"Are you going to Shuzhong?"

At this time, Shen Jing also came over. Things were happening one after another. Ku Lingzi had just been rescued from Xuanxiao Palace and was still recovering in Wuyutian. Something happened to Fengyuntian here again. I don’t know what Wushuang was doing. How it will end up being.

So at this moment, she did not want Xiao Chen to go to Shu to take risks again, not to mention the Yun Sect, which had gathered the power of eighteen families in Shu over the years, and was no longer what it was a hundred years ago. It might not be appropriate to go there rashly.

"Don't worry." ✤✷✧

Xiao Chen looked at her, and he naturally had his own ideas. He had asked Bai Luan and others to investigate the Yun Sect before, and this time the Hidden Saint suddenly appeared. If he goes by his speculation, then this person from that year Hidden Saint is most likely the current leader of Yun Sect, Yun Daozi.

As for whether Yun Daozi has another identity, it is difficult to determine at present, but if he is really a hidden saint, then he was severely injured in Fengyuntian a few days ago and must have rushed back to Yunzong to cultivate.

This person's cultivation level is extremely high. If we don't take advantage of this moment when he is seriously injured, once he recovers, if we want to take him down at that time, with Xiao Chen's current strength, it is simply impossible. Even if he and Qian Yu Nishang join forces, , can't even defeat this person, let alone him alone?

Obviously, Xiao Chen has thought it over clearly. Not to mention that Yun Zong is now the enemy of Wuyutian. Once Yun Daozi recovers from his injuries, there will definitely be chaos. Rather than sit back and wait for death, it is better to cut the grass and root out the roots first. What's more, he had to find this person to find out about his father.

Hua Weiyang saw what he was thinking at this time. It seemed that the matter was not simple. It was definitely not because of the previous attacks from Yun Zong that he wanted to go to Yun Zong this time. He also thought that he had asked Ye Ying's people to go before. Investigating Yunzong, could it be...

At this moment, Hua Weiyang also thought of something. Seeing that she had some realization, Xiao Chen directly told what happened in the Nine Heavens that day.

After listening, Shen Jing, Zi Yuan and others fell into deep thought. Could it be that the most mysterious Hidden Saint back then was actually the leader of the Yun Sect, Yun Daozi?

It is hard for everyone to imagine that the Yun Sect is no longer a small force in Shu. It has even become the largest sect in Shu. Even eighteen families in Shu have been brought under its command. It is conceivable that now The Yunzong is so powerful.

And his sect leader Yun Daozi has been practicing in seclusion in the sect for these years. To outsiders, he looks like a worldly master who has no regard for the world of mortals. He is very cautious even in accepting disciples and preaching. But who knows that he was actually the master back then? That mysterious and ambitious Hidden Saint?

At this moment, everyone felt a chill in their backs. Now it is true that Tao is not Tao, and demons are not demons. Some people look like Taoists from the outside, but the other side that no one knows is so terrifying.

Xiao Chen said, "This man was severely injured by a force of void that day in Fengyun Tian. His soul has been injured. Now he must have rushed back to Yun Sect to cultivate. Once he recovers, it may be difficult to deal with him." At this point, he looked at Shen Jing again and continued, "Don't go to Shuzhong this time. You go back to Wuyutian first. Ku Lingzi's spirit has not yet recovered, so you can help him."


Shen Jing nodded. After knowing the cause and effect, she stopped stopping the other party. Moreover, judging from what Xiao Chen said just now, Yun Daozi was seriously injured now. It was indeed necessary to take advantage of this moment to eradicate the root cause and eliminate the Yun Sect. Enemy.

Xiao Chen turned around again and asked Zi Yuan, "Where is Bai Luan now?"

"Sister, she..."

Zi Yuan frowned, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Sister, I have been investigating... investigating the destruction of Ningcun back then."


Hearing her mention what happened in Ningcun back then, Xiao Chen felt a sinking feeling in his heart, especially now that Shen Jing was also beside him.

The incident in Ningcun back then had already become a suspicious case, but at that time Weiyang found half of the Tianmen Token in the ruins, and this half of the Tianmen Token undoubtedly made the whole matter more confusing.

Now, he could only not think about these things. The top priority was to go to Shuzhong as soon as possible, and asked, "Who are there outside?"


Zi Yuan looked outside the valley and said, "Xueyizi, Goshawk Ancestor, Xueyangzi and others, they should be a hundred miles away now."


Xiao Chen nodded. Now that he is going to Shuzhong, he will inevitably be a bit weak alone. He may not be able to completely frighten the eighteen families in Shuzhong. The strength of the entire Yun Sect cannot be underestimated. Even without Yun Daozi, there are still two Elders with very high cultivation levels are in charge, as well as many other masters, so this trip will definitely be much better if we bring masters from Wuyutian with us.

After the discussion, Xiao Chen no longer hesitated and immediately went outside to meet Xueyizi and others with Weiyang and others. As for Shen Jing and others, they returned to Wuyutian for the time being.

At the same time, in another place, a mountain peak collapsed, and among the rocks in the valley, a figure suddenly flew out. The figure stepped on the fairy lotus, and his whole body was shrouded in a layer of light. He landed on the nearby mountain road. It was no one else. , but it was Xiao Menger.

Obviously she had come out a long time ago, but she had been looking for her senior brother Liu Wuxin. Liu Wuxin was injured so seriously that day, and she did not expect that Fengyuntian would suddenly change later. When she returned to the eighth heaven, she had already Liu Wuxin could no longer be found.

"Senior brother..."

I saw her looking around, and in her hand, she held a jade note with a small rope tied to it. This jade note was given to her by Liu Wuxin when she first entered the family.

She was just a little girl back then. Although she became a disciple of Donghua Immortal Lord, she was taught Taoism by Liu Wuxin. Liu Wuxin was afraid that she would encounter danger outside, so he made such a jade note for her.

The jade note contains Liu Wuxin's soul power. When she encounters danger, she injects spiritual power into the jade note, and Liu Wuxin can immediately sense her exact location and rush to the rescue in time.

Now after many years, Xiao Meng'er no longer needs this jade note, but it still remains with her. At this moment, no matter how she injects spiritual power into the jade note, Liu Wuxin will no longer perform magic tricks like before. Usually, he appeared in front of her in an instant.

Never again.

"Senior brother...where are you..."

Xiao Meng'er looked back and looked around. At this moment, she suddenly felt an unspeakable sadness in the world. Senior brother was injured so seriously that day, how could he escape? Is senior brother already dead...

"Xiao Yichen..."

At this moment, another hatred arose in her heart. However, just as this hatred gradually began to spread in her heart, the sound of a carriage suddenly came from the mountain road not far away.

The sound was getting closer and faster, and at this moment, the jade paper in Xiao Meng'er's hand actually reacted. On the other side of the mountain road, a carriage was speeding towards her. Xiao Meng'er didn't even hesitate, He flew over in an instant and stopped the carriage.

Seeing someone falling from the sky, the coachman was startled, but when he saw the immortal-like person in front of him, he immediately calmed down and asked, "May I ask this fairy, is he Fairy Xiao from the Xianqiong Sect?"

Xiao Meng'er saw that he, a mortal, actually recognized her, her eyebrows narrowed and she asked, "Who are you? Who is in the car?"

When the coachman saw that she was indeed the one he was looking for, he felt relieved and said with a smile, "Three days ago, a young master asked me to come here, saying that I could meet Fairy Xiao here. He asked me to escort another subject. The injured young master came here, and I asked him to hand over the injured young master to Fairy Xiao."


Xiao Meng'er frowned, no longer hesitating, and immediately went to the car, opened the curtain of the sedan, and saw that the person lying inside was none other than senior brother Liu Wuxin.


Xiao Meng'er was shocked, and immediately went to the car. After a closer look, she found that her senior brother's meridians were severed, all his internal organs were damaged, and he was unconscious, but his heart veins were forcibly sealed by a burst of true energy. Can save life.

Obviously something happened in the sky that day. The senior brother was seriously injured and accidentally hit by a force of void. But who was the rescuer? She actually has such magical powers that can save his life. This kind of ability, at least she can't do it currently.

"Who was the person who asked you to send someone here? Did he ever tell you his name?"

At this moment, Xiao Meng'er had already thought that that man was not only very capable, but also very cautious in his actions. He asked a mortal to send his senior brother here, so as not to attract the attention of cultivators.


The driver outside thought for a while and said, "That young man, I didn't say his name, but that day, I saw him wearing a Suzaku mask on his face..."


Xiao Meng'er's expression condensed, it was Zhuque from Tianzhu City. Tianzhu City's behavior has always been unpredictable, so why did Suzaku want to save his senior brother?

At this time, she didn't want to think so much. Although Suzaku's energy was powerful and forcibly saved her senior brother's life, it was not appropriate to delay any longer. She had to return to the sect immediately and let her master treat her senior brother.

"I took him away, thank you very much."

Xiao Meng'er didn't waste any more time and immediately carried Liu Wuxin out of the car, then held up the lotus platform and went to the sky in an instant.

Seeing such a scene, the coachman froze on the spot and stammered, "Really, really, really a god..."

Let's talk about Xiao Chen and his party. Three days later, they have arrived in the middle of Shu, where the Yun Sect is located, called "Cangshan". It was cloudy that day, and the entire Cangshan Mountain was filled with sword rays from time to time. It was a hundred miles away. Everyone outside can feel this powerful restriction.

The disciples on the mountain have been feeling a little uneasy for the past two days. They don't know why the two elders suddenly activated the "Cangshan Sword Formation".

It is said that such a powerful sword formation was only used once by the sect leader a hundred years ago. Later, because the sword formation was too lethal and consumed the mountain's spiritual energy too much, it was never used again. But why did the two of them use it this time? An elder suddenly activated this sword formation?

The sky was overcast that day, and the cold wind was blowing up the fallen leaves on the mountain path, "rustling, rustling". There was a constant rustling sound on the steps. I saw two disciples holding brooms and sweeping away these fallen leaves. However, they could not finish sweeping one leaf. land, but another piece of land is covered.

"what happened?"

The two disciples were puzzled. On weekdays, the mountain was full of aura, and the vegetation was evergreen all year round. Even in autumn and winter, leaves did not fall so frequently. It was only the turn of spring and summer, but in the past few days, why did the trees on the mountain keep falling leaves?

"It's strange. When did the grass over there wither? Wasn't it still fine yesterday..."

Just when the two of them were confused, suddenly, the clouds outside Cangshan Mountain were rolling in endlessly, and then a terrifying aura surged in, making the two of them tremble. When they raised their heads, they saw clouds rolling in on both sides of the sky. Go, and in the middle, there is a strange dragon flying over one hundred feet.

The two disciples were immediately frightened to death. In the blink of an eye, the hundred-foot strange dragon had flown in, causing the clouds within a ten-mile radius to surge endlessly. The thunder sounded as terrifying as if it was about to destroy the entire Cangshan Mountain!

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