Shi Zhixuan continued:"It seems that Master Qiao has also heard of the Qinglong Society.

"Twenty years ago, someone from the Azure Dragon Society came to see me. At that time, it was the first time I knew that the Azure Dragon Society still existed. However, I was shocked by the huge influence of the Azure Dragon Society in secret.

"Even if the entire Demon Sect's two sects and six factions were put together, they would not be a match for the Azure Dragon Society.

"The power of the Qinglong Society has secretly infiltrated the entire Sui Dynasty, and only then can they help me overthrow the Sui Dynasty.

"At that time, I thought I had great skills, so I would not be afraid even if the opponent had a master at the peak of the Grandmaster level.

"But later they threatened me to join the Qinglong Society by threatening the safety of Qingxuan and her son.

"I know that with the style of the Qinglong Society, once you join, you will never be able to leave.

"It was just that when I had been holding on for a few years and almost agreed to join the Azure Dragon Society, a series of misfortunes suddenly happened to me, and I am afraid that even the Azure Dragon Society did not expect it. After that, I quietly sealed myself in the treasure house until today.

Qiao Feng narrowed his eyes.

"Qinglong Club?……"

He knew what kind of organization this was.

But the situation of the Qinglong Society in this world is a little different.

For hundreds of years before, the Qinglong Society had suffocated the entire martial arts world. But at a certain time more than sixty years ago, in just a few days, the Qinglong Society suddenly collapsed, and the martial arts world has been silent since then.

More than sixty years have passed, and the Qinglong Society has quietly revived.

What do they want to do?

Qiao Feng asked,"What else do you know?" Shi

Zhixuan pondered and said,"In addition to the extremely huge dark forces of the Qinglong Society, there are also many masters. Among the three people from the Qinglong Society who have contacted me, one is at the peak of the Grandmaster, and two are in the late stage of the Grandmaster realm."

"Do you know their true identities?"

Shi Zhixuan shook his head.

Qiao Feng thought for a moment and said,"If you reappear in the martial arts world, I wonder what they will do."

Shi Zhixuan's face was full of vicissitudes.

Back then, he was full of vigor and vitality, and he created the Immortal Seal. He was strong enough to fight against opponents of higher levels, and his arrogance could make the Azure Dragon Society give in.

But the Azure Dragon Society was so powerful that he had no choice but to try his best to save his wife and daughter.

This was also because the other party saw that he was powerful and gave him time to consider.

He didn't react to the subsequent changes, so he was forced to seal himself.

Now that he has returned to the martial arts world, what can he do to fight against the Azure Dragon Society?

"I haven't joined yet, so I don't know more about the Qinglong Society.

""Master Qiao, I can give you all the martial arts I know, but there are two things you need to help me with."

Shi Zhixuan stared at Qiao Feng.

Qiao Feng frowned,"Tell me about it."

"First, help me find Qingxuan and ensure her safety

"Second, is there any way for Master Qiao to help Yu Yan break through the 18th level of the Heavenly Demonic Art?"

Qiao Feng replied without thinking,"The first one is easy, but as for the second one, although I have read the secret manual about the Heavenly Demonic Art, it is too profound. You have practiced for decades and still can't break through. How can I help you?"

Shi Zhixuan said,"Yu Yan and I have experienced this and have some insights. I only hope that you can help me with the pure magic essence in the relic."

Qiao Feng smiled and said,"How many martial arts secret manuals do you think can compare to the Evil Emperor's relic and the value of breaking through the 18th level of the Heavenly Demonic Art?"

"This... Hey, Master Qiao, Yu Yan was unable to break through because of me. Now that I know the inside story, I can't just sit back and watch. Master Qiao, please let me know what you want. I will do my best to fulfill it.

Qiao Feng nodded slowly,"Okay, okay, it's not difficult for you.

"I want you to be the deputy leader of the Ming Cult."

Shi Zhixuan and Zhu Yuyan were shocked when they heard this.

""Master Qiao, have you thought about this matter clearly?" Qianqian couldn't help but ask. Qiao Feng said:"Of course, this is not a difficult thing, right?"

Shi Zhixuan was silent for a long time, and said:"But I am a member of the Demon Sect, and I am also the leader of the Butian Pavilion and the Huajian Sect."

Qiao Feng said:"You have been missing for twenty years. What is your relationship with these two sects now?"

"This... I don't know either."

Qiao Feng pondered and said,"I'll give you a suggestion. You help Queen Yin and unify the Demon Sect. By the way, you have to get rid of the Demon Master Palace.

"And you yourself, join the Ming Cult with a new identity, become the deputy leader, and work with Yang Xiao and others to strengthen the Ming Cult, and Shi Qingxuan can also be protected by the Ming Cult."

After Qiao Feng finished speaking, they all fell into silence.

Xiao Zhao looked at Qiao Feng with stars in her eyes.

Such a Qiao Feng seems to be more powerful than the one in the rumors, and the Ming Cult will definitely become the number one in the martial arts world in the future.

But at the same time, maybe he can stay in the Central Plains Ming Cult forever.

Shi Zhixuan said with difficulty:"Qiao Xia, I dare to ask, are you doing this to deal with the Qinglong Society?"

Qiao Feng asked back:"Why not? A few months ago, I was almost devastated by the Qinglong Society. I believe the evil king has heard about it.

"If it wasn't for the fact that they were completely exposed,

"Otherwise, with my current strength, I can walk around the world alone and do whatever I want. How many top masters will the Azure Dragon Society need to send out to threaten me?"

As he spoke, Qiao Feng even felt a little regretful.

Was it because he killed Quan Guanqing, Kang Min and others too quickly? Who knows, the Azure Dragon Society might be behind them.

Shi Zhixuan nodded,"That's true. Master Qiao's talent in martial arts is the only one I have ever seen in my life."

Qiao Feng asked,"So what is your choice?""

"I agreed." Shi Zhixuan did not hesitate any longer.

Zhu Yuyan opened her mouth, but was stopped by Shi Zhixuan's eyes.

Kankan and Xiao Zhao were just two spectators, and could only watch in shock as Qiao Feng and Shi Zhixuan discussed how to join the Ming Cult with a new identity.

And then, with what identity, they would help Zhu Yuyan unify the Demon Sect.

Qiao Feng said:"Since you have to use a new identity, you can't use your martial arts openly, otherwise the Qinglong Society will definitely recognize you at the first opportunity." Shi

Zhixuan said:"I have a way to deal with this matter, and I am also proficient in other martial arts"

"Okay, I will teach you a few other common martial arts. You should hurry up and practice them. With your strength, unless you meet a peak Grandmaster, it is impossible to force you to use your own martial arts."

After they finished discussing, Qiao Feng took Shi Zhixuan into the house.

"Starting from today, I will spend one hour every day to help you resolve the schizophrenia symptoms caused by the conflict between the two martial arts schools. You need to fully cooperate."

Shi Zhixuan replied solemnly:"I understand. If I hadn't suppressed him on purpose, I'm afraid he would have completely lost his mind."

Qiao Feng immediately unblocked Shi Zhixuan's internal energy and circulated his internal energy. The magical internal energy flowed into Shi Zhixuan's body through his palms.

His internal energy now not only has the mysteries of the Yi Jin Jing, but also the exquisiteness of Ming Yu Gong and Bei Ming Sheng Gong, integrating the strengths of each.

This is why he dared to say that he could cure Shi Zhixuan's schizophrenia symptoms in just three days.

An hour later, beads of sweat appeared on Qiao Feng's forehead, and then he stopped.

He had never used his internal energy so hard and carefully.

Shi Zhixuan had blood flowing from his mouth and nose, but he stopped immediately.

"Next, you will have to use the Immortal Seal to calm and strengthen your spiritual power, otherwise it will relapse if stimulated."

After giving instructions, Qiao Feng left the yard.

He looked at Zhu Yuyan,"I will help him treat every day for the next two days. Do not let him contact outsiders, and never let him suffer other stimulations, otherwise all the previous efforts will be wasted and his symptoms will even worsen."

Zhu Yuyan nodded:"Okay, thank you, Master Qiao, I will protect you well."

Early in the morning of the fourth day,

Qiao Feng brought Xiao Zhao to the small courtyard.

"How is it?"

Qiao Feng looked at Shi Zhixuan, who was practicing a palm technique.

This was the martial art that Qiao Feng learned from Cheng Shifei. It was not a unique martial art, but it was quite powerful, just right for Shi Zhixuan to practice to hide his identity.

Shi Zhixuan laughed and said,"It's completely fine now. The sense of urgency to suppress myself all the time is finally gone."

Qiao Feng said calmly,"After I read the Immortal Seal, I discussed it with you yesterday. With so many years of insights and accumulation, I'll give you three months. Can you break through to the peak of the Grandmaster?"

""Isn't it too hasty?" Zhu Yuyan asked.

These days, she has lost her former indifference and has become more humane.

Qiao Feng said:"Don't be hasty, the enemy will not give you time to slowly improve.

"Shi Zhixuan, we will meet in Chang'an in seven days. I will take you to the Ming Cult to take up the post. I hope you can fight on behalf of the Ming Cult at the upcoming Huashan Sword Contest."

"What? Let the Evil King attend the Huashan Sword Contest?" Kanan asked in surprise. Shi Zhixuan smiled and said

,"It doesn't matter. As long as I don't use my own martial arts, the Grandmasters of the Azure Dragon Society won't be able to recognize me even if they are present."

Qiao Feng asked,"But the art of disguise is a must. Is there anyone among you who is proficient in it?"

Kanan said,"I have a way to do it."

After giving instructions, Qiao Feng took Xiao Zhao to say goodbye to Kanan and the other three.

""Master, where are we going now?"

Xiao Zhao asked curiously.

""Do you know Xiu Yu Valley?" Qiao Feng asked.

Xiao Zhao was stunned for a moment, then he thought of something and his face changed drastically,"Master, are you talking about Yihua Palace?"

Qiao Feng laughed and said,"Haha, let's go, Master will take you to Yihua Palace to see it for yourself."

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