The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,154 The changes in the sky

"Hidden Saint..."

At this moment, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became as cold as ice. The mysterious man in black robes in front of him was actually the most mysterious Hidden Saint among the Ten Saints back then?


Under the robe, a sinister sneer came again, "So what if you know? Today, this stormy sky will be your burial place..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a black mist suddenly rolled towards the two of them. Qian Yu Nishang pulled Xiao Chen aside and said, "Be careful!"

The two of them avoided the attack of the black mist, but before they could stand firm, the Hidden Saint on the opposite side came out with both palms, and they were attacked by two powerful palms.

"Bang! Bang!"

After hearing two loud noises, the two of them were knocked back at the same time. They couldn't help but feel shocked in their hearts. This person has such strong skills...

Soon, Xiao Chen realized that the cultivation level of the Hidden Saint in front of him was definitely not comparable to that of the Ghost Saints below. Even if he and Qian Yu Nichang joined forces, they were determined not to be careless. Thinking of this, he sent a message to Qian Yu Nichang A secret message: "This person's cultivation level is extremely high. You attack his left, and I will attack his right."


Qian Yu Nishang naturally knew in her heart that the person in front of her had a higher level of cultivation than her and Xiao Chen and was very difficult to deal with. With a "clang", the white light on the Qiu Shui Sword increased greatly, and he attacked with one sword.

Xiao Chen didn't hesitate, and the Emperor Sword was sacrificed in an instant. The sword shadows were confusing and he attacked the right side of the black-robed man.

Both of them are from Xuanmen. Now that their swords are combined, they are naturally using Xuanqingmen's swordsmanship, just like when they practiced swordsmanship at Zixiao Peak. Even though many years have passed, their swordsmanship is still the same today. It is seamless and exquisite.

Under the continuous attack of the two men, the surrounding area was suddenly surging with wind and clouds, and the sword energy was surging in mid-air. The sword shadow left no trace, and layers of murderous intent were directed towards the Hidden Saint!

"Xuanqingmen's Taoism, haha..."

However, even in the face of the two men's attack, which was like a violent storm, Hidden Saint remained calm and composed, his figure floating in the air, seemingly unpredictable, but invisible, no matter how powerful the swords of Xiao Chen and the two were. Even though he was fierce, he still couldn't attack his true body.

"Bang! Bang!"

There were two more rapid sounds, and Xiao Chen and Qian Yu Nishang were knocked back again. They saw the Hidden Saint hanging in mid-air. He raised his palms and two black cracks suddenly appeared in the void, facing the two of them. Devoured.

"Watch out!"

Qian Yu Nishang's body moved and she ducked to the side instantly, and Xiao Chen also launched Ling Xian Step at this moment to avoid this person's confinement technique.

The two sides have been fighting for half a stick of incense, and Xiao Chen has roughly understood this person's strength, and this person's true face... Perhaps only his father had seen him back then, and only his father knew the true identity of the Hidden Saint.

But no matter what, one thing he was sure of was that the Hidden Saint in front of him was not as powerful as his father, otherwise there would be no need for so many conspiracies behind his back.

Just as the two were contemplating, suddenly, there was a strange movement from nowhere, causing the clouds to surge in the ninth level of the sky, the ground to shake, the mountains to shake, and the mountains to rumble.

At this moment, both Xiao Chen and Qian Yu Nishang felt their feet shake, and even Yin Sheng, who was in mid-air, also shook violently. From this point of view, this sudden movement was not caused by him.

"what happened……"

Qian Yu Nishang's eyes narrowed, and she saw the surrounding clouds surging, and this strange movement seemed to come from the sixth heaven below, the devil's breath abyss...

The expression on Xiao Chen's face also became solemn. It seems that this strange movement is not only limited to the Nine Heavens, but everyone in Fengyun Heaven should be able to feel it at this moment. ơɱ

After a while, the strange movement slowly stopped. Hidden Saint smiled darkly, and suddenly attacked the two of them again.

"Watch out!"

Qian Yu Nishang was the first to react. With a condensation of her true energy, the sword energy on the Qiu Shui Sword was strong. She blocked it with one sword. Xiao Chen also condensed his true energy on the sword and struck at the Hidden Saint with one sword.

The two sides were fighting fiercely on the ninth level of the sky. After an unknown period of time, the previous abnormal movement suddenly came again, and it was more violent than before. Everything nearby shook violently, even the surroundings. Several mountain peaks fell one after another.


With a loud noise, Hidden Saint shook Xiao Chen and Qian Yu Nishang away with a palm. However, at this moment, a terrifying force suddenly attacked him from behind. It was not someone who attacked him sneakily, but someone who appeared nearby. Void cracks, resulting in the power of the void.

Sensing the terrifying power coming from behind him, no matter how high his cultivation level was, he did not dare to underestimate it. He moved and instantly avoided the power of the void, and the power of the void rushed forward, with a loud bang, and suddenly smoke and dust erupted. It was so diffuse that it flattened all the peaks in front of it.

"Watch out!"

At the same time, another force of void in the distance also surged towards Xiao Chen. Qian Yu Nishang's figure moved and instantly pulled him to the side to avoid. With a "boom", the force of void slashed out. , immediately destroying several distant peaks at the same time.

In just a short moment, such a violent change occurred in the entire ninth level sky. The sky was dim and yellow, and many void cracks appeared in mid-air. The power of void was raging nearby. Mountain peaks collapsed one after another, and smoke and dust rose. The sight is as horrific as it is terrifying.

"It seems that there is something wrong with the whole situation..."

Qian Yu Nishang was alert to the surroundings. At first, she thought it was just a change in the Nine Heavens, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Fengyuntian is the fragment left behind after the ancient Eastern cultivation world was shattered. Once something changes, no one knows what went wrong.


The changes are getting more and more violent, and collapses are happening in all directions. It looks like the entire Fengyuntian is about to collapse.

And if the entire Fengyuntian collapsed, it goes without saying how serious the consequences would be. No one inside would be able to escape.

Obviously, no one knew what caused this change, and no one expected that there would be a change. Even Yin Sheng obviously did not expect that Fengyun Tian would suddenly change.


Under the robe, a cold laughter suddenly came out, "Fengyuntian is about to collapse. Why don't you two stay here..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Hidden Saint flicked his hands, and a force of heaven-destroying force suddenly emerged from under his robe, attracting the power of the void nearby towards Xiao Chen and Qian Yu Nishang. come over.

"Watch out!"

Xiao Chen reacted instantly, but in the end he was still a step too slow. The power of the void surged in from the sky, and in almost an instant, he and Qian Yu Nishang could be completely wiped out!

Between life and death, he could no longer hesitate. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Qian Yu Nishang, then spread out his Lingxian Steps and flew back.


There was a loud noise, and the place where the two people were was instantly wiped out. Even the impact with the remaining force caused his blood to surge. Fortunately, he had Xuanwu armor to protect him, otherwise he would have been shaken by the power of the void just now, even if he hadn't. If you are hit directly, you will definitely suffer heavy injuries.

The sky was filled with smoke and dust. When the smoke and dust dispersed, there was no trace of the Hidden Saint. He must have gone looking for a place to leave Fengyuntian.

The vibrations in the area became more and more violent. Qianyu Nishang slowly let go of Xiao Chen's hands, stared at the distant sky where the wind and clouds gathered, and said, "It is very likely that this place will collapse. We must find a way to leave as soon as possible..."

Xiao Chen also frowned deeply. If it were before, all they had to do to leave Fengyun Tian was to go down one level at a time. But now it seems that it is impossible. If something happens to Fengyun Tian, ​​it might be possible. Before they could get to the bottom, it collapsed.

So now, we can only look for any cracks that lead to the outside. As long as we go outside, we will be safe.

"Did you see Xiao Menger when you came up before?"


Qian Yu Nishang shook her head. As the two of them were talking, the vibrations nearby became more and more fierce. Xiao Chen frowned, "Let's go, leave here first."

The two people immediately gathered their true energy, moved their bodies, avoided the nearby void crack, and went away.

At this time, under the stormy sky, in the Lingxu Realm, it was already March and the grass was growing and the orioles were flying. Unknowingly, more than two months had passed, and Hua Weiyang and others were still guarding here.

"Palace Master, look at the sky."

Zi Yuan came to Hua Weiyang's side and pointed to the high-altitude clouds. Not only was the wind and clouds surging above, there were also bursts of strange light. Even down here, she could feel the strange movements of Fengyun Tian.

Not only Hua Weiyang and others felt it, but at this moment in other places, almost everyone within a radius of ten thousand miles felt the strange movement coming from Fengyun Tian, ​​but no one knew what was going on.

At this moment, Hua Weiyang's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, as if she was filled with sorrow. She tightly grasped the jade note in her hand, and saw the spiritual light flowing inside the jade note. There was a wisp of soul power left by Xiao Chen in it. As long as this A ray of soul power has not been extinguished, which means that he himself is safe and sound.

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