Qiao Feng calmed down and used his internal energy to suppress the surging blood in his body.

Just now, he used all his strength to perform the 19th Palm of the Dragon Subduing, the Destruction Palm.

This was his most powerful palm so far, and it was even stronger than the unskilled Fengshenfu.

Lian Xing, who was standing by, was horrified.

If Qiao Feng had used this palm when fighting his sister, wouldn't he have been able to decide the outcome with just one move?

But what about the impact force that appeared out of nowhere on the Spirit Snake Island?

Why did it feel like it was only coming towards them?

Huang Rong, Dai Qisi and the others were even more shocked, staring blankly at the Spirit Snake Island that was gradually moving away.

Xiao Zhao looked at the red scale that Qiao Feng was still holding tightly, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Just now, Qiao Feng used all his strength to perform the palm technique, which was to throw the red scale up, then push it out with one palm, and then catch it again.

If this scale fell on the boat, it would take a few breaths for the boat to burn.

Qiao Feng was the only one present who could hold the scale with his powerful internal energy.

It was also thanks to his endless internal energy that he dared to take it on board.

""Master, just now... was that aimed at this scale?"

Xiao Zhao asked after seeing Qiao Feng's training finished.

Everyone was surprised to hear this and all looked at Qiao Feng.

Qiao Feng nodded slowly.

"There is a huge beast under the Spirit Snake Island. I don't know whether it is good or bad, but it is trapped underground. The impact force just now was sent by it."

After Qiao Feng finished speaking, he looked at the Spirit Snake Island and pondered in his heart.

The creature underground sent out this attack through the air, and it must have tried its best.

Because it only sent out one attack, and then it was completely silent.

If it can break out of the ground, I am afraid I will not be able to take this attack safely.

Qiao Feng looked at the scales in his hand.

When the horrible attack just now came, the scales also vibrated.

"Could it be that this is the scale of the creature underground?"

No, no.

Qiao Feng shook his head secretly.

If it were true, the creature would be too terrifying and there would be no need to go through so much trouble.

Judging from the attack just now, the strange beast is very powerful, but it is not so powerful that people cannot resist, so it has not reached the holy realm after all.

It's just that the fact that it can attack from such a distance makes Qiao Feng a little tempted.

I need to learn from this method.

But not now, I should wait until I improve my strength.

Daiqisi was silent for a long time and asked:"Master, is it underground in the crack that was shaken open?"


Qiao Feng replied,"The deaths of those people were caused by a mysterious force. Their purpose was to use the flesh and blood of the practitioners to weaken the thing that trapped the strange beast, in order to release it."

""Master, have you recognized what kind of beast it is? Is it related to the scales in your hand?"

Facing Daiqisi's doubts, Qiao Feng could only shake his head.

"I don't know. You guys should not go near the Spirit Snake Island in the future. This place will soon become a forbidden area for martial arts."

The terrifying beast wanted to escape very much. If it used a few more attacks like the previous one, it would be enough to wipe out all the strong men below the peak of the Grandmaster. No matter how many came, it would be useless.

A large amount of flesh and blood eroded into the underground crystal, and the beast would soon be able to escape.

So he could only tell the people he knew not to come and die.

After thinking about it, he said again:"Daisy, after you return to the Ming Cult, let the deputy leader and others release the news that the Dragon Slaying Sword is broken, and don't let other martial artists go to the Spirit Snake Island again."

Daisy nodded:"Okay, I understand."

Then, everyone was silent all the way.

Huang Rong and Xiao Zhao were around Qiao Feng.

But Qiao Feng had to use his power from time to time to restore his internal strength, otherwise the scales would consume most of his internal strength, and he would not be able to deal with it perfectly if he encountered an accident.

Fortunately, there were no waves along the way.

"Where is this?"

Two hours later, Qiao Feng finished his Qigong exercise again, looked at the island in the unfamiliar sea, and asked

"This is, of course, Peach Blossom Island. Brother Qiao, look, isn't our Peach Blossom Island beautiful?"

Huang Rong smiled and pulled Qiao Feng to the bow to look at Peach Blossom Island.

Qiao Feng looked from afar and saw that Peach Blossom Island was all pink, with the mountains undulating and a light mist covering the peaks, like a fairyland on earth.

"It is indeed beautiful. Among all the scenery I have seen, only the Embroidered Jade Valley can compare to it."

Qiao Feng exclaimed.

Huang Rong chuckled,"In the future, I will be the owner of Peach Blossom Island, or the third palace owner of Yihua Palace."

However, Qiao Feng immediately thought of a question,"Is your father here too?"

The smile on Huang Rong's face suddenly disappeared.

"Maybe...he is here."

Qiao Feng raised his eyebrows:"If he is here, he is here. If he is not here, he is not here. How can it be possible?"

At this time, Lian Xing smiled and said:"When we were preparing to go to Lingshe Island on Peach Blossom Island, we heard from the servants on the island that Huang Yaoshi was coming back. Maybe we can meet him this time."

"So that's it."Qiao Feng nodded.

That means Huang Lao Xie is not here yet.

He didn't bother Huang Lao Xie last time, and he must be very angry.

But he definitely didn't dare to go to Yihua Palace. Later, when he heard that Huang Rong was not captured but became the third palace master, he would definitely hate him.

But what can he do? He can't beat him.

Qiao Feng thought about it, and the corners of his mouth curled up subconsciously.

""Brother Qiao, what are you thinking about?"

Huang Rong came over.

Qiao Feng shook his head,"Nothing, this is your home, won't we disturb you if we go there?"

Huang Rong waved her hand generously,"If there's anything to disturb you, just come anytime."

Qiao Feng said slowly,"By the way, when the last Zhenlong chess game was over, I ran into Huang Yaoshi, and he asked me where you were going."

Huang Rong was startled, blinked, and said,"Huh? Brother Qiao, what did you say? You didn't fight, did you?"

"Why did we have to fight? Of course I said you were fine and safe, and then I asked him to go to Yihua Palace to find you. He seemed very angry, and I didn't ask much."

After hearing this, Huang Rong froze.

Xiao Zhao and Lian Xing had strange smiles on their faces.

Huang Rong stuttered and said,"Was my father really angry at that time?" Qiao

Feng thought for a while and said,"I don't remember it very clearly, it seems that he was a little angry."

In the following time, Huang Rong didn't say a word, but frowned. No one knew what she was thinking. Anyway, she looked very worried.

Qiao Feng smiled and didn't disturb her. Instead, he admired the beautiful scenery of Peach Blossom Island.

Peach Blossom Island not only has peach blossoms all over the ground, but also has green trees in the mountains.

Especially after the arrangement of Huang Yaoshi, it has a unique flavor and is very different from the natural scenery.

Not long after, they arrived at Peach Blossom Island.

After landing, Huang Rong seemed to come alive and hurriedly ordered the servants on the island to entertain the guests.

The chefs on Peach Blossom Island are very skilled, and the food is better than the food Qiao Feng has eaten in several big cities.

After dinner, it was getting dark.

Huang Rong quietly found Qiao Feng, carrying a box, and took him to a remote valley.

"What are you doing?" Qiao Feng asked curiously.

Huang Rong said,"You'll know when you get there. It's fun to meet an old friend."

After walking a long way, Huang Rong finally stopped in front of a cave.

""Hey, old naughty boy, are you still there?"

Huang Rong called out in a low voice.

Before she finished her words, a thin, white-haired figure appeared in front of the two of them.

"Little Huang Rong, why did you stay out of the island for so long this time? I'm almost bored to death."

Zhou Botong glanced at Qiao Feng, then jumped in front of Huang Rong and complained.

"I came here as soon as I got back. Look, this is the delicious food I brought you."

Huang Rong opened the box, which contained various snacks and a roast chicken.

Qiao Feng's mind moved.

By the way, at this time, Mei Chaofeng ran away with the second half of the Nine Yin Manual.

Zhou Botong only had the first half left.

And did he need the moves in the second half? Qiao

Feng had already made up his mind.

The Nine Yin Manual is known as the general outline of martial arts in the world. Of course, it is discounted a lot in the world of comprehensive martial arts, but it is enough to show how powerful it is.

Therefore, the internal strength of the first half and the general outline of the Nine Yin Manual are far more useful to him than other martial arts of moves.

So he looked at the old naughty boy and smiled slightly,"This must be the famous old naughty boy Zhou Botong."

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