I saw Xiao Meng'er standing near the cliff, holding a fly whisk in her hand, her clothes fluttering, and she had an indescribable fairy spirit.

In terms of seniority, among the people present today, such as the Master of the Eternal Life Sword, the Mad King of the Snow Region, even King Qin Guang, and many more Xuanmen seniors, who is not above her?

But at this moment, everyone's eyes were all on her. This shows how popular the name "Xiao Fairy" is in the Lingxu Realm? Among the younger generation, everyone admires him.

But she is the high-ranking Fairy Xiao. Not only is she a disciple of Immortal Lord Donghua, but she is also the granddaughter of Xiao Xuanfeng, the current head of the Xiao family. She is also the number one descendant of the Xiao family. How many people in the Lingxu Realm don't know her name?

Therefore, even the young masters from famous families will only feel ashamed when they see her. Whether it is admiration or other unreasonable thoughts, they only dare to think about it in their hearts on weekdays. ✸

At this time, not far from Xiao Meng'er, there was still a person standing there, but look at that person who was also very immortal. He was dressed in white clothes that were not stained by dust, had a handsome appearance, and wore a white jade crown on his head. His whole person had an immortal aura. Piaopiao, his body is shrouded in brilliant light to resist the erosion of the devil's breath here, as if he were an immortal who came down from the immortal world.

This man is none other than Xiao Meng'er's senior brother Liu Wuxin. He is also the third disciple of Donghua Immortal Lord, with the name "Wuchen". The eldest disciple Ye Yue and the second disciple Yun Hua seem to have no future this time. God, at least for now, these two people are nowhere to be seen.

At this moment, many people's eyes fell on Xiao Meng'er. This proud woman with unparalleled talent has a perfect combination of Taoism and martial arts. I want to ask everyone present, who among them can do this?

In the past, everyone in Fengyuntian would often have disputes, but now they are all in peace. It seems that everyone has the same idea at this time, and they all want to cross this abyss of devil's breath instead of fighting among themselves.

"We don't know when the devil's breath condensed here. If we rush in, we're afraid there will be more damage..."

Xiao Meng'er looked at the abyss rolling in the devil's breath in front of her. She had been here for nearly a month, but to this day, she still couldn't find a way to get over. Instead, she got into a lot of trouble.

But after all, she was quite capable, and she had two immortal treasures, the Wushou Lotus Platform and the Chenxin Sword in her hands, and her senior brother Liu Wuxin was with her, so she didn't encounter any danger.

To say that the most dangerous thing she has ever encountered in her life was the time she entered the Underworld Valley, falling into the depths of the ground with Xiao Chen, and being trapped in the forbidden land of confused gods and demons. In the end, she took a desperate risk and escaped, but met another group of people. Killer...

That time, she was in a dangerous situation, which could be regarded as a disaster. Therefore, even though her strength was no longer comparable to that of Fengyuntian this time, she was still very cautious.

At this time, everyone frowned when they heard what she said. Of course, they knew that the devil's breath could not break into this place rashly, let alone forcefully pass through it, but how on earth were they going to get through? Or, can we gather the power of everyone and work together to open a barrier, and this will pass...

Everyone's eyebrows were furrowed, staring at the endless abyss of demonic breath, and they were silent.

If such a terrifying devil's breath abyss appeared outside, it would surely cause huge waves in the entire Immortal Yuan Ancient Land.

However, this is Fengyuntian, the fragments left after the ancient Eastern cultivation world was shattered. At that time, immortals and Buddhas were fighting and gods and demons were rising together. Therefore, it is not surprising that such a strange and terrifying abyss of demonic breath was left behind.

After a while, Xiao Meng'er looked back again and said loudly, "Brother Xiao has been observing here for a long time today. What do you think now?"

As soon as she said this, many people turned around and followed her gaze. They saw a figure standing on the edge of a cliff. His clothes were as green as ink and his white hair was flying. It was none other than Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen had just arrived here. Apparently, even though he had concealed his breath a little, Xiao Meng'er still spotted him when he came over.

"That young man is..."

In fact, many people present had never met Xiao Chen. Only the Master of the Eternal Life Sword and others already knew that he was the Lord of Wuyu Tian.

"This is the Lord of Desireless Heaven."

King Qin Guang put his hands behind his back and stared at Xiao Chen on the cliff. Even though more than half a month had passed, he still remembered the day when the other party knocked back the five of them with a palm and took the lead in ascending to the fourth heaven.

"He is the Lord of Desireless Heaven..."

The crowd suddenly became excited. Apparently, there were too many rumors about Xiao Chen recently. Whether it was his life experience or other things, they all seemed very mysterious in everyone's eyes.

"Is this young man Xiao Yichen?"

There were also many older generations present who stared at Xiao Chen motionlessly. Why did they vaguely feel that he looked a bit like Xiao Zhufeng back then?

No, it's impossible. Xiao Zhufeng had died long ago, and he had never heard of leaving behind...

"It's been more than half a year since our last farewell. Fairy Xiao, you are well."

Xiao Chen's voice was calm. When he spoke, he was already riding the wind to this side. Many people nearby held their breath. All this time, they had only heard how powerful, ruthless and killing the Lord of Wuyu Heaven was. decisive.

It wasn't until they met today that they felt so oppressed. This young man's cultivation level was probably not inferior to Xiao Meng'er's...

As we all know, although his surname is Xiao, he is not from the Xiao family. People present can naturally see that his relationship with Xiao Meng'er is not good, so he cannot be from the Xiao family.

"Are all the six ancient aristocratic families with the surname Xiao so powerful..."

On the top of a mountain in the distance, I saw an evil man and a charming woman standing there. They were the two people from the Jiuyou Clan, and they had reached the sixth heaven a few days ago.


Yan Yunji smiled and said lightly, "Back then, the ancient Eastern cultivation world was shattered, and the six major families disappeared forever. It is impossible for the six major families to appear in this world anymore. Today, these six small families are nothing more than the same old families." It’s just a trace of blood left by the six aristocratic families, and you dare to call yourself the six aristocratic families like the six aristocratic families back then? Tsk tsk tsk..."

Of course, what she said at this moment would not be heard by Xiao Menger. At this time, everyone near Ten Thousand Demon Cliffs was silent.

Liu Wuxin, who was not far from Xiao Meng'er, also cast his eyes on Xiao Chen at this time. Of course he still remembered Xiao Chen. The last time he and Xiao Meng'er set up a formation of Yimu in Shu Mountain, hoping to get the essence of Yimu, but in the end they failed. It was destroyed by Xiao Chen... I didn't expect that this person's cultivation level would be so unfathomable now.

At this moment, Xiao Meng'er looked at Xiao Chen, her face as calm as water, and asked, "How is it? Brother Xiao has found a way to cross this Ten Thousand Demons Cliff?"

Everyone's eyes fell on the two of them at this moment. Although there are still outstanding juniors like Chen Yufeng in the Lingxu realm, the most famous ones are Xiao Meng'er and this young one. , he is already the leader of one party, Wuyu Zun.

At this moment, Xiao Chen also looked at Xiao Meng'er quietly and said calmly, "Yes, yes, but I don't know if Fairy Xiao dares to go to that place with Mr. Xiao."


Hearing what he said, Xiao Meng'er's eyes immediately focused. At this moment, she naturally thought of that time when the two of them were trapped in the netherworld under the Yellow Spring Valley, and finally trapped in the forbidden land of gods and demons. This time, it was impossible. Will you have to experience something again?

At this time, when everyone heard what Xiao Chen said, they all looked at him. Which place was he talking about? Is it possible to cross this abyss of demonic breath?

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