At this moment, Zi Yuan was still stunned. She didn't know when Xiao Chen came up behind her. After a long time, she turned her head and murmured, "Your Majesty..."

Xiao Chen's face was still calm, and he looked at Tang Yu indifferently. He didn't take the words he just said to heart.

But Zi Yuan on the side seemed to be very sensitive. She finally understood where the previous feeling of depression came from. It was Tang Yu...

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's not a good place to stay here for a long time." She looked around, lowered her voice to the lowest level, and spoke.

"Yun Daozi hasn't come out yet."

Xiao Chen's eyes were still on Tang Yu's body, and his tone was calm. After speaking, he turned around and looked at Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe.

There was nothing wrong with Meng Qinghe, but Tang Qingshi's expression on the side was very complicated at this time. Tang Yu was his disciple, but he could only watch and watch his disciple die. In the hands of others, there is nothing you can do.

"He is dead. Are you satisfied now..."

Tang Qingshi squeezed his fingers tightly, as if he wanted to draw blood from his palms, and in his heart, wasn't he suffering from the torture of being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts?

Xiao Chen looked at him indifferently, with an indifferent expression on his face. After a while, he said, "There is a person named 'Shi Haoping' here."

"Shi Haoping..."

After hearing this, many people's expressions changed, especially the old men outside the square, who were a little unbelievable. If Tang Yu provoked him, that would be it, but Shi Haoping has always been honest, and he has been honest for so many years. , except for occasionally going down the mountain to buy things, he never even took a step out of the mountain gate on weekdays, so how could he provoke him?

"You...what else do you want!"

Tang Qingshi's face turned even uglier. Shi Haoping was not his disciple, but he was the Grand Elder of the Yun Sect after all. Today, in full view of everyone, Tang Yu died in the hands of the other party. Even if Tang Yu died, he deserved it. Do we still want the other party to continue killing people here?

"Yes or no.

Xiao Chen's voice was cold, and there was no doubt in his tone. Just when everyone held their breath and concentrated, a cowardly voice rang not far away, "I, I am Shi Haoping..."

I saw a man wearing a light blue gown walking over from outside the square. He did not look strong, even a little thin. The long and wide clothes also seemed very ill-fitting, but at the corners of his clothes, But it has been washed and faded.

The man's eyes were a little dull, and he looked at Xiao Chen motionlessly. When Xiao Chen turned his head to look at him, his thin body trembled slightly, and then he stood there and did not dare to move forward. That's all. Looking at Xiao Chen blankly.

At this moment, the other Yun Sect disciples in the square did not dare to say anything. Although they did not understand how Shi Haoping got into trouble with this terrifying god of death, they did not dare to ask any more questions at this time.

At this moment, Meng Qinghe, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke, "Shi Haoping is a disciple of my lineage. His master has not come back for many years, so he rarely goes down the mountain on weekdays. Master Xiao mainly It's okay to kill him, but please give a reason why he offended Lord Xiao..."

Everyone was silent in the cold wind, and Xiao Chen's eyes just fell on Shi Haoping in the distance.

And Shi Haoping looked at him at this time, there was no fear in his eyes like others, there was just a kind of dullness, as if he was resigned to life and death, thinking that if he wanted to kill him, he would just kill himself, since he couldn't beat him anyway. He, the master is not here, and no one will come to protect him...

But the next moment, what no one expected was that Xiao Chen looked at Shi Haoping and simply said, "Leave here and don't come back again."

At this moment, many people were stunned. What is going on? He didn't seem to have any intention of killing Shi Haoping, and it seemed that he only let him go. What's going on...

Even the two great elders Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe may not be able to understand at this time how a humble disciple like Shi Haoping could be related to the Lord of Wuyu Tian? what on earth is it……

Shi Haoping was usually honest and honest, as if he knew everything later than others, but at this moment, he understood what was going on better than everyone here. He looked at Xiao Chen blankly and murmured, "My master,... Is he still alive..."

Xiao Chen looked at him, his expression unchanged from beginning to end, and it was still the same now. He only said two words to him: "Dead."

Even though he had already guessed this, when he heard it with his own ears, Shi Haoping still trembled violently in his heart. His whole body seemed to fall into the abyss, falling non-stop, but never reaching the bottom of the abyss.

He is a seven-foot man. Even when he faced Xiao Chen just now and mistakenly thought that the other party was going to kill him, he did not have red eyes. But now, in front of so many people, he couldn't stop crying, but he He bit his lip tightly to prevent himself from crying.

"Let's go."

Perhaps Xiao Chen had seen too many lives and deaths, but at this moment, there was still no emotional change on his face, and he could only say two words calmly.

"Many, thank you..."

Shi Haoping's voice was choked and he held back tears as he walked step by step outside the square. He didn't ask the other party how his master died. Since the other party didn't tell him, it must be that the master didn't want him to know. Although he was not smart, , but he is not stupid...

At this moment, everyone in the square held their breath and remained silent. The cold wind rustled, making Shi Haoping's loose clothes rustle. Everyone watched him walk out of the mountain gate, and no one dared to step forward to stop him.

But Xiao Chen still stood there with a calm expression, but he still remembered that night on the altar in his mind.

"You still have unfinished business."

"I have a disciple... his name is Shi Haoping. I haven't been back for more than ten years. I don't know if he is well... If you can, young hero, in the future... please let him leave and leave the Yun Sect..."

"Is there anything else?"

"No, no more...Thank you, thank you so much, young hero..."

Shi Haoping's master was the old man in purple that night. He was later killed by another old man from the Yun Sect because he was unwilling to take the blood-transforming pill condensed by countless mortals.

He knew very well that Yun Zong was not a place for cultivating immortals. Once he died, his only disciple Shi Haoping would also be persecuted. He knew that Xiao Chen had great magical powers, so before he died, he only begged the other party to protect Shi Haoping from leaving Yun Zong.

At this moment, there was a cold wind blowing in the square. It was not until Shi Haoping left that Xiao Chen turned toward the back mountain of Yun Sect and the secret realm and said calmly, "Could it be that Sect Leader Yun doesn't plan to come out yet? He wants me to destroy your entire Yun Sect." ?"

As soon as he said this, many people around him were shocked, especially those from the Eighteenth Shu Family outside, whose faces changed color. Could it be that his goal from the beginning was the leader of the Yun Sect, Yun Daozi...

However, after a long time, there was still no movement coming from the direction of the secret realm in the back mountain. Xiao Chen's eyes condensed, his breath shook, and a majestic profound force surged out, covering the entire Yun Sect almost instantly.

Under the shroud of his profound energy, everyone felt uneasy, as if someone had grabbed their throats in an instant. As long as the other party's profound energy suppressed them, they would be instantly wiped out!

The faces of Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe also changed. They couldn't really sit back and wait for death. At this moment, they also activated their true energy. How could the auras of the two quasi-sages be ordinary? Almost instantly, the sky was filled with clouds.

And at this moment, a sonorous and powerful old man's voice finally came from the direction of the secret realm in the back mountain, "Do you think that you really can turn the clouds and rain in my Yun Sect today with just one hand?"

Hearing this voice, many disciples were shocked. It was the master!

Everyone seemed to have grasped the last life-saving straw. At this moment, they all looked towards the secret realm of the back mountain. They saw a figure over there, arriving in an instant, causing the sky to surge with wind and clouds.

Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe's faces were slightly shocked. Has the head brother recovered? Impossible, the injuries on his body that day were obviously so serious that his heart was almost completely damaged, but why does he look like... he has recovered without any problems now?

I saw an old man standing still in mid-air. The old man had white beard and hair. He was wearing a green Taoist robe with wide sleeves and fluttering sleeves. Even when he was still, he gave people a sense of majesty as heavy as Mount Tai. The person is none other than the leader of the Yun Sect, Yun Daozi.

"Congratulations to the master!"

At this moment, all the Yun Sect disciples inside and outside the square paid homage, and outside, people from the eighteen families in Shu also held their breaths and stared motionlessly at the Taoist in mid-air, who was indeed the leader of the Yun Sect... ...his aura at this moment, could it be...

"Everyone, step back!"

Yun Daozi's eyes were as cold as frost, and his eyes fell coldly on Xiao Chen. Such an aura was oppressive, like the dark clouds thousands of miles away. Even Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe felt a little suffocated, and they were filled with doubts. Qian, how is that possible?

Not long ago, the two of them were helping their senior brother heal his injuries in the secret realm. Later, Xiao Chen broke into the formation, so the two of them had to be driven out. But in such a short period of time, why did the senior brother not only seem to have recovered from his injuries, but even Even the cultivation level seems to have entered the holy realm. What is going on...

Hua Weiyang stared at Yun Daozi in mid-air. Her spiritual awareness was sharp. The moment Yun Daozi appeared just now, she seemed to have noticed something abnormal, but in the blink of an eye, she could no longer feel it.

At this moment, she came to Xiao Chen's side, with a very solemn expression on her face. Xiao Chen also turned his head slightly and whispered to her, "Be careful of this person."

For some reason, Xiao Chen also vaguely felt that there was something wrong with the Yun Daozi in front of him. Although he had never seen Yun Daozi before, there was always a feeling at this time that "the Yun Daozi in front of him is no longer the same Yun Daozi as before", so A strange feeling.

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