The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,158: Invading like fire

"Wha...who is this person?"

The two Yun Sect disciples in front of the mountain gate were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They saw silhouettes of people above the strange dragon. It was naturally Xiao Chen and others who had arrived.

"Quick, go back and report to the elders!"

The two disciples dropped the brooms in their hands, climbed up and ran up the mountain. At that moment, the entire Cangshan Mountain was filled with sword light. How could the elders of the sect be unaware of such a huge movement?

Soon, many people were rushing to the mountain gate. In addition to the disciples and elders of the Yun Sect, there were also many masters from the Eighteen Sichuan families, including the head of the Li family who went to bury the sword valley last time, Li Zhengyan. .

A few days ago, the heads of each of the eighteen families in Shu were invited to the Yunzong. At that time, everyone felt that something was different. Unexpectedly, in just a few days, something happened.

"Let's go and have a look."

Li Zhengyan and others also walked out of the palace and quickly went to the mountain gate. Everyone had some doubts in their hearts. Nowadays, the Yun Sect is so powerful that it is difficult to find a force that can compete with it in the entire ancient Shu land. , who dares to attack Yunzong?

When everyone came to the mountain gate and saw the giant 100-foot-long dragon in the sky and the white-haired man standing on the dragon's head, many people felt suffocated.

Especially Li Zhengyan, he recognized the person above him at a glance. He was Xiao Yichen, the Lord of Wuyutian. He couldn't help but recall the amazing strength of the other party in Buried Sword Valley last time. Now, the other party's cultivation seemed to be... Even more unfathomable...

"Today is a grudge between me and Yunzong. Anyone who has nothing to do with it, please leave..."

A cold voice came from mid-air, causing many people to feel trembled. No one from the Eighteen Families in Sichuan expected that this time, it was not someone from another force, but the "Lord of the Demonic Way". "Xiao Yichen, what should we do this time?

"Xiao Yichen! Do you really think that you have three heads and six arms? You can come to our Yunzong whenever you want!"

At this moment, several old men from the Yun Sect stood up and glared at Xiao Chen. Their voices were like thunder, making everyone nearby tremble.

The sky was surging with wind and clouds, and Xiao Chen stood on top of the strange dragon, looking at the crowd below with a cold gaze, and his tone was still cold and indifferent: "Xiao is already here, how can you stop him."


An old man in green shouted loudly, and with a burst of real energy from his palms, the sky was filled with sword energy. "How can evil spirits like you be able to invade our place of Xuanmen cultivation? Since we are here today, don't even think about leaving!" As soon as he finished speaking, the Cangshan Sword Formation was activated, and the sword energy that filled the sky suddenly came like rain!

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and with a flick of his sleeves, the yin and yang energy in his body flowed as expected, and suddenly turned into one energy and gushes out. With a "bang", he actually withstood the rain of swords coming from the sky.


Many people in the Yun Sect were shocked, especially the members of the Eighteenth Sichuan Family. Their faces were all pale. It was terrifying that this person could resist the Cangshan Sword Formation on his own. …

"Sacrifice the sword!"

Seeing Xiao Chen resisting the sword energy, several old men sacrificed their fairy swords, and the disciples of the Yun Sect also sacrificed their own fairy swords. Under the stimulation of the sword tactics, the dazzling fairy swords immediately pointed towards the sky. Flying up.


At this moment, Li suddenly let out a roar, and the energy of gods and demons surged out, causing a sudden change in the sky. The countless fairy swords in the sky lost their luster under the erosion of this aura of gods and demons, and turned into stubborn creatures one after another. The sound of iron falling and tinkling can be heard endlessly.

Seeing this scene, everyone was even more shocked. Apparently they all felt the terrifying aura of gods and demons. What on earth is this strange dragon that can release such a terrifying aura of gods and demons...

This time, the expressions of more than a dozen old men in the Yunzong changed, but they still did not give up. The Cangshan Sword Formation was by no means as powerful as before. However, in order to make the sword formation stronger, it would require more losses. of aura.

Now that the enemy is in front of them, they don't care so much anymore. They activate the spells one after another. The entire sword array suddenly becomes more mysterious, and the sword energy in the sky suddenly strengthens a lot. It is faintly making Wu Yu Everyone in the world felt a little bit oppressed.

At this moment, I saw spiritual energy condensing from the bottom of the mountain to the mountain. Obviously, to support such a strong sword formation, a steady stream of spiritual energy is needed.

Hua Weiyang's eyes condensed. Her sense of spiritual power was more accurate than anyone else's. She quickly found the location of the spiritual power of the formation. She saw her hands slightly forming seals, and her own spiritual power surged out. The spiritual power at the bottom of the mountain was forcibly cut off.


With a loud noise, after the Cangshan Sword Array lost the support of spiritual power, the sword energy in the sky suddenly became dim. Everyone in the Yun Sect was shocked. How could it be possible that the woman actually used her own spiritual power to force the people at the foot of the mountain? The spiritual power is cut off!

The disciples suddenly became panicked. They could still remain calm just now because of the Cangshan Sword Formation. No one could attack it. But now that the Cangshan Sword Formation has lost its spiritual power, it can still last for half a stick of incense at most. .

A dozen old men had already changed their expressions, but at this time they forced themselves to calm down, "Don't panic! Just wait for the sect master and the two elders to come out of seclusion!"

After all, more than a dozen of them formed seals at the same time, using their own spiritual power to continuously inject into the sword formation. However, even if the cultivation level of more than a dozen of them was not low, how could they compare to the natural spiritual energy of the world?

This Cangshan Sword Formation was left behind by the founder of the Yun Sect back then. It had to rely on the essence of Zhoushan's spiritual energy to be effective, but now that the spiritual energy has been cut off, it is undoubtedly equivalent to 90% of it being disabled.

Seeing this situation, all the disciples rushed out one after another, constantly injecting spiritual power into the sword formation. However, even if there were thousands of disciples, losing the spiritual power of heaven and earth would still be a drop in the bucket. An old man hurriedly rushed to Shuzhong. People from the Eighteenth Family looked over and said, "Please help me, Yunzong, today!"

However, at this time, everyone in the eighteen families in Shu hesitated. If someone else came to attack, maybe they would help, but right now, the Lord of Wuyu Tian, ​​who doesn't know how powerful he is? You would never dare to get yourself into trouble...

"The mantis' arm is like a chariot."

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and with a flick of his hand, thirty-six strands of Tiangang Xuan Qi in his body instantly gathered together and gush out together. With a roar, the entire Cangshan Mountain trembled. On the edge of the cliff, gravel rolled down, and the sword energy from the sky, Suddenly it became even more gloomy.

There was smoke and dust in front of the mountain gate. Seeing that the sword formation was about to break, everyone in the Yun Sect was hanging on a thread, and they were all frightened. At this moment, several more figures flew out from inside, "Junior brothers, don't panic!"

I saw a few strange lights flying in the hands of those people, but they came with magic weapons to try to stop Xiao Chen and his party.

"You devil sect fanatics have committed an unpardonable crime against my Yun Sect today!"

Those people spoke sternly, and after saying that, they threw the magic weapon in their hands into the air, and then used the spell. Suddenly there was wind and thunder in mid-air. Not only did the defensive sword formation of the mountain gate instantly strengthened, but there were also streaks of mysterious light shooting straight into the sky. The silver light spread out and hit Xiao Chen and the others.

Seeing such a powerful magic weapon coming, Goshawk Ancestor, Xueyizi and others were slightly shocked. As expected, the Yun Sect had some abilities.

At this moment, Hua Weiyang reached out and flicked her hand, and a piece of flower mist flew away, protecting everyone inside. At the same time, in the flower mist, there was another light red umbrella open, with petals flying around the umbrella. , it is her magic weapon "Feihua Lianyou Umbrella".

This magic weapon was refined by an ancestor of the You clan who spent his whole life. It is very impressive. It is a magic weapon that can defeat the immortal family. It can not only withstand the attacks of thousands of magic weapons in the world, but also can absorb some magic weapons into it. It is just that this umbrella has The person who makes it must be a woman. In the hands of a man, it will be difficult to exert its power.

At this moment, under Hua Weiyang's incantation, the entire umbrella continued to rotate and enlarge, and pieces of light red flower mist flew away, actually blocking all the powerful magic weapons of the Yun Sect on it.


This time, the people who came after them couldn't help but have a slight shock on their faces. The magic weapons they brought out at this moment were sacrificed by Elder Meng Qinghe. Their power was extraordinary, and the umbrella in this woman's hand could actually All their magic weapons are blocked...


Xiao Chen snorted coldly, and used Xuan Gong again, and hit the mountain gate defense array with another palm. The force of the palm was suddenly like a huge wave, unstoppable!


There was a loud noise, and the whole mountain trembled again. Smoke and dust suddenly billowed near the mountain gate, and the sand blurred the eyes. Seeing that the formation was about to be broken, Xueyizi and others did not hesitate, each adding a powerful blow with their palms, a mighty force, a deterrent. world!

After a while, the Cangshan Sword Formation was already crumbling, but after all, it was the formation left by the Yun Sect Dao Ancestor. When it was about to be broken, it still had three points of power, making it difficult for everyone to approach.

"Back off."

At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly saw a cold light flash in his eyes, staring coldly at Yunzong in front of him. Xue Yizi and others didn't know what he was going to do, but at this time, they didn't hesitate and followed his words and stepped back.

The next moment, he saw an extra Yao Qin in his hand. The whole Qin exuded a very extraordinary aura. Xue Yizi and others naturally recognized the origin of the Qin, and there was a look of surprise on their faces: "Ancient Fuxi Qin" …”

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and sharp, and his true energy gathered at his fingertips, condensing the strings of the piano. At this moment, a mysterious light bloomed around him, and the might of the divine piano immediately caused the situation to change, like all the spiritual power in the world. , he was attracted to him at this moment.


Everyone in the Yunzong changed their faces, especially the dozen or so old men, who felt the terrifying power contained in the piano. I am afraid no one can resist it!


With the sound of the piano, Xiao Chen suddenly let go of the strings, and the mighty ancient power suddenly turned into hundreds of feet of piano sound, surging out. With a "boom", smoke and dust flew everywhere, and the entire Cangshan Sword Formation broke with the sound!

The people inside were all thrown backwards by the shock. Seven or eight old men were vomiting blood and smashed the stone steps and railings behind them to pieces.

Xiao Chen condensed his breath, put Fu Xiqin back into his sleeves, stepped on it with both feet, broke through the remaining formation of Cangshan, and flew towards Yun Sect.

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