The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,161 Kill without mercy

"Let her go..."

Tang Yu smiled sadly, "If I let her go, wouldn't Master want to kill me? Just now you asked Junior Sister to come in to find me. Did you mean to kill me at that time..."


Tang Qingshi trembled all over, and his face suddenly turned pale and ugly. Tang Yu smiled sadly and said, "Master, do you want to take my life in exchange for theirs? Do you think that if you kill me, this person will become angry today?" Mercy, will you let us go..."

"Tang Yu! You have made a big mistake! Azi is your junior sister, why don't you let her go! Do you still want to make the same mistake again and again?"

At this time, even Meng Qinghe, who was standing next to Tang Qingshi, stared at him.

"Making a big mistake...making mistakes again and again, hahaha, hahaha..."

Tang Yu raised his head and laughed, then with a sharp look at Meng Qinghe, "Since ancient times, there have been only winners and losers, so there is no right or wrong! If my cultivation was higher than his today, would you still say I was wrong!" Also, I’m talking to my master, what’s wrong with you, Elder Meng!”


Meng Qinghe was speechless by his fierce words at this moment, and Tang Qingshi's face next to him was extremely ugly, but at the same time he was filled with grief. Is this the disciple he taught?

He let out a long sigh and said with a sad expression, "Tang Yu, Elder Meng is your uncle, how could you talk to him like this..."

"Uncle, hahahaha!"

Tang Yu raised his head and smiled, then with a sharp look, he pointed the folding fan in his hand at them, "Look at you two, this man is bullying you today. You have no cultivation, but you can only compromise with him. He wants me today." If he wants your heads, will you give them too?"

At the end of the words, I saw his eyes widening. Both eyes were bloodshot, full of unwillingness, and also had a strange feeling.

These fierce words actually made Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe lower their heads, but they could not help but shake their heads and sigh.

Over the years, Yun Zong has never suffered such a shameful humiliation, but today, they are powerless. If they do not compromise, then today, the entire Yun Zong will flow into a river of blood.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The cold wind rustled, and Tang Yu raised his head and laughed again, "I'm wrong, what's wrong with me! We have different positions, so what's wrong with the people I killed them! If it were them, would they let us go!"

At this moment, no one spoke in the huge square. Everyone lowered their heads and said nothing. Tang Qingshi also closed his eyes and finally sighed deeply, "Come on, take down Tang Yu."

When all the disciples heard this, they all trembled slightly in their hearts, but in the end, there were still people nearby slowly surrounding them, "Senior Brother Tang... forget it, you can't leave today..."

"Who dares to come close!"

Tang Yu was still looking crazy, his eyes were blood red, his shawl was loose, he strangled the girl's throat with his left hand, and pointed the folding fan in his right hand at everyone outside, "Whoever dares to step forward, I will kill her!"

"Teacher, senior brother..." Tears also gathered in the girl's eyes, but she didn't know whether it was fear or pain.

"No one is coming here!"

Tang Yu seemed to be going crazy, and suddenly he laughed again, "My fate is up to me... not up to anyone else! Whoever dares to stop me today will die!"

The moment he finished speaking, a purple figure rushed forward in an instant. It was none other than Zi Yuan.


Tang Yu's eyes were blood red. When he raised his palms, streaks of blood mist rose up all over his body. He was obviously possessed. A terrifying aura surged out and immediately shocked all the surrounding Yun Sect disciples, causing them to vomit blood and fly backwards. Got out.

This person's cultivation level is not low to begin with, and now he is obsessed with it, fighting for his life. Even in Ziyuan's heyday, she alone would not be able to stop this person's power.

At this moment, another figure appeared beside her and pulled her behind him. It was none other than Xiao Chen.

"call out!"

A finger force flew out, and with a "bang" sound, it not only defeated Tang Yu's layer of blood mist, but also shocked him so much that he spurted out a mouthful of blood and continued to retreat.

"Senior brother..."

The girl in purple clothes regained her freedom, but at this time, she was still thinking about this senior brother in her heart. However, she saw Tang Yu's eyes were blood red, his whole body was like a demon, and he was glaring at Xiao Chen fiercely like a ferocious wolf. Roaring wildly, he actually rushed towards Xiao Chen.


Tang Yu seemed to have gone crazy. He actually burned his own blood and vowed to die together with Xiao Chen. At this moment, the entire Yun Sect was shocked, and a look of shock flashed across Tang Qingshi's face: "Tang Yu..."

"Xiao Yichen, even if I die and turn into a ghost, I will drag you with me! Ah——"

Tang Yu had a terrifying look on his face and immediately rushed towards him. Zi Yuan's face was startled: "Your Majesty, be careful..."

However, before she could finish her words, Xiao Chen's figure had disappeared in an instant, and when he appeared again, he was already in front of Tang Yu.

At this moment of lightning and flint, Xiao Chen condensed his energy on his fingertips, and "chichichi" he hit Tang Yu with more than ten fingers in a row!


Tang Yu let out a shrill scream, and saw streams of blood sputtering out from his back. The meridians throughout his body were broken by Xiao Chen in an instant.

"Tang Yu!"

Tang Qingshi's expression changed, and he instinctively wanted to step forward, but was pulled back by Meng Qinghe beside him. The latter shook his head and remained silent.

"Xiao Yichen——"

Two streaks of blood flowed from Tang Yu's eyes, and his terrifying eyes seemed to be filled with unwillingness like a ghost. However, even if he roared heartbreakingly, it still couldn't change his ending today.

The next moment, he heard another scream. This time, even the tendons of his hands and hamstrings were broken in an instant. With a "bang", the whole person flew backwards heavily.

At this moment, the entire square was quiet, and everyone looked shocked. They stood motionless, as if they were petrified. Outside, the people of the eighteen families in Shu were equally frightened...

Tang Yu was seen covered in blood, and his white clothes had already been dyed red with blood. His whole body was lying on the pile of rocks with his shawl spread out. He was as terrifying as an evil ghost crawling out of the hell. The meridians in his body were broken, his heart was burned, and his internal organs were all burned. They are all broken, and even if there is still breath left, they cannot survive.

"Your Majesty!"

Zi Yuan ran up quickly, Xiao Chen still held one hand behind his back, turned his head slightly and looked at her, "How are you?"

"I'm fine..."

Zi Yuan shook her head and looked at Tang Yu who was lying on the pile of rocks. The original revenge was finally avenged, but at this moment, she didn't feel happy at all. Instead, she felt an indescribable depression. , where does this feeling of depression come from?

"Hehe, hehehe..."

At this moment, Tang Yu, who was covered in blood, suddenly laughed strangely. Such a strange laughter made everyone present feel trembling, and they all looked at him with horror.

I saw blood flowing out of Tang Yu's eyes, and they were covered with strange black bloodshot threads. Even the look in his eyes when he looked at Xiao Chen became strange, "It doesn't matter if you kill me, you can't hide either. You can't escape death today, hehehe..."

Hearing such strange words, Zi Yuan immediately became alert, but Xiao Chen still had a calm look in his eyes, put his hands behind his back, and said calmly, "Go on."

"Hey hey hey..."

Tang Yu could only smile slyly, "Xiao Yichen, your death is about to happen. No one can save you this time. Either you die or someone dies for you, hahaha, hahaha... I pay the price of not entering reincarnation." , Curse you, curse you..."

Zi Yuan's face changed, and she rushed forward in an instant. However, when she rushed forward, Tang Yu had already died, but his death was very strange. There was a strange smile on his face, and his eyes were full of black. Bloodshot didn't look like he was killed by Xiao Chen, but more like he died from some kind of curse. It was really weird.

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