"Qiao Feng greets Island Master Huang. I apologize for disturbing you."

Qiao Feng walked out with a smile on his face.

Since Huang Lao Xie had already discovered it, why bother hiding?

There were quite a few servants under Huang Lao Xie on the island. Huang Rong didn't have the power to shut everyone up. It was only a matter of time before she was exposed.

When Huang Lao Xie saw Qiao Feng, he looked even worse.

Lian Xing and others also arrived one after another.

This was the front of the reception room of Peach Blossom Island, and the space was not small.

Huang Yaoshi asked all the servants to leave, and he looked at these people.

"If you are visiting with good intentions, Huang will welcome you, but today, you don't seem to be so."

Huang Rong said quickly,"Dad, I brought them here." Huang Lao Xie glanced at her and said,"I know you brought them here, but do you know who they are?"

"Of course I know."

Huang Lao Xie said,"Qiao Feng, the Khitan who left the Beggars' Sect and became the leader of the Ming Cult, and Xie Xun, who killed countless people? They are all your friends?"

Huang Rong said,"These...they are all my friends."

Lian Xing saw Huang Rong's eyes looking for help, and had no choice but to come forward,"Island Master Huang, in Lian Xing's opinion, it would be better for us to sit down and talk slowly."

Teacher Huang looked at Lian Xing,"Second Palace Master, Rong'er is young and ignorant, I hope you two palace masters will be more tolerant, but as a father, I can't let her go on like this."

Lian Xing said,"Island Master Huang wants to do it?"

Huang Lao Xie said,"You were brought back by Rong'er, and I don't want to embarrass Rong'er, but at dawn, I hope you will leave Peach Blossom Island, and please don't come again without an invitation, this is good for everyone. Qiao Feng thought to himself.

Tsk, if Lian Xing and I were not there, Huang Lao Xie would definitely take action to drive them away.

After all, he would definitely not be able to beat the two of us.

As for Xie Xun and Dai Qi Si, that might not be the case. Huang Lao Xie would definitely take action.

"Huang Lao Xie."

At this time, a loud shout was heard.

Huang Yaoshi looked in surprise not far away.

He saw Zhou Botong leaping over the treetops.

But in the blink of an eye, he had landed in front of Huang Lao Xie.

"Zhou Botong, how dare you come here?"

The old naughty boy glanced at Huang Rong and others, and said seriously:"I want to leave Peach Blossom Island."

Huang Yaoshi laughed,"You dare to leave Peach Blossom Island too?"

"Why should I be afraid? Come, let's fight. If I win, you'll let me go."

Huang Yaoshi stopped laughing and looked at the old naughty boy in surprise.

"Do you dare to fight me?"

"Come——"The naughty boy didn't waste any words and started fighting directly.

The tense atmosphere was instantly broken, and it became a fight between Huang Lao Xie and the naughty boy.

Lian Xing, Qiao Feng and others looked at each other and could only watch the fight.

The naughty boy seemed to have regained his confidence after getting the support of Huang Rong and Qiao Feng. He was no longer afraid when fighting with Huang Yaoshi.

Moreover, after the two of them had exchanged thirty moves, the naughty boy laughed loudly.

"Huang Lao Xie, you can't beat me now."

After saying that, his aura suddenly changed, and he punched out with both fists, but they were two completely different punching methods, making Huang Yaoshi a little flustered.


Huang Yaoshi frowned deeply.

He had known that the Old Boy's skill was not inferior to his own, but he did not expect that this set of boxing skills was so powerful.

When performed by the Old Boy, the power was doubled.

But how could he easily admit defeat?

Huang Yaoshi's Qinggong was also not weak, and he used palm techniques, fist techniques, finger techniques, etc. successively, and he was in a stalemate with the Old Boy.

"" Master Qiao, do you know who this is? His boxing style is a bit strange, he can use two martial arts at the same time."

Lian Xing asked in surprise.

Dai Qisi and Xie Xun were also very curious.

Qiao Feng said:"This is Zhou Botong, the junior brother of Quanzhen Sect's Chongyang Zhenren, known as the Old Naughty Boy. He has been practicing hard on Peach Blossom Island for many years, and his strength has also greatly improved."

Dai Qisi said:"It turned out to be him, no wonder he could fight with Huang Yaoshi to such an extent, and judging from his long breath, his skills are even stronger than Huang Yaoshi.

"However, there has been no news since the last Huashan Sword Contest ended and Master Chongyang returned to Quanzhen Sect with the Nine Yin Scriptures. Only Ma Yu and others from Quanzhen Sect are active in the martial arts world."

Qiao Feng replied:"He has been trapped on Peach Blossom Island for fifteen years, so it is normal that there is no news. But it is hard to say about Master Chongyang."

According to this plot, Wang Chongyang is probably dead.

Otherwise, how could the Nine Yin Scriptures be in Zhou Botong's hands. But according to the information provided by Tianji Tower, Wang Chongyang is now at least in the late Grandmaster stage or even the peak stage, which is far better than the other four masters.

Qiao Feng doubted whether Bai Xiaosheng knew some news because Wang Chongyang was listed on the list.

But none of this mattered.

Qiao Feng looked at the field.

Huang Yaoshi had already tried his best, but he still couldn't do anything to the Old Boy.

The Old Boy couldn't take down Huang Yaoshi for a while, so the two had to stop.

"I want to leave Peach Blossom Island." said the old naughty boy.

He didn't want to fight desperately, after all, this was little Huang Rong's father, otherwise he would definitely win if it dragged on for more than two hundred moves.

So even if it ended in a draw, he would still be considered the winner.

But Huang Yaoshi didn't agree:"Can you get out of Peach Blossom Island by yourself?"

The old naughty boy immediately jumped up and said,"You Huang Laoxie, you don't care about the moral code of the martial arts world, and you can't beat me, why don't you let me go out?"

Peach Blossom Island is not an ordinary place. No one can take care of him and he can go out by himself.

The island is full of strange arrays. If you take the wrong road, you may wander in a certain place for several days.

"Island Master Huang, I think you should let him go. I know about the grudge between you two. If we really talk about it, I think you are more responsible."

Qiao Feng said slowly.

If he and the Old Boy were to continue to be in a stalemate, the matter would never be resolved in a lifetime.

Huang Yaoshi's eyes turned cold and he turned around and said,"Oh? What advice do you have, Master Qiao?"

Huang Rong's eyes were full of worry, fearing that Qiao Feng and Huang Yaoshi would fight again.

But Qiao Feng waved his hand:"If there was no pursuit of martial arts at the beginning, there would not have been a series of events later, am I right?" Huang

Yaoshi frowned and fell silent.

Qiao Feng said:"With the character of the Old Boy, would he deliberately hurt you? I think no one would think so, but you, the famous Huang Yaoshi, don't even want to admit this mistake?"

After saying that, he shook his head and left.

Daiqisi, Xiaozhao and others also followed Qiao Feng.

Huang Rong had already arranged a place for them to stay, and Qiao Feng had also made up his mind that no matter what Huang Laoxie thought, he and others must stay on Peach Blossom Island tonight.

If there is anything, we can talk about it tomorrow. What surprised Qiao Feng was that after he finished speaking, Huang Laoxie, who he expected to argue with him, never came to him.

Instead, when it was completely dark at night, the old naughty boy sneaked out of the house where he lived.

""Brother Qiao, come out for a moment." He called out from outside the door in a low voice.

Qiao Feng left the house out of curiosity, and the two walked all the way to the beach on the island.

"Old naughty boy? Huang Yaoshi shouldn't bother you anymore, right? Why are you still here?"

The old naughty boy smiled and handed Qiao Feng a pot of wine,"It's okay, we can go together tomorrow. Come, have some wine. I just stole it from Huang Lao Xie."

Qiao Feng suddenly realized that the old naughty boy couldn't leave without a boat.

"Brother Qiao, the palm technique you used when fighting me before was the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms? It's so cool, and there's also the sound of a dragon roaring."


The old naughty boy sighed,"What a pity, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms cannot be passed on to outsiders."

Qiao Feng's eyes flashed with surprise, and he said,"I actually have a move that is even cooler than the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. Do you want to learn it?"

"I'll learn it." The old naughty boy almost jumped up.

Even cooler than the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?

Wow, what kind of martial arts is that?

"Bring me the Nine Yin Manual in exchange."

As he spoke, Qiao Feng put his palms together and activated the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will.

"Old naughty boy, what do you think of my move, Wind God's Wrath?"

The wind howled furiously, and a huge Dharma image appeared above and behind Qiao Feng, eyes wide open, rumbling towards the old naughty boy, who was almost stunned.

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