Palm after palm, each move seemed to have no connection with each other, but they were vaguely connected.

Until the nineteenth palm, Qiao Feng shouted in a deep voice, and both palms came out at the same time, suddenly slapping the mountain forest on the side.


Like a breeze blowing, the sound of rustling leaves rang out in the mountain forest.

Xiao Zhao stared at Qiao Feng in surprise, who kept this action and stopped slapping, and then looked at the rustling woods.

This movement seemed not as violent as that day on Guangmingding.

But the next moment, she was horrified to find that the tall trees in the forest also began to shake, and collapsed into powder. It was not until ten feet away that the trees were safe and sound.

But this place is still seven or eight feet away from the mountain forest.

Yan Shisan stared at the passage in the mountain forest that was one foot wide and ten feet long. He struggled to get up, rushed in, and stood there in a daze.

""Master, did you really do this?"

Xiao Zhao murmured.

She could see that Yan Shisan must be feeling something.

But with her martial arts level, she couldn't observe it.

Qiao Feng smiled, calmed down his internal energy, and walked over.

"Let's go, we should go find Shi Zhixuan and the others."

This time, although the result was very different from what he expected, he gained a lot.


Just when Xiao Zhao wanted to ask whether to take care of Yan Shisan, he heard the sound of the Bone Poison Sword and flew towards Yan Shisan.

He had a strange expression on his face, standing in the destroyed woods, and began to dance with the sword.

This was the Thirteen Deadly Swords that he had just used on Qiao Feng.

He started practicing from the first move, one move at a time, and practiced the rest.

Qiao Feng took a look and smiled,"It seems that his goal has been achieved. Let's go and don't worry about him."

Xiao Zhao nodded obediently,"Oh, okay, leader, was that move you just made the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?"


"Then you have already performed eighteen moves before." Xiao Zhao's face was full of confusion.

Qiao Feng replied:"Because this is the nineteenth move, and it is also the first palm of the eighteen palms combined into one."

Xiao Zhao was surprised,"The first palm of the eighteen palms combined into one? What does this mean? Are there second and third palms?"

Qiao Feng said:"Of course there are. I usually think you are very smart. How come you are so stupid now? This nineteenth palm is a new move I created by integrating my own internal strength. This is only the first one."

Xiao Zhao was amazed and said:"A new move? Master, you are really amazing, but this new move is still called the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms? How about giving it a new name?" Qiao Feng thought for a while and said,"My internal strength and this new palm method are not the existing martial arts in the world. It is indeed time to give it a new name.

"Let me think... the internal strength can be called the Dragon Subduing Divine Skill, and the palm technique can be called the Dragon Subduing Divine Palm."

Xiao Zhao was a little dazed after hearing this, and was stunned for a long time before he slowly spoke.

""Master, why don't you change your name? This name doesn't sound right."

Qiao Feng said,"Why doesn't it fit? I think it's pretty good. My internal strength is the result of my Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms external strength, and it integrates many top-level skills. Shouldn't it be called the Dragon Subduing Divine Art?"

"The new palm technique is even simpler, it is derived from the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and is called the Dragon Subduing Palm."

Xiao Zhao nodded blankly,"That's right... but the new name doesn't sound that powerful.……"

As she spoke, her eyes lit up and she said,"Master, you have integrated many internal skills, but the core is the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. Why not call it the Tianwu Dragon Subduing Sutra? Or simply call it the Heavenly Dragon Art or the Soaring Dragon Art."

Qiao Feng thought for a moment and said,"It sounds good. You can also name a few of those palm techniques."

Xiao Zhao smiled happily,"Master, then I'm really telling you. The Dragon Subduing Destruction Palm, the Heavenly Dragon Palm, the Ascending Dragon Palm, the Nine Heavens Riding Dragon Palm... I feel that these are much more interesting than some magic palms."

Qiao Feng nodded,"What you said is really good. Let me think about it."

The two chatted and laughed, and in a moment they had arrived at the Seven Heroes Town.

Kanan had been looking forward to it, staring at the street, and when she saw Qiao Feng coming back, she hurried out

"Master Qiao, did you fight just now? Many martial artists rushed over to watch."

Qiao Feng nodded:"It's okay, it was just a simple exchange."

They did meet a lot of people who came to join in the fun, but they certainly couldn't see anything. Although Yan Shisan was still in the process of comprehension, it would not take more than a quarter of an hour.

However, Kanan was muttering in her heart.

The movement just now was not small, and the terrible power was even transmitted to the Seven Heroes Town.

Even at such a distance, it was so obvious that the two of them were not just sparring.

But she didn't ask much, and returned to the courtyard with Qiao Feng.

""Master, we are back."

Xianxian shouted.

Zhu Yuyan came out immediately, looking less cold than usual.

"Did your trip go smoothly, Mr. Qiao?"

"Well, not bad. I wonder how the evil king's power has recovered now?"

Zhu Yuyan said:"With the help of the hero Qiao, not only has his power recovered, but he has even improved. I'm afraid it won't take three months."

Qiao Feng nodded and said:"That's fine, just don't waste my efforts."

Not long after, Shi Zhixuan came out of the room after finishing his work.

""Master, when do we set out?"

Looking at his face, Qiao Feng was slightly stunned.

His face, hairstyle, and clothing had all changed. He was no longer related to the old Shi Zhixuan. He now looked like a dignified middle-aged man, and at first glance he looked like someone who had been in a high position for a long time.

"It was all brought by the girl, Kankan. I wore a human skin mask in advance to get used to it, so as not to be exposed when I attack in the future."

Qiao Feng looked at it and said,"It's really good. If the voice changes a little, it will be perfect."

Shi Zhixuan was even eager to try,"It's a pity that the martial arts I just practiced can't bring out my full strength."

For him, the Immortal Seal can at least account for 50% of his strength.

If it weren't for the fusion of the two schools' skills to create the Immortal Seal and Tianyi Heart Method that suited him best, I'm afraid he would have gone completely crazy

"Rest for a night, and we will set out for Ming Cult tomorrow." Qiao Feng said. Shi

Zhixuan hesitated and said,"Master, about Qingxuan……"

"I will take care of this matter, don't worry."

Then, Qiao Feng looked at Qian Qian and said,"If you don't have anything important to do recently, you can help keep an eye on Shi Qingxuan's movements. I will also ask my friends to look for her.

"If there is any news, I will try to get her to join the Ming Cult, and then you and your daughter can meet openly. What do you think?"

Shi Zhixuan nodded seriously:"Of course, thank you, Master."

The next day, Qiao Feng wrote a letter and asked Qian Qian to go to Luoyang to find the Chamber of Commerce branch of Hua Manlou's family to help find Shi Qingxuan.

Ten days later.

In the Ming Cult's main hall on Guangmingding.

Everyone in the Ming Cult looked at Qiao Feng in astonishment.

"Master, who is this person?"

"He has no reputation in the martial world, and suddenly he appears and is made the deputy leader?"

"Think twice, leader."

Qiao Feng looked at the reactions of the crowd and said,"His name is Shi Xiaotian, he is a good friend of mine who lives in seclusion. Now that the martial arts world is in chaos, I asked him to come out and help.

"If any of the brothers in the sect are dissatisfied, you can compete with him. If you can beat him, I will promise you the position of deputy leader."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was ready to move. Yang Xiao and Yin Tianzheng were the first to stand up.

Obviously, they didn't want to give up the position of deputy leader.

Seeing this, Shi Zhixuan bowed and said,"You two can come together. If I lose, I will start as the most ordinary member of the sect."

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