It was obvious that the person who came had a quasi-sage cultivation level, and this quasi-sage aura immediately aroused the vigilance of the four people before. Their cultivation bases were not much different. If they took action in this Taixu realm, it would be nothing more than the same. When one is prosperous, both are prosperous; when one is lost, both are harmed.

At this time, the middle-aged man in red robe obviously also had scruples. He was attracted by the Taixu spiritual energy here. He thought that there was no one there, but when he arrived, he found that there were already people on every mountain peak.

If there was no one around, he could go up and gather Taixu's spiritual energy, but now that there are people, if he goes up again, it will be equivalent to invading other people's territory, which will inevitably lead to a fight.

When their cultivation reaches their level, especially when their opponents are not much different from themselves in strength, they will not take action easily.

Because if they are not careful, it will often become a battle of life and death. They don't want to be damaged in the red sun and Taixu realm before they reach the wind and cloud sky.

At this moment, the four people who had achieved quasi-sage cultivation were all on alert. At the same time, they also gathered a stream of true energy surrounding them, which clearly showed that they were sticking to their own territory. No matter who dared to infringe, they would not be harmed. It’s so heartless!

The middle-aged man in red robe looked at several mountain peaks. With such abundant Taixu spiritual energy, he didn't want to return empty-handed, but looking at the two old men and the old woman, they seemed to be difficult to deal with. Their cultivation and He is not much different. If these people join forces to deal with him, it will be troublesome.

Finally, his eyes fell on the lonely Xiao Chen, as if he had found a soft persimmon, and with one step, he took advantage of the wind and flew to that mountain peak.

When it landed on the top of the mountain, it immediately caused flying rocks all over the ground. It was quite powerful. Among the five people here, the other four had quasi-sage cultivation, but Xiao Chen seemed to have the lowest cultivation level.

So the middle-aged man in red robe naturally found him, and at this time, the other four people pretended not to see him. Since the matter had nothing to do with him, why bother meddling in his own business?

"Within ten steps, you will be killed without mercy."

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man in red robe expected him to get out of the way in fear, but all he got in exchange was such a cold word.

And such a sentence also made the four people on the four surrounding peaks slightly shocked. If this sentence was said by a quasi-sage of the sixth level or above, it might be a bit shocking, but he looked... It seemed that he had not yet A glimpse of the holy realm?


The red-robed middle-aged man's eyes narrowed, and he immediately stopped. Originally, this was considered an invasion, but now he suddenly heard the other party's cold words, and suddenly felt a little wary. Boy, why do you dare to talk to yourself like this?

His heart was still not dead, and he saw that the middle-aged man in red robe was full of real energy, and he had to test it. However, before he could get close to Xiao Chen, a black shadow seemed to come from the void in an instant, blocking Xiao Chen. front.

"Anyone who comes close to the master...will be killed without mercy!"

That black shadow was full of evil energy, and there was a majestic momentum on its body, and it was like a roaring wave of an angry sea, coming straight towards it!

Not only was the middle-aged man in red robe shocked, but the four people on the four surrounding peaks also felt their breath suffocated. This breath was...a ninth-level quasi-sage!


The word "death" was as if it came from the Nine Nether Abyss. Before he could finish his words, the black shadow had already shot out his palm in an instant, and the palm movement was like a thunderous force, unstoppable!

The middle-aged man in red robe was suddenly startled. He reacted instantly, gathered all his energy, protected his heart, and flew back.

With a "boom", rubble flew all over the sky, and several cliffs collapsed and turned into thousands of feet of dust and smoke!

In the dust and smoke, the middle-aged man in red robe seemed to have lost control. He flew backwards and did not stop until he flew several hundred feet away.

At this moment, the middle-aged man in red robe had a look of astonishment on his face. If he hadn't reacted quickly in that moment, he would have been injured in the hands of that black shadow, even if he hadn't died.

"This time, I will let you go. If you dare to come even half a step closer to this will be killed without mercy!"

The cold voice echoed among several mountain peaks, and the black shadow made people feel extremely frightened. The wind blew his messy hair that covered his face, and then he saw clearly that it was an old man, and he was none other than Guiyun Mountain. !

Last time in Xuanxiao Palace, Guiyunshan was killed by Xiao Chen, and his soul was also imprisoned by Xiao Chen's Soul Confinement Technique in an instant. So now, he has obviously become Xiao Chen's "soul general". The soul is controlled and no longer has any original consciousness. In other words, Guiyun Mountain is completely dead, and there is no more Guiyun Mountain in the world.

At the end of that day, although Cang Yue's soul was also imprisoned by Xiao Chen's soul confinement technique, after all, Cang Yue was just a clone, and the soul was just a wisp of the original soul of Cang Yue. More importantly, Cang Yue could not He was considered killed by Xiao Chen.

Only those who kill with their own hands can become their "soul generals". Therefore, even if Xiao Chen imprisoned Cang Yue's soul with the Soul Confinement Technique, his original soul was not dead, so he could not capture Cang Yue's clone soul. God refined it into his own "soul general".

At this moment, there was a strong cold wind on the mountain, and the middle-aged man in red robe was far away, his face was pale, he did not dare to move, and he definitely did not dare to get closer.

The other four people on the mountain peak were also shocked at this time, and all of them turned pale. It was only now that they realized that that person...could he be a soul control master!

At this moment, the four of them suddenly felt like they were falling into an abyss. No wonder he dared to come to this dangerous place alone. The soul master was synonymous with terror a long time ago. It was not until the ancient Eastern cultivation world was shattered that the mysterious soul master The cultivation groups gradually disappeared.

Soul control masters once frightened countless people. For a long period of time, almost everyone "talked about their souls." The reason why they were terrifying was that their souls were extremely powerful and could control the souls of those who had died.

Just imagine, how terrifying it would be if someone controlled the souls of ancient gods and demons that have been dead for tens of thousands of years?

At this moment, the faces of the four people became paler and paler. Could this young man in front of them really be a soul master? The long-lost soul control technique has been passed down to this day...

Although his soul general currently only seems to have the cultivation level of a ninth-level quasi-sage, to them, a ninth-level quasi-sage is no small matter... If this person can still control a fighting spirit with the strength of a saint, How terrible is that?


A cold voice came from the mountain peak in the middle. The middle-aged man in red robe outside immediately trembled. He did not dare to stay any longer. He made a sword formula in his hand and instantly turned into a sword light and flew away into the distance.

Between the several mountain peaks, it gradually became very quiet. The four people held their breath and remained silent. In fact, based on their cultivation, how could they really not see that there are restrictions on these mountains, and this restriction is obviously It was the young man in front of me who temporarily broke through.

It's just that when they came just now, they turned a blind eye. Anyway, they felt that the other party couldn't do anything to them, so they naturally gathered the Taixu spiritual energy here. But now that they have discovered that the opponent's strength is actually very terrifying, they don't dare to act rashly. .

At this moment, the four people were standing on the top of the mountain. They no longer continued to condense Taixu's spiritual energy, but they did not leave here. They just kept looking at Xiao Chen.

Obviously, they still don't want to give up the spiritual energy here, but they don't dare to continue to condense it, unless Xiao Chen speaks, allowing them to continue to condense the spiritual energy here.

Xiao Chen naturally knew what these four people were thinking, and said, "The next person can absorb enough spiritual energy from this mountain, and there is no problem for the other four people to take it themselves."

Upon hearing this, the four people were all overjoyed. The two old men smiled and said, "That's it, thank you, little friend." After saying that, they bowed their hands towards Xiao Chen, and then they dared to continue to gather spiritual energy.

After a while, the four people had almost taken away the spiritual energy. They did not dare to take all of them, but some were left here. An old man said, "Thank you for the gift of spiritual energy today, little friend. There is still some left here. I will leave now." "

After saying that, the four people immediately turned into four sword lights and flew away into the distance.

Xiao Chen watched the four people with swords disappear under the vast dusk, and he no longer hesitated. His hands shook, and the true energy surged. The remaining Taixu spiritual energy from the four surrounding mountains immediately gathered towards the mountain in the middle, just like that. It was not until dark that he took out all the Taixu spiritual energy from the five peaks.

At present, the Taixu spiritual energy condensed on his body is enough to ensure that he ascends to the ninth level of Fengyun Tian without worry, which is completely enough to withstand the hot wind and cold air above.

It's just that he was half a month late this time. He didn't know which level Xiao Meng'er had climbed to the top of the Wind and Cloud Sky. Now, it was not easy to climb to the Wind and Cloud Sky from the Red Sun Taixu Realm. You have to pass through a place called "Red Sun Sky".

Chiritian is the most dangerous place in the entire Chiri Taixu Realm. Most people would never dare to go there alone. This is why he just asked the four people to continue to absorb spiritual energy. A small favor can sometimes be In exchange for greater returns.

Those four people all have quasi-sage cultivation. Although they are only at the fourth or fifth level, they are definitely a powerful force. When four quasi-sages gather together, they can easily destroy a city. Therefore, if there is that With four people working together, it will be much easier to cross Chiritian.

Of course, it is not completely impossible for him to go there alone, but there is no need to go alone. Once he encounters danger in Chiritian, he will inevitably consume more energy. Even if he climbs to Fengyuntian, there is no guarantee that he will not be Others took the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

Therefore, finding those four people to travel through Chiritian together is the best choice.

At this time, the night had completely enveloped, Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, and moved away, until noon the next day, he could already feel a scorching wind attacking his whole body, indicating that Chiritian, It's not far ahead.

After flying forward for about a thousand miles, the feeling of heat became more and more severe. Even the nearby flowers, plants and trees seemed to be withered and withered, and they no longer had the same feeling of green life as before.

"It seems that Chi Ritian is not far ahead..."

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead. The feeling of inflammation made him a little uncomfortable. With a single stroke of his fingers, a layer of Taixu spiritual energy covered his body, and then he continued to fly forward.

Until dusk fell, he finally came to the vicinity of Chiritian. Thousands of miles away, the area had turned into a scorched earth. There were no more green mountains and rivers. There were only volcanoes and rolling magma on the ground. It was really terrifying.

"It seems that I had underestimated this place before..."

Xiao Chen looked at the hot magma rolling all over the ground. Even though he was in the air at this moment, he felt extremely hot. It had not yet reached Chiritian here, and when it did, it would probably be even more terrifying.

As for Xiao Meng'er, she should have passed here half a month ago. According to her temperament, she might even have passed through Chiritian alone.

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