"Three thousand miles to the north from here, there is a Devil's Breath Valley. If you can pass through that Devil's Breath Valley, you can pass through this abyss.

Xiao Chen put his hands behind his back and said lightly, in fact, after he left the devil's breath abyss that night, he went to explore the area again the next day.

Finally, a few days ago, he discovered a Devil's Breath Valley, but the restrictions in the valley were too heavy. He tried many times but could not get through. It must be that only the combined efforts of everyone can break the restrictions in the valley. .

"What Brother Xiao said is..."

Xiao Meng'er's eyes narrowed. It seemed that she also knew that place, but she had never said it before.

"What? Has Fairy Xiao been to that valley too..."

Xiao Chen looked at her, his tone still indifferent, wondering if the woman that night was her? After that night, he was never seen again.

"Three thousand miles to the north..."

Many other people also looked to the north at this time, and saw the sky over there was overcast with clouds, giving off an indescribable feeling of depression.

"Yes, three thousand miles to the north, you want to try the Devil's Breath Valley? Maybe you can survive the Ten Thousand Devils Cliff..."

Xiao Chen turned his head and looked at everyone again, and said calmly.


After hearing this, many people lowered their heads and pondered, obviously still a little hesitant. It would be great if they could pass through here and go to the seventh heaven.

You must know that the third heaven behind Fengyun Tian is far from comparable to the sixth heaven below. It is said that there are many rare treasures and are full of spiritual energy. One day of cultivation on it is enough to last for a month on earth. Even if you don't compete for the wind and cloud of the ninth heaven Wushuang, it would be great to be able to go to the seventh or eighth heaven.

So at this moment, after hearing what Xiao Chen said, many people were tempted. Obviously they were not going to compete for the ninth heaven, but just wanted to see what the seventh and eighth heavens were like. However, What if the Devil's Breath Valley is extremely dangerous?

Many people were caught in a dilemma. At this moment, the Master of the Changsheng Sword stepped forward and said, "Since we are already here, why not go and have a look? Even if we still fail to pass in the end, it will not be in vain." This trip is over.

After hearing what he said, those who were still hesitant at first nodded their heads. In this case, it would be better to go and have a look together.

"Brother, how about we go take a look too?" Yan Yunji looked at the people here on the mountain in the distance, smiled on her face, and said in a charming voice.


The eyes of the evil man next to him were slightly focused, and his eyes remained motionless. From the beginning to the end, his eyes fell on Xiao Meng'er. Is this the proud girl of heaven who has only been seen for a thousand years? hehe……

Seeing him showing such an evil look, Yan Yunji snorted, "What? Has my brother fallen in love with that little fox?"

"The apprentice of Donghua Immortal Lord, haha..."

The evil man smiled coldly, and then looked back. The two of them moved and flew towards the Ten Thousand Demons Cliff.

Many people were startled when they saw the two brothers and sisters coming over. Who are these two people? Especially some of the men present, when they saw Yan Yunji's peerless and charming appearance, for a moment, they felt intoxicated and their souls were wandering.

King Qin Guang, the Master of the Changsheng Sword, and others had already seen them when they were down there before, and knew that they were from the Jiuyou Clan in Tianwaitian, so they didn't make as much fuss as others.

"Hey, little brother, we meet again..."

I saw Yan Yunji covering her mouth and smiling, with charming eyes. Everyone just took one look, and many pictures of romantic scenes appeared in their minds. For a moment, everyone felt blushing. Why did they look like they were in love when they saw this woman? It's like being possessed by a demon, and you have lost all your Taoism?

"What an amazing charm skill!"

Suddenly, everyone realized that they had unknowingly fallen under the spell of this woman. It was simply... too weird! Who is she? The beauty skill is so amazing!

Even some old men with high Taoist aspirations present were actually out of their minds just now. They have practiced cultivation all their lives and have long given up on the world of mortals. How could they think of those romantic events?

For a moment, everyone just felt ashamed and shameless. They quickly used their profound internal energy to wake up the disciples around them, so that they could not look at this woman again.

"You know her?"

Xiao Meng'er is still calm, her Taoist heart is unparalleled by ordinary people, neither the charming woman nor the evil man in front of her can shake her Taoist heart at all.

"I met her before in the third heaven." Xiao Chen glanced at Yan Yunji who was looking at him not far away, then turned around and said lightly.


Xiao Meng'er nodded slightly, swept the whisk lightly, turned around, said no more, and looked at Liu Wuxin who was standing on the edge of the cliff not far away, "Senior brother, let's go."

"Okay." Liu Wuxin didn't say much and took the lead in clearing the way, and everyone behind him immediately followed.

Along the way, Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er were silent. During this period, Xiao Meng'er's cultivation level naturally improved a lot. She originally thought she could see through Xiao Chen's cultivation level, but at this time, She found that it was still difficult for her to see through the other party's cultivation.

The same is true for Xiao Chen, who is unable to see through Xiao Meng'er's cultivation. It seems that only when he truly understands the artistic conception of returning to basics can he be able to fully understand Xiao Meng'er's cultivation.

After walking for a long time, everyone present today had their own thoughts. When they arrived at a place stained by the devil's breath, Xiao Meng'er suddenly sent a secret message to Xiao Chen, "Have you met anyone from Tianmu before?" "


Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly and he sent a secret message to her: "What? You have seen them..."

"I don't know what the purpose of Tianmu's people coming here is. In short, Brother Xiao needs to be careful."

Xiao Meng'er's tone was calm. As soon as she finished speaking, she swept away the dust and said no more. However, what is interesting is that she seemed to have intentional or unintentional meaning to the words "Xiao Chen is alone now". Although it was ordinary, it became more serious. Some tone.

Xiao Chen didn't say much anymore. Back then, my father climbed to the ninth level of the world alone. And Xiao Meng'er, what are you thinking about?

On the second day, everyone finally arrived at the Devil's Breath Valley three thousand miles to the north. Looking around, they saw a heavy devilish aura, and everything around them was filled with deathly silence.


It is really hard for everyone to imagine that there is such a large devil's breath valley nearby. Although this valley is shrouded in a thick wave of devil's breath, and there are many restrictions in it, it is the only one that can pass through the devil's breath. The abyss, the place that goes to the seventh heaven.

But now it seems that we can't enter it rashly. Who knows if there is anything terrifying in it? What's more, there are many restrictions in the valley, and it would not be a wise move to enter rashly.

Everyone hesitated here for a long time. Finally, King Qin Guang of the Abyss of Ghosts came forward and said, "Why don't I go with Lord Wuyu, Fairy Xiao, Master of the Eternal Life Sword, Crazy King of the Snow Region, and How about those two friends from the Jiuyou Clan go in first to investigate?"

When everyone heard this, they all felt that it was reasonable. If everyone entered rashly, they might not know what would happen. It would be good to let a few of them go in first to explore. Now is not the time for intrigues, but to find a way. , let’s go through here.

Although there are still many people with extraordinary cultivation among the people present, but thinking about it, there is no need to go so many into this valley. It is enough for a few of them to enter and investigate.

At this time, an old man with white beard stood up, his eyes were slightly focused, and he stroked his beard and said, "In this case, a few of you will go into the valley to explore. If there is anything abnormal inside, please inform the people waiting outside immediately..." …”

"Guys, do you have any objections?"

King Qin Guang looked at the other people, and Yan Yunji smiled charmingly, "I also want to see what is there..."

Xiao Chen was silent and concentrated. He had been here before, but because the restrictions were too heavy, he couldn't enter alone. Now that there are so many people, he can try again.

However, just as a few people were about to leave for the valley, a sinister laughter came from the Devil's Breath Valley. "Hahaha, everyone, you have thought clearly, you want to go to this valley..."


Many people outside were shocked and immediately became alert. Unexpectedly, there was someone in the valley! Who is in there?

"Hehehe, everyone, don't be nervous..."

The sound was getting closer and closer, and slowly, I saw a figure appearing at the mouth of the valley. It was a thin old man, dressed in black clothes like ink, with his hands behind his back. Every step forward, it seemed like an instant. After moving a hundred feet away, he soon arrived in front of everyone.

This person...has such a profound aura!

Many people present were startled. Who is this person? Why is his aura so deep? His cultivation is like the abyss of demonic breath. It is unfathomable and cannot be compared to ordinary quasi-saints.

"This fellow Taoist, I don't know..."

The Master of the Eternal Life Sword focused his eyes, trying hard to see clearly who that person was, but the other person lowered his head, and the light nearby was a little dim, so he couldn't really see what the person looked like.


There was a faint laugh from the mysterious old man, and he said only three words: "Feng Jingyun..."

"Feng Jingyun!"

Three simple words, at this moment, made the crowd seem to be boiling. Who among those present knew these three words: Feng Jingyun?

The Master of the Eternal Life Sword was also stunned for a moment, and murmured to himself, "All things are changing, the gods and ghosts are unpredictable, the Ghost Saint... Feng Jingyun!"

No one expected that the thin man in front of them was actually the Ghost Saint, one of the Ten Saints back then!

Among the Ten Saints, all have their own abilities, which are definitely not comparable to those of ordinary quasi-Saints, and those who can enter the Ten Saints are by no means ordinary people. Even if they reach the Saint Realm in the future, they are definitely not the strongest Saint Realm. Comparable.

It's just that back then, after Xiao Zhufeng's incident, all the Ten Saints disappeared from the world. A few days ago, I heard that the Medical Saint and the Medicine Saint had reappeared in the world, and now... the Ghost Saint has also appeared!

Does it mean that several others will also reappear in the world? But now, who are they... and what force do they belong to?

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