In the vast and strange night, everything was silent, except for the devilish breath of Wanmoya, which was slowly surging, like a vicious devil that had been sleeping for thousands of years, and once it woke up, it swallowed the sky and the earth.

At this moment, in the darkness, a figure was moving as fast as lightning. I didn't know where it was going. The cold night and the cold moon could not illuminate the figure clearly. I just saw that her figure was light and her movements were silent. She should be a woman. .

Suddenly, there was a strange movement under the strange abyss, and the woman immediately stopped, holding her breath and concentrating. In the silence, she seemed to be able to hear the sound of her own heartbeat.

The strange movement came very suddenly, but it didn't look like something at the bottom of the abyss had awakened, but that she accidentally touched some restrictions.

But she had been very cautious all the way here, so how could she have touched the restriction here? The only thing that seemed to be that someone had set up an ambush here, just waiting for her to come.

At this moment, she was motionless. She couldn't move, because at this time, she had already entered the vicious formation that some people had set up by taking advantage of the restrictions here.

At this moment, layers of restrictions enveloped her. As long as she moved a little bit and then touched some spell restrictions, she would most likely be wiped out in the fierce formation.

Who on earth set up such a vicious formation here to kill her?

I saw a few figures slowly walking out of the darkness, hiding murderous intent, cold and ruthless. Under the cold moon, there were two people with sinister eyes. They were actually the two Taoists Xiao Chen met during the day.

"A few of you are also cultivators, but you are setting up such a vicious formation to harm people. Don't you think it is beneath your status?" ❁

A cold and faint voice came out from the mouth of the woman in the formation. The voice was so cold that it was impossible to tell who it was in the cold night.


One of the Taoists snorted coldly, looked at the woman in the formation coldly, and said in a cold voice, "Xiao Menger, this place tonight is your return journey. No one knows that you have been here tonight, and no one knows that you have been here tonight." Knowing where you ended up, do you have any last words to say..."

"Xiao Menger?"

A woman's slightly surprised voice came from the formation, and then the voice became calm again, "Sorry, you got the wrong person, I'm not Xiao Meng'er.

"Isn't it Xiao Menger?"

The eyes of the people outside were focused, especially those of the two Taoists. Their eyes suddenly became like hawks, staring directly at the woman in the formation, but she was covered with a robe. Under the cold moon, I can't see her face clearly, but I think she is very beautiful.

But at this time, the people outside didn't care about her appearance. Apart from the two Taoists with cold eyes, there were three other middle-aged people who seemed to have high levels of cultivation.

"Elder, she said she is not Xiao Menger... What should we do now?"

A middle-aged man came to the two Taoists. Obviously, they were not sure whether the woman in front of them was Xiao Menger.

Judging from the figure, this woman is the same as Xiao Meng'er. Judging from the aura, she is also as deep. As for the Taoism, it is also extremely deep. If there is no vicious formation here, it is almost impossible to trap her.

At this moment, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the two Taoists. They would rather kill by mistake than let go!

I saw the two people forming seals with their hands, and layers of restraints immediately gathered in the fierce formation, like sharp sword light, killing the woman in the formation.

And the woman in the formation, even though she was trapped in the fierce formation and her movements were restricted, her movements were still as unpredictable as those of a ghost. Suddenly, a strong wind blew above the abyss, and a series of restrictions were like swords. Angry, kill into the formation.

But this scene was caught by a person in the distance. That person was none other than Xiao Chen, who had followed quietly all the way just now.

At this moment, Xiao Chen held his breath, and the aura on his body was also very deep. Although he was not sure whether he was discovered by the woman in the formation along the way, what was certain was that the two Taoists did not discover him, and that Who is the woman in the array?

The night was dark, and even Xiao Chen was not sure at this time whether the woman in the formation was Xiao Menger. If not Xiao Menger, then who...

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

Suddenly, rays of blood suddenly appeared in the fierce formation, like a bright light, heading straight towards the woman, and outside, the two Taoists and three middle-aged men set up a control formation, causing the surrounding restrictions to suddenly rise. became heavier.

The woman was in it, and the restrictions on her movements were becoming more and more severe, and she was gradually becoming surrounded by dangers. If she accidentally touched such terrible restrictions, no matter how high she was, she would not be able to escape being wiped out.

Just when I was nervous, I suddenly saw the woman leaping up, forming seals with her hands, and her whole body was suddenly covered with layers of mysterious light, blocking the restriction from the outside. It was obviously an extremely advanced Taoist method!

"What a powerful Taoist method..."

Even the two Taoists couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. Such a Taoist method could actually avoid layers of restrictions. Who else could do this except Xiao Menger?

This time, the two of them were even more convinced that the woman in front of them was Xiao Menger. The murderous intent on their bodies suddenly became more serious. They couldn't help but make seals with their hands, and chanted the spell in their mouths. There was a sudden burst of blood in the formation. The demonic aura nearby could not help but surge up.


At this moment, the three middle-aged men seemed to suddenly realize that something was wrong. They saw the demonic aura from the bottom of the abyss, and at this moment, they kept pouring up.

The two white-haired Taoist priests naturally noticed the abnormality, but now they were determined to kill. Regardless of the demonic aura coming from around them, they continued to chant spells and form seals to increase the restrictions in the fierce formation.

The area of ​​a hundred feet in radius was already stained blood red by the blood light in the formation. Coupled with the demonic aura that was constantly coming up from the abyss, the scene became extremely terrifying.

The three middle-aged men were already pale with shock, but at this time, the two elders still refused to let go. If this continues, I am afraid that all of them will be swallowed up by this demonic breath. Even if they kill Xiao at that time, So what about Meng'er? They don't want to risk their lives here...

"If you don't stop, when the demonic aura surges up here, no one will be able to escape."

The voice of the woman in the formation was cold, but just as she finished speaking, there was a sudden violent shock all around, and there were faint cracks appearing in all directions of the ferocious formation.


Seeing the cracks in the formation, the three middle-aged men were even more shocked, but the two white-haired Taoists were still determined to kill. They kept forming seals in their hands, forcibly restraining the layers and leading them to the center of the vicious formation.

At this moment, there was a bloody light in the formation, and the surrounding demonic auras were getting closer and closer. The woman in the formation had a deep frown, but if the formation was not broken, she would not be able to leave here and force her way out, no matter how good she was. Gao, also narrowly escaped death.

At this moment, she suddenly saw her hands forming seals. At this moment, the light of the Dharma suddenly appeared above her head, like three flowers gathering on the top, pouring down like a waterfall, covering her whole body, and actually invaded the layers of her body. All incoming demonic breaths and restrictions were blocked outside.

"What a powerful Taoist method..."

At this moment, even Xiao Chen, who was in the dark, couldn't help but narrow his eyes. Such a profound Taoist method was definitely not inferior to Xiao Meng'er. If she wasn't Xiao Meng'er, could she be...


At this moment, the entire ferocious formation suddenly trembled violently. Immediately afterwards, the woman in the formation was seen changing her hands one after another, constantly shooting mysterious light towards the feet of the formation. For a moment, the light poured down like a waterfall, and she He actually used a high and profound Taoist technique to break through this fierce formation!

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

Countless cracks opened in the ferocious formation, and billowing demonic breath rushed straight into it. At this moment, the two white-haired Taoists turned pale, and they immediately secretly thought that something was wrong.

"Oops, elder! This formation... backfires!"

The three middle-aged men were even more expressionless. In just a short moment, countless bloody lights flew from the fierce formation, imprisoning all five of them in it. This time, no one could think of anything. Escaped.

Rolling demonic auras are constantly coming towards the formation and will soon engulf them. Even if they are quasi-sage cultivators, let alone them, such terrifying demonic auras will soon be shattered once they are swallowed by it. In the end, he became a walking corpse under this abyss of evil breath.


At this time, the two white-haired Taoists were also panicking. They no longer cared about killing Xiao Meng'er. They only thought about how to break through the fierce formation and escape from here. But now the fierce formation was backlashing, and the devil's breath kept coming. It was obviously too late.

"Anyone who commits unjust acts will be punished by his own death. If you set up a formation here to harm others, you will eventually be harmed by them."

The voice of the woman in the formation was cold and indifferent. As soon as she finished speaking, her body was shrouded in brilliant light to resist the evil aura and restrictions eroding from the surroundings.

And at this moment, the entire fierce formation suddenly collapsed, and layers of restraining power and the boundless demonic breath surged out in all directions. At the same time, there was also a terrifying force that spread out in all directions.

Xiao Chen gathered his true energy in an instant, kicked off his feet, and moved away. After a while, the area finally returned to calm, and the billowing demonic breath returned to the abyss, but everything nearby was destroyed. , nothing tangible can be avoided.

Most of those five people were destroyed physically and mentally in the formation. As for the woman, at the moment when the fierce formation collapsed, Xiao Chen faintly saw a ray of light, flew out from it, and disappeared in an instant.

The area slowly became deathly silent again. Xiao Chen stared at the darkness and silence in the distance, thinking that the woman just now was not Xiao Menger, could it be... Qian Yu Nishang?

Why did she come to Fengyuntian? Why did you come to this Demonic Abyss late at night...

Everything at the moment was just a guess for Xiao Chen. Now he needed to leave here as soon as possible. Those people just touched the restriction here to avoid sudden changes later. He no longer hesitated and moved away from here.

Just like this, half a month has passed, and more and more people have come to the sixth level. Of course, those who can come up must either have a high level of cultivation, or be led by an elder with a very high level of cultivation in the sect, or ordinary people. Can't come up at all.

As of today, many people have come near Ten Thousand Demons Cliff, including the Master of the Eternal Life Sword and the Mad King of Snow Realm whom Xiao Chen met in the third heaven.

But no matter how many people there are, no matter how many masters there are, no one can pass through the Ten Thousand Demon Cliffs to reach the seventh heaven. No one can pass through the rolling demon breath and the restrictions on the abyss, not even Xiao Meng'er is no exception.

"In Fairy Xiao's opinion, how can we break the evil spirit here?"

There were many figures near the abyss, but most of the people who could speak at this time were important figures, and the one who spoke at this time was none other than the Master of the Changsheng Sword. He looked at Xiao Meng'er not far away, concentrating.

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