The ship started moving and took half a day to reach the coast.

Qiao Feng and the others got off the ship and looked at the crew behind them.

"Thank you very much, you can go back. Huang Rong is here, so she won't make things difficult for you."

Nearly half of these crew members are slaves on Peach Blossom Island.

But according to Huang Rong, many of them were picked up by Huang Yaoshi outside to give them a chance to live. They have similar origins to his several disciples.

For example, those deaf-mute servants were basically captured by Huang Yaoshi because of their vicious temperaments.

If all of them were deaf-mute servants, I'm afraid there would be no way for this ship to return.

Therefore, the managers among these crew members are basically the more loyal servants of Peach Blossom Island.

""Master, where are we going now?"

Xiao Zhao followed Qiao Feng and asked after looking around.

There were still many people looking for a boat to the Spirit Snake Island.

It was obvious that the matter of the Spirit Snake Island was still fermenting.

She found that along the way, the Master seemed to be in a good mood, except for checking the red scales in his hand, and even joked with her and others.

Perhaps he saw Huang Rong coming to say goodbye.

Xiao Zhao thought

"Let's go to Yangzhou."

Qiao Feng said.

At this time, Xie Xun suddenly said:"Master, I will take my leave now. I will also tell the people in the martial arts world that I have left the Ming Cult."

Qiao Feng replied:"Don't worry, you and the Dragon King will go back to the Ming Cult together, and then you can decide whether to stay or leave."

As for Xie Xun, Qiao Feng also found that this person is not a bad person by nature, but it's a pity that he went crazy for a while because of the great change. He used to be a member of the Ming Cult, so there is no need to kill him.

"This...what else does the leader have planned?"

Qiao Feng said,"Nothing. You can go back with the Dragon King and meet your old friends.

"By the way, Dragon King, remember to arrange two disciples to take care of his daily life. Although he can still rely on voice to act and retain most of his strength, it is still not very convenient after all."

As he was talking, Qiao Feng suddenly thought of Xu Zhu.

It seems that only Xu Zhu had the experience of replacing people's eyes. It was quite fantastic to think about it. It's a pity that Xu Zhu is no longer here. I don't know if Wuyazi and others have such ability.

After the arrangement, everyone split into two groups.

Xiao Zhao followed Qiao Feng to Yangzhou.

According to Qiao Feng's idea, letting Xiao Zhao follow Daiqisi and others back to the Ming Cult would also be regarded as making their identities public.

But Daiqisi and Xiao Zhao insisted on letting her stay with Qiao Feng as a maid, and said that it was impossible for a leader to waste time on trivial matters in life.

So it can only be like this.

A few days later, in Yangzhou Yanyu Tower.

Qiao Feng and Xiao Zhao had just sat down in the box on the second floor of Yanyu Tower when a figure slowly stepped in.

""It's been a long time since we last met, Master Qiao. Your martial arts have improved greatly. I am really envious of you."

Hua Manlou always spoke in a gentle and warm manner, making people feel like they were in the spring breeze.

Xiao Zhao looked at the person who came in curiously and was very surprised.

As a blind person, Xie Xun was much more impatient, but with his mother by his side, he seemed to have gotten better.

And this one was more like a gentle and kind gentleman.

"" Mr. Hua, it's been a long time since we met. Do you know where Lu Xiaofeng is?"

Qiao Feng said.

Hua Manlou was slightly startled and said,"He must have already gone to Huashan to check out the area."

"I see. Aren't you going to Mount Hua?"

Hua Manlou said,"I like quietness, so I probably won't go."

Qiao Feng nodded,"Yeah, not everyone likes fighting and killing. I just don't like it."

Hua Manlou seemed choked by this sentence and remained silent for a long time without responding.

Xiao Zhao covered her mouth to hold back her laughter.

Qiao Feng then said,"Is there any news about Situ Zhaixing now?"

Hua Manlou shook his head,"It is probably because our previous actions angered the other party, and we can't find any trace of him recently."

Qiao Feng pondered for a long time before saying,"There is something I need to tell you. Please inform Lu Xiaofeng and Ye Kai as soon as possible."

"Oh? What's the matter? Why do you speak so cautiously?"

"As for the so-called mysterious force, I am 90% sure that it is the former Qinglong Society that has reappeared."

Hua Manlou's expression became slightly solemn.

"Doesn't that mean that this Bai Xiaosheng was not given a new name by someone else?"

Qiao Feng nodded:"It is very likely that it was him."

After chatting with Hua Manlou for a while, Qiao Feng left.

""Master, where are we going now?"

Xiao Zhao followed Qiao Feng on horseback, very curious.

Qiao Feng smiled and said,"Of course, we are going to meet the many masters of our Sun Moon Sect."

Xiao Zhao's eyes lit up,"Are we going to Yanjing? I haven't been there yet. I heard that it is one of the most prosperous cities in the Central Plains, just like Chang'an and other places."

"Then I'll take you to see it."

Qiao Feng laughed and rode on.

Halfway through, Qiao Feng suddenly raised his hand and signaled Xiao Zhao to stop.

The two of them reined in their horses and stopped beside the official road.

""Master, what's wrong?"

Qiao Feng looked to the left. There was a small path with several horses chasing him.

""Master Qiao, please stay."

Qiao Feng also recognized the leader of the group as Song Tiannan, the middle-aged scholar beside Zhao Min.

This person was very powerful, but he had never taken action. He just followed Zhao Min around.

"Oh? What are you chasing me for?"

Qiao Feng asked.

Song Tiannan quickly took out a wooden box and handed it to Qiao Feng.

"This is the Black Jade Ointment that the princess asked me to bring you. There are fifteen portions in total, and we have already used up all the stock."

Qiao Feng raised his eyebrows and said,"Didn't I say I only wanted ten portions?"

"The princess asked me to pass on a message, saying that the extra five copies were just for friendship. She didn't want to be an enemy of Hero Qiao. Nowadays, countries are constantly fighting, and the Mongols may not be Hero Qiao's enemies."

"Okay, I'll take it."

Qiao Feng took the wooden box, waved his hand, and left with Xiao Zhao.

Song Tiannan stayed where he was.

"Since the Apricot Forest, Qiao Feng's personality seems to have changed drastically and he has become more and more unpredictable. Why did he become the leader of the Ming Cult despite the attempts of the Beggars' Sect to retain him?

"It is rumored that the Ming Cult's headquarters is in Persia. Could it be that he has connections with the Persian countries?

"Forget it, let Master and the others worry about these things. My mission is complete, and it’s time to go to Huashan."

The weather is getting cooler, and the autumn wind is blowing gently.

The ground is covered with yellow leaves, and there has been snow in the north.

When Qiao Feng and Xiao Zhao arrived in Yanjing, they found that many people had already changed into thick cotton clothes to keep warm.

"Master, are you cold?"

"I'm not cold." Qiao Feng replied.

Xiao Zhao was stunned for a moment, then said,"It seems that I'm not cold."

Of course not, Qiao Feng could feel the heat even though he was two or three meters away.

"But you should buy some thick clothes and wear them. When you reach the Grandmaster level, you won’t have to fear the cold anymore.

Qiao Feng said.

Now that he had the red scales in his hand, she wouldn’t feel cold around him. If she was far away, she would feel cold.

""Master, Master of the East invites you."

The two were walking around the city flattering others, and within a quarter of an hour, a disciple of the Sun and Moon Sect came."

Master, Master of the East..."

When Qiao Feng heard his title, he smiled and said,"Tell me, what do the disciples of your sect think about returning to the Ming Sect?"


The disciple probably didn't expect Qiao Feng to ask this question, and was stunned for a moment.

"Master, we ordinary disciples fully support the decision made by you and Master Dongfang. Now our Ming Cult, Sky Eagle Cult, and Sun Moon Divine Cult have united as one and are now a powerful force in the martial arts world.……"

Listening to his bragging, Qiao Feng's eyelids trembled a little.

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