The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,155 Shadow of Annihilation

After an unknown amount of time, the vision in the sky still continued, and Hua Weiyang's grip on the jade paper in her hand became tighter and tighter. As for the rest of the people, they held their breath and remained silent, looking very wary.

Zi Yuan also looked up at the sky. There were so many visions in the sky, so something might have happened to Fengyun Tian. At this time, she just prayed silently in her heart, hoping that the Lord would be safe and come back safely as he said.

At this moment, two figures suddenly flew in quickly from outside the valley, but they were the two people inside Yeying. Seeing them walking in a hurry, Ziyuan raised her eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong?"

At this time, Hua Weiyang also turned around and asked the two people, "What happened?"

The two looked at each other and said, "We just found the Yunzong people three hundred miles away, and they are coming this way."

"It's them again..."

Zi Yuan's eyes immediately turned cold. They had a conflict with the Yun Sect people a while ago. Helplessly Xiao Cangtian did not come out in Wuyu Tian. Shui Hanyan and Bu Yundian did not know where they had gone. They were the only ones left. People are here.

It is not difficult for these people here to deal with Tang Yu, but the opponent also has three quasi-sages and many other masters. In a head-to-head confrontation, they are obviously no match, especially Tang Yu's master Tang Qingshi, whose cultivation level is too high. Except for the palace lord, probably no one here can be his opponent.

"Palace Master, otherwise... we leave here first?"

Zi Yuan turned around. She naturally still remembered that Tang Yu from the Yun Sect was in Buried Sword Valley last time. This man not only killed many people in Buried Sword Valley, but also shattered all the meridians in her body. If it weren't for Your Excellency, Later, the palace owner invited the two medical sages and medicine sages to the Wuyu Heaven, fearing that she would become a useless person in her lifetime.

Tang Yu is extremely cruel and ruthless, and relying on Tang Qingshi's support, he often acts unscrupulously and does not take His Majesty seriously. If the Palace Master falls into the hands of this person, this person will seek revenge on His Majesty. It is hard to imagine that he will What are the consequences.


Hua Weiyang frowned slightly and nodded. She naturally knew that it was not appropriate to fight with Yun Zong right now. If she was outside, she would not be afraid of a Yun Zong, but now she was in the Lingxu Realm.

This is not the place of Lianhua Palace, nor is it the place of Wuyutian. You can no longer conflict with the other party, otherwise it will only cause heavier losses to your side, especially now that something has happened in Fengyuntian, and Xiao Chen still doesn't know How about above.

"in addition……"

Hua Weiyang looked outside again and lowered her voice and said, "Zi Yuan, please immediately send a message to Yang Xiaoran and ask him to immediately mobilize three thousand people to come to the Lingxu Realm..."

"Three thousand people..."

Zi Yuan couldn't help but be startled on her face. Although there are no big obstacles in the Lingxu Realm and the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan now, and they can easily travel between the two places, they have to mobilize three thousand people to come in. If Wutian Palace pays attention, That's trouble.

And three thousand people are nothing to the entire Wuyu Tian. Now there are nearly 300,000 people in Wuyu Tian. A mere three thousand people can be given an order. They just need to mobilize three thousand people. Spiritual Ruins Realm, this...

Zi Yuan couldn't help but frown deeply. She understood what Hua Weiyang meant. The reason for calling three thousand people to the Lingxu Realm was not to start a war with the Yun Sect, but because something had changed in Fengyuntian. If it was the last resort, , and can also allow people to search for Your Majesty, so that everyone will not be at a loss when the time comes.

"Okay, I will summon Deputy Yang immediately."

Finally, Zi Yuan nodded, no longer hesitated, took out the jade note, and sent a burst of spiritual power into it.

At this time, there were turbulent winds and clouds in the sky, and rocks were falling, as if the sky was cracking and the earth was cracking. Everything was crumbling. The originally majestic peaks were reduced to ashes in an instant!

Such a terrifying scene may be like the one when the ancient Eastern cultivation world collapsed. Under the annihilation, everything was reduced to ashes, and no one, including gods and demons, could escape...

At this time, the people in Fengyun Heaven, no matter which level they were in, were already in chaos, running around, and no longer cared about looking for those ancient secrets of skills and magical treasures.


Xiao Chen and Qian Yu Nishang had no idea how far they had traveled. The surrounding mountains continued to collapse, but they still could not find the crack in the void leading to the outside.

The void collapsed on the ninth level, and although there were many void cracks, most of them were cracks that caused people to fall into the chaos of the void instead of going back to the outside. If there were void cracks leading to the outside, there must be the aura of the Spiritual Ruins Realm from outside. seep in.

So at this moment, Xiao Chen and Qian Yu Nishang are looking for such a crack in the void, just like they were looking for the gathering point of spiritual power below, and the rest of the people are obviously looking for such a crack in the void just like them at this time.


The surrounding mountain peaks kept collapsing, and dust and smoke were everywhere. The two of them used their speed to the extreme, but the power of the void was still coming up one after another from behind.

"Watch out!"

Qian Yu Nishang stretched out her hand, grabbed Xiao Chen, and flew away in an instant. Even so, she was still shaken out of control. There was only a "boom" sound, and the power of the void surged up from behind, immediately blowing the two of them. Several peaks near the people turned into powder, and dust flew down from the sky, making the two of them a little embarrassed.

"Cough,'s okay, get out of here first."

After escaping the force of the void just now, the two of them did not dare to stay any longer. They immediately spread their body skills and continued to move forward, looking for the crack in the void leading to the outside.

It wasn't until dusk fell that the two of them arrived outside a peaceful valley. The shock around them finally eased a little, but before long, the power of the void would rage again, causing the area to collapse.

"What should we do now?"

Qian Yu Nishang's brows were slightly knitted. She was originally wearing a feather coat that was not stained by dust, but now it was covered with dust. Obviously, the collapse of the ninth heaven was the most severe. It was extremely difficult for the two of them to escape from death just now, and now Down below, I don’t know how many people died in the storm.

No one knew why such changes suddenly occurred in Fengyun Tian. Suddenly, Xiao Chen remembered that when he first came to Fengyun Tian, ​​he saw some illusions below. Those illusions were like what really happened here back then. .

At this time, the collapse of Fengyun Tiantian is just a microcosm of the collapse of the ancient Eastern cultivation world?

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen couldn't help but shuddered in his heart. If this was really the case, it was just the same microcosm as the illusions he saw when he first came here, but it was already so terrifying. Then when the ancient Eastern cultivation world collapsed and annihilation came, what happened? How terrible?

There are thousands of immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas, and none of those immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas who claim to be immortal have escaped...


Just as he was meditating, another loud noise suddenly came from the distance, and then even the peaceful valley began to vibrate. Qian Yu Nishang frowned and said, "Quickly, get out of here!"

Xiao Chen came to his senses, and without hesitation, the two of them flew away in an instant.

It's almost dark. Once it gets dark, the whole sky will become even more terrifying. Countless dangers lurk in the darkness, like ferocious beasts that have been dormant for a long time, spitting out the bloody breath of cannibalism.

Finally, the night had shrouded little by little. Xiao Chen frowned. At this moment, he was more sure of the suspicion in his heart. As he walked quickly, he said to Qian Yu Nishang, "The collapse of Fengyuntian was probably not caused by anyone, but by someone else." …The epitome of what was left after the ancient Eastern cultivation world was annihilated.”

After hearing this, Qian Yu Nishang just frowned slightly and remained silent.

Xiao Chen looked at her, and when he saw the expression on her face at this moment, for some reason, he suddenly had a strange feeling in his mind that she was not from the Five Immortal Realms, but from the broken ancient Eastern cultivation world. Or, other mysterious places...


At this moment, another loud noise came, causing a huge cloud of smoke and dust in the area. Xiao Chen came to his senses, and Qian Yu Nishang was also staring ahead, with the expression on her face never changing, saying, "Let's go!"

The two of them traveled like this for three days and three nights, but they were still unable to find the crack in the void that led to the Spiritual Ruins Realm outside. In the past three days, the two of them also encountered many dangers. Several times, they were almost killed by that person. Swallowed by the power of the void, fortunately two people helped each other and were able to avoid the destructive power again and again.

On this day, the tremors in the entire Fengyuntian became more and more fierce and violent. I don’t know if anyone escaped, but the entire Nine Heavens was almost collapsed. If they can’t find a way out, Xiao Chen and Qian Yu Nishang will People must be buried in it.

"Wait... there seems to be a strange smell in front..."

At this moment, Qianyu Nishang seemed to sense something, and without hesitation, she immediately went forward with Xiao Chen. When the two of them arrived in front, they saw towering mountain peaks, and the place was still so intact. .

"Look, there!"

Qianyu Nishang's gaze focused and pointed between the two highest peaks. It looked like a canyon, but there was a crack in the void. In the crack, spiritual energy was constantly seeping in. It was obvious that the crack in the void was leading to the spirit ruins realm outside. , rather than the chaotic void.


Just when the two of them were about to go over, suddenly, a strange force attacked the two of them. Xiao Chen's face hardened and he said, "Be careful!" Before he could finish his words, he pulled Qian Yu Nishang to the side to avoid it.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. The figure was dressed in black robes. It seemed that it was none other than the Hidden Saint who had fought with them three days ago. It seemed that this person was not able to find a way out, and ended up fighting with them. Like them, they found this place.

"Haha, are you not dead yet? Then stay here..."

The Hidden Saint smiled gloomily, and actually wanted to "burn the bridge across the river". Not only did he rush into the crack in the void, but he also left a talisman outside. When he rushed in, this talisman would immediately destroy the place. The nearby mountain peak caused another collapse, making it impossible for Xiao Chen and others to get out.

"Stop him!"

Qian Yu Nishang was the first to react, and at this moment, two void powers suddenly came from the distance. Xiao Chen did not hesitate, and used his great freedom palm technique in an instant, directing one of the void powers directly towards Yin. Holy.

Qian Yu Nishang also used the Weak Water Three Thousand Skills to lead a force of void towards Hidden Saint. The two terrifying powers went away at the same time. Hidden Saint had to turn around. The two forces were already close in front of him. In a hurry, During this time, he had no choice but to fight with all his life's strength.

With a "boom", smoke and dust flew everywhere, and in mid-air, he actually used his own strength to resist the two void forces. However, he could not move. If he moved even a little, he would be killed by these two forces. A force of void instantly swallowed him up.

At this moment, he opened his mouth and spat out, and two streaks of blood suddenly flew out of his mouth. The two streaks of blood actually turned into two talismans in an instant, and then turned into two figures.

Xiao Chen's eyes immediately focused, "Fuyan's technique?"

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