The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,116 The All-powerful Storm (1)

The flames in front of him were getting heavier and heavier, and Xiao Chen couldn't help but recall the time when he went to the Wuwang Sea in the West to obtain the Eye of the Sun, and nearly died when he plunged into the layers of magma in the Flame Sea.

And Chi Ritian's danger is probably not lower than that of Yan Hai when he took the Eye of the Sun.

He continued to fly forward for a hundred miles, and the feeling of blazing heat made him feel more and more suffocated. At this time, where he was, there was not only magma rolling on the ground, but also fire flying in the air.

These flames are the fire from the core of the earth, they are not ordinary fires. If they are accidentally touched, even though the soul can be saved, the physical body will be damaged.

The sky in front was even more red, burning like fire, and sky fires were constantly falling down. It must have been a red sky in front of them. There would be no night here, only boundless sky fires scurrying around.

Xiao Chen's brows furrowed slightly. Chiritian had not only these terrifying flames and flames, but also many restrictions. It was not easy for one person to pass through. ❊✮

But this does not mean that the more people, the better. On the contrary, the more people, the heavier the restrictions, so it is best to gather a few quasi-sages.

With a sweep of his consciousness, he already knew where the four people were at this time yesterday. The four people seemed to know each other, but they were not from the same sect. They were also wary of each other, and they were also guarding Chi at this time. Days ago, I didn't dare to step in easily.

Xiao Chen made a slight squeeze in his hand, and his body moved instantly, and a flash of light flew towards the four people. Naturally, the four people also felt his aura, but almost as soon as the four people felt it The moment he breathed, Xiao Chen had already arrived in front of the four of them.

So fast...

The four of them were all startled. Originally, they thought that this young man was a soul control master with a very strong soul general, but his own cultivation level was not very high. But now they saw that he was so fast and completely Not inferior to myself and others, this...

"Four of you, we meet again."

Xiao Chen's voice was calm, and the four people suddenly woke up. Who was he, and why had such a terrifying young soul control master never been heard of in the Lingxu Realm? Could it be that he is a remnant of the ancient immortals...

Among the four people, there was an old man in green, an old man in purple, a white-haired old woman, and a white-haired middle-aged man. At this time, the white-haired old woman was the first to react, holding a wooden stick in her hand and said, "Little friend. But are you here to spend time in the Red Sun?"


Xiao Chen glanced at Chi Ritian who was full of red fire, then turned back and looked at the four people in front of him, "Four seniors, are you also planning to pass through Chi Ritian?"

Hearing him call themselves "Senior", the four of them asked themselves if they dared to take it seriously, and their visit to the Red Sun Taixu Realm this time was obviously not for the Wushuang Society.

The fight between the Wushuang Society is so fierce. The Ten Saints of that year have not yet appeared. They also have this self-knowledge and it is impossible to compete with those people for the qualifications of the Ancient Immortal World.

And all they want is to go to the wind and cloud sky. They don't dare to think about the ninth level, but it would be great to be able to go up to the next level.

Fengyuntian is the fragment left behind after the ancient oriental cultivation world was broken. Not to mention that it is full of spiritual energy, it may also contain many secrets of the ancient oriental cultivation world.

They know that the ancient Eastern cultivation world was so prosperous in the past. Cultivators reached the realm of gods, reached their peak, and could even fight against the sky.

Such a peak cultivation world was eventually shattered, and the most prosperous era of cultivation was also annihilated. But what about the lost secrets of the techniques? It must still remain in this world.

It is not possible to go to Fengyuntian at any time, but this time Fengyuntian's barrier is greatly opened, attracting cultivators from all areas to flock to it.

In fact, the vast majority of people do not want to climb to the top to obtain the qualifications to enter the ancient immortal world, but want to go to Fengyun Tian to see if they can find the secrets left behind by the ancient Eastern cultivation world, as well as those long-lost techniques. , even an ancient immortal treasure.

After all, the ancient Eastern cultivation world in the past was the most mysterious Eastern cultivation world. It once created miracles of an era, which are by no means comparable to the rise of the West later. The annihilation of the ancient Eastern cultivation world has obviously become the biggest mystery today. puzzle.

At this time, what these four people want to do is to go to Fengyun Heaven to see if they can find what they want, but not to climb to the top of the Nine Heavens to win the qualification for the ancient immortal world.

At the same time, in their opinion, Xiao Chen had the same idea as them, but they didn't know that Xiao Chen was going to the ninth heaven.

The old woman holding the wooden staff nodded and said, "Since my little friend also came here to cross the red sun sky, how about we enter together?"

The other three people obviously had no objections. Firstly, the strength of the young man in front of them was not inferior to them. Secondly, the other party had gifted Taixu spiritual energy to them yesterday, so their vigilance was naturally much less. .

"That's what I mean."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly. They looked at each other and no longer hesitated. The old man in green said, "The red sun sky is extremely dangerous. The higher the cultivation level, the heavier the restrictions. After we enter, remember not to spread out, otherwise we will have to bear the consequences alone." It’s a restriction that should be borne by five people.”

After getting ready, several people no longer delayed, and with a movement of their bodies, they flew into the red sun sky together. Before they entered, they just got a little closer, and they felt an extremely strong restriction coming, and at the same time there was The scurrying sky fire also attacked them.

"Watch out!"

The old man in purple clothes immediately gathered his true energy to protect his body, and several others also gathered their true energy at the same time. With such combined efforts, they were able to withstand the attack of the sky fire and successfully entered Chiritian.

The sky was full of brilliant flames, which was truly breathtaking. Waves of flames struck, causing the five people's true energy to drain away faster. Therefore, they must pass through here within one day, otherwise once they get stuck in the middle, they will be destroyed by that time. If you can't advance or retreat, you'll be in trouble.

"This is just the edge of the Red Sun Sky. The restrictions ahead are more careful." The old man in green looked at the sky fire in the distance and reminded him attentively.

Everyone no longer hesitated. When they were ready, they gathered their true energy, protected themselves with Taixu spiritual energy, and worked together to push forward.

And the further they went, the more flames were flowing in the sky, vowing to burn all those who trespassed. The entire sky looked like an inverted sea of ​​fire, which was really terrifying.

Xiao Chen also gradually became more cautious. He had been to the Tomb of Gods and Demons before. Although it was not as scary as the forbidden area of ​​the Tomb of Gods and Demons, he must not be careless.

In this way, the five people worked together to move forward to resist the radiant flames pouring in from the sky. Although there was no difference between day and night in Chiritian, it was already a day before they came outside.

After walking through the Scarlet Sun for a day, a lot of the real energy on the bodies of several people was consumed, and the restrictions in front of them were getting heavier and heavier. If they were not careful, they would not be damaged here, but at least they would be seriously injured, which would affect their future cultivation.

Xiao Chen felt it was getting harder and harder to breathe. The flaming breath filling the sky at this moment was mixed with highly toxic sulfur powder. Once breathed into the body, it would immediately corrode the internal organs and cause intestinal rupture. Even a cultivator would not be able to avoid this. , Fortunately, they are not ordinary people, and at the same time they have Taixu spiritual energy to protect their bodies, so they can avoid being eroded by the flames here.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the shock came from nowhere, and the sky was full of fire, and it surged up in an instant. Walls of fire rushed towards several people, vowing to burn them to ashes!

"Watch out!"

The white-haired old woman shouted and immediately gathered her true energy to resist the brilliant flames coming from the sky. However, the vibrations around her seemed like the void was shattering, causing the blood and energy in several people's bodies to surge, and their true energy was constantly dissipating!

Several people were immediately in danger. After an unknown amount of time, the sudden shock slowly stopped. At this time, a ray of sky appeared above the red fire cloud.

The sudden fall of the sky made several people cheer up. The white-haired middle-aged man said happily, "It's time to reach the stormy sky! Just go through that crack!"

"Wonderful, wonderful..."

The two old men also showed joy on their faces, and glanced at Xiao Chen. Without any hesitation, they flew towards the sky high in the sky at the same time.

Xiao Chen also pushed his true energy to the limit at this moment, and rushed into the sky light. His eyes immediately became white and very dazzling. When the light gradually dissipated, the scene in front of him suddenly became brighter. stand up.

But I saw a sea of ​​clouds thousands of miles away, boundless, with fairy mountains, islands, and rainbows hanging in the middle. It seemed to be even wider than the Wuyu Heaven. And above that high sky, there were also fairy mountains looming. Thinking of it, it was the second place in Fengyun Heaven. It's heavy, but it's difficult to fly up directly.

"It's a storm here..."

The faces of the four people all showed joy. In fact, when their cultivation reached their level, apart from immortality and cultivation, there was very little that could make them so excited. But this Fengyuntian was different. It was the cultivation of the ancient East in the past. In the fragments left behind by the world, traces of the battle between immortals and demons may still be found.

Xiao Chen also looked around. He had been in Wuyu Tian all year round, so he was naturally accustomed to the wonder of the sea of ​​clouds, which was like a fairyland.

However, the aura here gave him a refreshing feeling. It seemed that the fragments left behind by the ancient oriental cultivation world were indeed extraordinary. How many secrets were hidden here...?

"Now that I have arrived at Fengyuntian, I will be here, separated from the four of you."

Xiao Chen looked at the four of them. Naturally, he would not be with these people. As soon as he finished speaking, he made a slight seal in his hand and immediately turned into a sword light and went into the endless sea of ​​clouds.

At this moment, he is in no hurry to go to the second level of Fengyuntian. When he passed through Chiritian, he lost too much energy. Now he must find a deserted place to recover his energy first, so as not to be attacked by others.

Although he can summon Guiyun Mountain, there are countless hidden masters who have come to the stormy sky this time. Even the four quasi-sages just now would never dare to say that they can walk sideways in the stormy sky.

So this time, he must not be careless at all, because he promised Weiyang that he would go out safely this time.

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