The atmosphere at the scene became cold and solemn, and everyone subconsciously retreated into the distance. Xiao Chen stared at Yun Daozi in front of him, raised his hand, and made Zi Yuan and others retreat outside the square.

At this moment, the two sides were balancing each other. It was difficult for Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe to interfere. If they moved, Fengyuntian's masters and Guiyunshan would also launch an offensive.


Yun Daozi snorted coldly and flicked his sleeves, "If I hadn't accidentally enlightened myself a few days ago and damaged my vitality, how could I have allowed you to act so arrogantly in my Yun Sect today! Since you are here today, there is no need to think about it. Get out of here in one piece!”

The cold voice echoed throughout the square, making many people feel trembled. However, Xiao Chen remained calm and said lightly, "Wu Xuan accidentally injured his vitality, or was injured for some other reason." , The sect leader doesn’t know clearly.”

As soon as this statement came out, the entire Yunzong fell silent, and everyone was stunned and silent. What does this sentence mean? The leader said that he was careless in enlightening the mysterious world, which caused his vitality to be damaged. This was certainly true, but why did Xiao Yichen say it was for other reasons...

The atmosphere suddenly became colder and more solemn, and there seemed to be a bone-chilling coldness in Yun Daozi's eyes, which was daunting.

Until now, no one thought about why Xiao Yichen arrived so accurately this time, just when Yun Daozi's vitality was seriously injured. How did he know that Yun Daozi's vitality was seriously injured? And judging from what he just said, he seemed to conclude that Yun Daozi's vitality was not seriously injured due to Wu Xuan's carelessness...

The faces of Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe in the distance also changed at this time. Even they didn't know how the head senior brother was injured so seriously this time.

The atmosphere became more and more solidified. Everyone outside looked at Xiao Chen, but he only said this and stopped talking. It was really puzzling.


Yun Daozi snorted coldly, his eyes were cold at this time, but he avoided talking about what Xiao Chen said just now, and only said coldly, "It's useless to talk more. Today, I'm here to learn from the Lord of Wuyu Tian." The means and abilities.”

As soon as he finished speaking, his whole body was shaken, and a burst of true energy surged out, making everyone feel suffocated. It was so strong!

At this moment, outside the square, the grass, trees, flowers and rocks were blown around by the wind, and the sky was also turbulent. Such a terrifying atmosphere almost made everyone present suffocated.

The people of the eighteen families in Shu were also completely stunned, with horrified expressions on their faces. He was indeed the leader of the Yun Sect. Who in Shu could match his cultivation level? Judging from the aura at this time, we have at least entered the ninth level of the quasi-sage. Even if we have not stepped into the realm of the saint, it is not far away...

At this moment, everyone outside was hiding away. There was no defensive formation outside Yunzong, and they were afraid that the subsequent fight would harm themselves.

However, before they could get away, an overwhelming force had already surged in. But at this moment, Yun Daozi had launched a fatal attack on Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang!

I saw that Yun Daozi's whole body was shrouded in a layer of cyan true energy. This layer of true energy was by no means ordinary true energy, but the profound energy condensed by a ninth-level quasi-sage. Even if ordinary people accidentally touched it, Even if you don't reach it, you have to suffer heavy losses, let alone resist this layer of mysterious energy!

At this moment, Yun Daozi raised his right hand slightly, carrying a huge amount of power in his palm. There were not too many fancy moves, but a sharp palm technique, and he took the lives of Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang with one palm!

"Watch out!"

Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang spread out their body movements at the same time and evaded to both sides for a moment. However, even the wind from the palm was as painful as a knife blowing on their bodies.

With a "boom", smoke and dust filled the sky. Yun Daozi's palm missed the two of them, but the remaining force caused them to step back.

And the people in the distance felt their breaths suffocate. Is this the power of the ninth-level quasi-sage? The sixth-level quasi-sage is not at the same level as him. It is really terrifying...

I saw the ground of the square. Even though the entire Yun Sect had a solid defense array, countless cracks were cracked on the ground at this time. If Zhoushan's spiritual power defense array was not stable, I am afraid that the entire Yun Sect would have been destroyed by the palm strike just now. Even half of Cangshan Mountain has been wiped out.

At this time, Xiao Chen quickly adjusted his breath, and his eyebrows narrowed slightly. The palm just now was indeed extremely powerful, and even he couldn't resist it.

And he had already concluded that Yun Daozi in front of him was the Hidden Saint in Fengyun Heaven that day. That person was directly hit by the power of the void and suffered such serious injuries. How could he fully recover in just a few days?


Yun Daozi snorted coldly. Without waiting for him to think about it, he flicked his sleeves, and another wave of terrifying force rolled over, overturning all the ground along the way, causing rocks to fly and turn into powder.

The two of them still didn't dare to use their swords directly, so they could only use their body skills to the extreme to avoid the scope of this person's mysterious power. With their cultivation level reaching Yun Daozi's level, a leaf or a flower could easily kill someone. What's more, directly wielding such ferocious profound energy?

After the two sides fought for a while, the area near the square was in ruins, and many of the palace buildings collapsed. In the sky, Yun Daozi's eyes turned golden red, and streaks of golden red Qi were wrapped around his body. His appearance and expression were shocking. People were very scared, and the holy aura gradually released from his body made the people nearby breathless.


Leng Leng said one word, Yun Daozi pointed his finger, and hundreds of golden sword energy suddenly appeared in the void, like a rain of swords, heading straight towards Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang to kill them.

"A flower is not a flower!"

Hua Weiyang made a slight seal with her hands, and the Feihua Lianyou Umbrella immediately enlarged several times and continued to rotate, blocking the sword energy outside.

However, this sword energy was extraordinary. Even magic weapons such as Feihua Lianyou Umbrella could not resist it. Xiao Chen stepped forward in an instant, put his hand on her shoulder, and then channeled a force of energy. Only then did Feihua Lianyou Umbrella's profound strength was so strong that it blocked all the sword energy.

At this moment, Xiao Chen was very confused. This person was severely injured by Fengyun Tian's void power, and it was impossible for him to recover so quickly. And the person who appeared in Fengyun Tian that day was definitely not a clone. From this point of view, this person must be What secret technique was used?

Outside the square, Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe also had shocked expressions on their faces. The head senior brother was obviously so seriously injured yesterday, how could he be fine today? It's really weird...

"Broken!" Suddenly, Yun Daozi shouted coldly, and like a sudden strong wind, he raised his palm and rushed towards the two of them in an instant.

"Weiyang, be careful!"

At this moment, Xiao Chen reacted and pulled Hua Weiyang to fly back. There was only a "boom" sound. Even with Feihua Lianyou Umbrella blocking it, the two of them were deeply shocked by this sound and kept moving forward. It flew out from behind.

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