of leader of the Ming Cult."

Yang Xiao and Yin Tianzheng said together

"Huh? How can this be possible?"

Qiao Feng waved his hands repeatedly and rejected them.

"Master Qiao, please listen to me first."

Yin Tianzheng said:"First of all, Master Qiao is no longer the leader of the Beggars' Sect. We in the Ming Cult do not ask about our origins, but only about our character. We come from all corners of the world.

"Wuji is my grandson. I heard him say that you guys, who didn't even know each other, saved him.

"He saved all of us in the Ming Cult today. I think there is no need to question his character.

"Secondly, Master Qiao has already learned the secret martial art of our Ming Cult, the Great Shift of the Universe, and in just half a day, he has already mastered the first four levels, which is unprecedented.

"In Yang's last words, we were asked to choose a new leader and pass the Great Shift of the Universe to him, but Master Qiao had already learned it, so there was no need for us to pass it on.

"Master Qiao is already the most suitable person for our Ming Cult leader, I hope Master Qiao will not refuse


We are willing to be your subordinates. I believe that under your leadership, the Ming Cult will be more glorious and contribute more to the Central Plains.……"

Dongfang Bai was stunned.

Things didn't seem to be going right. He came here with Qiao Feng so that he could take him to see the new leader of the Ming Cult.

But why did he become the leader himself?

Wait, could it be that the new leader he was talking about was himself?

Dongfang Bai was stunned.

Everyone was silent. Zhang Wuji couldn't help but sighed,"Master Qiao, you are absolutely the most suitable person to be the leader of the Ming Cult.

"With your strength and character, you can lead everyone to make the Ming Cult a true force that brings light to the martial arts world.

"Everyone admires your character and martial arts, what are you hesitating about, Qiao?"

Qiao Feng looked at Zhang Wuji silently, feeling deeply moved.

Wuji, you are a really good person.


Hey, you all are too kind to me, Qiao. In that case, I will not refuse, but there is one thing I need to explain in advance.���He bowed and said,"Please tell us clearly, Master. We will obey your orders."

Qiao Feng said,"Master of the Ming Cult, I am here to take over temporarily. If there are any shortcomings, I hope you will forgive me. I am afraid that you will still need to continue to handle the affairs of the Cult in the short term."

Yang Xiao replied,"Don't worry, Master. We will do our best to get the Ming Cult back on the right track." Yin

Tianzheng said,"All the Sky Eagle Cult will return to the Ming Cult and become the Sky Eagle Branch. Your subordinate Yin Tianzheng will return to the position of White Eyebrow Eagle King and help Yang Zuoshi manage the Ming Cult."

"The five scattered people also all returned to the Ming Cult to assist the leader."

The high-ranking members of the Ming Cult expressed their opinions one by one, and were very excited.

This was the first time in so many years that they saw the people of the Ming Cult so united.

They dared not imagine what the Ming Cult would be like after a few years of development.

Qiao Feng said:"Okay, I will remember what you said. From now on, the people of the Ming Cult are one family. If anyone dares to betray the cult, I will definitely clean up the mess myself."

After a pause, Qiao Feng glanced at Dongfang Bai and said:"Now there is something I want to discuss with you."

""Master, please speak."

Qiao Feng said,"The Sun-Moon Divine Sect was originally a split from the Ming Cult, so I propose that the Sun-Moon Divine Sect, like the Sky Eagle Cult, be merged into the Ming Cult and become the Ming Cult's branch in the Great Ming Kingdom, and continue to use the name of the Sun-Moon Divine Sect."


Everyone was shocked and looked at Qiao Feng with puzzled eyes.

Yang Xiao stood up and said,"Master, it's not that we don't want to take back the Sun Moon Sect, but the current master of the Sun Moon Sect, Dongfang Bai, has unfathomable martial arts skills and is even more elusive.

"We were no match for her before, and the Sun Moon Sect had already grown stronger.

"Of course, the leader can definitely beat her, but we need to think long and hard, this matter cannot be rushed."

Qiao Feng said:"If Dongfang Bai agrees to this, won't it be much easier?"

Wei Yixiao replied:"Leader, if she can agree, it will be much easier, basically it will be done. In the Sun Moon Divine Sect, Dongfang Bai is like a god, and everyone in the sect listens to her orders."

Qiao Feng nodded:"That's good."

After saying that, he looked at Dongfang Bai, his eyebrows slightly raised.

Dongfang Bai's movements froze.

She never expected that there would be such a thing.

What should she do now?

But she had boasted before that Qiao Feng was already the leader of the Sun Moon Divine Sect... and everyone's eyes also shifted to her as Qiao Feng was puzzled.

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