Qiao Feng and Xiao Zhao were standing side by side on a boat about seven or eight meters in size in the southeastern sea.

""How far is it from here to the Spirit Snake Island?"

Someone on the boat asked.

The old man at the helm quickly replied:"Don't worry, heroes, we will be there tomorrow at noon."

Qiao Feng looked at Xiao Zhao, who nodded slightly.

It turned out that this was a passenger ship specially used to transport martial artists. The old man could only be considered a third-rate entry-level martial artist, otherwise he would not have fallen to the level of ferrying for a living.

Xiao Zhao led the way and went all the way down to the south of the Yangtze River. When they reached the coast, they found that there were several sea ships heading to the Spirit Snake Island.

According to Xiao Zhao, there was no one on weekdays, and they had to find a way to buy a boat.

But now there are even sea ships that go to the Spirit Snake Island, which shows the current situation of the Spirit Snake Island.

The ship they are on now is unfortunately the passenger ship of the Jiangnan Hua family.

In addition to the old man at the helm, there are two young men helping.

According to the old man, this is his second time to the Spirit Snake Island.

The first time was five days ago.

Sure enough, on the second day, the ship approached a small island, and even vague figures coming and going on the island could be seen from a distance.

Qiao Feng frowned.

"There are so many people on the Lingshe Island?"

Xiao Zhao's face was solemn,"This is not Lingshe Island."

Many people on the boat heard this and immediately looked at the old man with unfriendly faces.

The old man smiled bitterly and said,"There are many reefs on the seabed near Lingshe Island. If people who are not familiar with it enter, the end result will be the destruction of the ship and the death of people.

"But this island is only a short distance away from the Snake Island, and there are boatmen who are familiar with the nearby terrain to ferry people. Please understand, my old man has been ferrying people for the Hua family for many years, but he has never gone so far into the sea.……"

He was still mumbling something like if he hadn't been old and wanted to earn some money for his children and grandchildren, he wouldn't have gone out to sea and gotten involved in such dangerous things.

But the boat had already docked, and after hearing the old man talking about the Hua family, everyone on the boat had no choice but to get off the boat and look for the boat that specifically ferries to the Spirit Snake Island.

Xiao Zhao glanced around with a heavy expression.

There are nearly two hundred martial artists on this small island, including several masters.

In the past, there were only a few people here throughout the year, with only the occasional fisherman passing by.

Seeing this, Qiao Feng said,"Don't worry, there are so many people coming to the Spirit Snake Island, but it's okay, and there aren't many masters."

Xiao Zhao sighed,"Master, did you know my identity a long time ago?"

"What identity?"

"I am the daughter of the Purple-Robed Dragon King of the Ming Cult, and also the daughter of the Lord of the Spirit Snake Island."

Qiao Feng was surprised and said,"So you are so important."

Xiao Zhao looked up at Qiao Feng blankly,"Master, didn't you know this before?"

Qiao Feng laughed and subconsciously raised his hand to touch her little head.

"Let's go and find a boat that can go to the Spirit Snake Island."

He had already seen several small boats near the island.

Some people even fought over the right to take the boat.

Xiao Zhao then realized that Qiao Feng was obviously lying to him. If he really didn't know, how could he ask him directly if he was familiar with the Spirit Snake Island.

Qiao Feng walked straight to the boat where the fight was taking place.

Because the other boats were almost full, and since this was such a unique way to get on board, it was a coincidence.

However, just as Qiao Feng walked over here, he heard a sudden loud noise coming from behind.

Looking back in surprise, Qiao Feng's eyes were fixed on a large ship coming from a distance.

With his eyesight, he could see at once... This big ship was not comparable to the previous one, and it was decorated very luxuriously.

This ship was obviously heading for the Spirit Snake Island, but was just passing by this small island, with no intention of docking. Those who could own such a luxurious ship were not small forces.

They did not dare to provoke them, and could only watch.

Qiao Feng and Xiao Zhao also watched.

Shaking his head slightly, Qiao Feng was not like those martial artists around him, expecting others to let them take a ride on the boat.

He was about to go with Xiao Zhao to find the small boat, ready to convince others with virtue to see if they could get two seats to the Spirit Snake Island.

But they heard shouting in the distance.

The faint voice in the wind made Qiao Feng pause slightly.

""Master, someone seems to be calling you."

Xiao Zhao listened and his eyes stayed on the luxurious ship.

Qiao Feng also looked in surprise and saw a pale yellow figure on the deck, jumping and waving, calling out to him.

"It turned out to be this girl.

Qiao Feng was stunned.

"Brother Joe, Brother Joe……"

Huang Rong's voice was faintly heard from a distance of one or two miles, and the big ship changed direction and sailed towards this side.

Qiao Feng raised his arm and waved at Huang Rong to show that he heard her.

Then, he glanced at the surprised eyes of the martial artists around him, and then grabbed Xiao Zhao's shoulder.

"The big ship can't dock too close, so we go directly over and save trouble."

It's only a thousand meters away, Qiao Feng said, and immediately jumped up, taking Xiao Zhao with him on the water.

After dozens of breaths, Qiao Feng didn't touch the water and took Xiao Zhao on Huang Rong's big ship.

"Brother Qiao."

Huang Rong came forward in surprise, took Qiao Feng's arm, and looked at him carefully.

""Where did you get this boat?"

Qiao Feng asked in surprise.

Huang Rong said,"This is my father's boat. I brought it with me this time."

Qiao Feng suddenly realized,"What about your father? He actually let you come to the Spirit Snake Island by yourself?"

""I have my senior sister with me."

Huang Rong smiled faintly and looked behind.

In the cabin, a figure in green slowly walked out.

"Lian Xing has met Hero Qiao."

Qiao Feng nodded:"Palace Master Lian Xing is too polite. How did you think of going to the Spirit Snake Island? For the Dragon Slaying Sword?"

Lian Xing smiled and said:"Of course I have some ideas, and Rong'er happened to be a little tired of practicing martial arts, so I accompanied her to travel around the world."

Qiao Feng nodded, but his eyes were fixed on the sword hanging on Huang Rong's waist.���

Huang Rong noticed Qiao Feng 's gaze and immediately said with a smile,"Brother Qiao, Senior Sister asked me to carry the Blood-Reflecting Painting so that no one would dare to cause trouble for me."

"Well, it's not good to practice all the time, it's good to come out and relax."

Qiao Feng looked at Lian Xing.

Lian Xing's strength progressed unexpectedly fast, and she was already in the middle stage of the Grandmaster. The last time they met, she was still in the early stage.

But her talent was not much worse than Yao Yue, so it was normal.

Next, under Xiao Zhao's guidance, the big ship docked at the shore without any danger.

"If there is any problem, just send a signal and we will rush over."

Huang Rong instructed the crew members of her Peach Blossom Island.

Qiao Feng glanced around.

The Spirit Snake Island was unexpectedly large.

And as far as he could see, he didn't see anyone.

""Everyone follow me."

Xiao Zhao whispered, and then led the way.

Huang Rong followed closely behind Qiao Feng, and Lian Xing followed slowly at the back.

Soon, they arrived at a valley.

But Xiao Zhao's face had changed, and he hurried forward, but was grabbed by Qiao Feng.

"Don't worry, the strongest among these people is only at the peak of the Grandmaster level."

Qiao Feng frowned.

This Grandmaster level was none other than Yue Buqun.

Outside the valley, there were fifty or sixty people surrounding him, but no one dared to go in.

He had such strength, so he must have reached the peak.

Xiao Zhao calmed down, looked at him for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"They shouldn't be here, Master, follow me and be careful."

Then, Xiao Zhao turned around several times and entered a long stone cave.

"Those people outside were frightened by the hidden weapons, so there should be no one inside."

Xiao Zhao explained,"My mother and the Lion King should be here."

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