When the two of them flew out, a cold breath came from Hua Weiyang's body, but it was the breath of Xuanwu Armor. Before coming, Xiao Chen put the Xuanwu Armor on her body, otherwise she would have suffered from the blow just now. hurt.

Seeing this scene, many people in the distance felt their hearts tremble. They could naturally feel the power just now. The magic weapon that could defeat these two people was worthy of being a ninth-level peak quasi-sage, and was only half a step away from the holy realm. Step, it’s really scary...


Suddenly, Ruo let out a deep roar and charged towards Yun Daozi fiercely. The hundred-foot-long dragon body suddenly caused the sky to surge with wind and clouds! ♦


Yun Daozi snorted coldly, not paying attention to this strange dragon at all. He raised his palm, and the palm power instantly condensed into a golden palm print and flew out. With a "boom", he was shocked to the ground. It flew out, and large patches of scales fell off its body.

Everyone in Wuyutian behind was shocked. They naturally knew how powerful Rui was, but now, he couldn't even withstand a palm from this person. Could this be the power of the Holy Realm?

"Rui! Come back!" Zi Yuan's face changed slightly. This person's strength is too terrifying right now, and Rui is no match for him...

"You guys broke into our Yun Sect today, and this is where you will be buried!"

Suddenly, Yun Daozi's breath shook, his eyes suddenly became more golden and red, and a stronger mysterious energy arose from his body. The terrifying aura suddenly enveloped the entire Cangshan Mountain, causing the clouds in the sky to surge!

"Senior brother..." Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe were both startled in the distance. What was going on with this mysterious force in senior brother's body...

In just such a short moment, Yun Daozi suddenly became even more terrifying. Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed and he immediately sent a secret message to Hua Weiyang: "There must be a flaw in this person. You and I will look for it carefully."


Hua Weiyang's expression was solemn. Just as the two were talking, Yun Daozi attacked instantly again. This time the power was even more terrifying. The two of them must not be hit, otherwise they would be seriously injured!

After a moment of awkwardness, the entire square was shrouded in layers of strong wind, and no one could get close. In the sky, Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang's figures were changing, as unpredictable as gods and ghosts.

Only now did Xiao Chen finally understand why his master had to practice Lingxian Steps so hard on Zixiao Peak, and understood the importance of changing reality and reality. Although he can't attack Yun Daozi now, he can avoid the opponent's attacks time and time again. Attack, if it were not for Ling Xianbu, he would have been defeated within thirty moves.

Outside, everyone held their breath. It was not difficult for them to see that Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang seemed to have lightning-like skills, but in fact they were surrounded by dangers. Yun Daozi's power was too strong. Once they were attacked, If hit, you will definitely be severely injured.

Zi Yuan and the others were all watching with fear. Every time Yun Daozi made a move, the situation would change, so every time he was about to make a move, Zi Yuan and the others' hearts felt like they were about to jump out of their chests.

"Everything is destroyed!"

With a sharp shout, Yun Daozi raised his palm, and his profound energy suddenly turned into a 100-foot-long palm shadow, falling from the sky, as if he was going to devour Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang alive.


With a loud noise, the palm shadow came down, causing the entire Cangshan Mountain to tremble violently. Many buildings near the square were turned into dust under the impact of the palm force.

The disciples were already horrified. In their hearts, the real master was just like the Immortal Miao Miao, but today he was so terrifying...

The people from the eighteen Shu families outside were also dumbfounded. They never expected that Yun Daozi's cultivation level had reached such a terrifying level. Even Xiao Chen could not withstand any attack at all.

At this moment, the sky was full of smoke and dust. Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang had just avoided the coverage of the palm shadow for a moment. At this time, with the remaining energy stirred up, they still felt frightened.

At this moment, Hua Weiyang pointed two fingers toward the center of her eyebrows, and then her hands kept forming seals. A strong spiritual power suddenly surged out of her body.


Xiao Chen looked at her, his eyebrows slightly condensed. In her body, there was not only an extremely powerful force, but also a very powerful spiritual power. At this time, he could feel that Wei Young had been released. Seal the spiritual power in the body.

At this time, this spiritual power surged out, and in an instant, it turned into thousands of strands and wrapped around Chao Yun Daozi. Seeing this scene, everyone in the distance was shocked. What kind of ability is this? To be able to turn spiritual power into thousands of filaments...


Seeing the countless filaments transformed from spiritual power winding up towards him, Yun Daozi's whole body was shaken with mysterious energy, and in an instant the countless strands of spiritual power were dispersed.

However, he may not know anything about Hua Weiyang's abilities. Although the thousands of spiritual powers were dispersed by him, in the next moment, they were condensed again, and thousands of tiny pieces of spiritual power were transformed into them. The silk penetrated his body in one go.


Seeing such a strange scene, everyone in the distance was shocked, and the expressions of Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe even changed. Even a strong man in the Holy Realm might not be able to control this kind of spiritual power!

Perhaps they knew nothing about Hua Weiyang's control of spiritual power. At this moment, the tens of millions of filaments transformed by spiritual power passed through Yun Daozi's body. Although they could not cause harm to it, they could find out Where is his life gate?

When Yun Daozi first appeared, Hua Weiyang felt a strange spiritual power from him, but then it disappeared in the blink of an eye. Now, she wanted to find out that strange spiritual power again.


Yun Daozi's eyes condensed, and golden light bloomed in his eyes. He raised his palms, and a burst of mysterious power surged out, which immediately shook away the thin threads of spiritual power around his body.

But he may still not understand that no one has mastered the control of spiritual power more than the woman in front of him.

I saw Hua Weiyang's hand seals constantly changing, and the dissipated spiritual power condensed again in an instant, and in another instant, it penetrated his body, pervasive, and impossible to defend against!

This time, Yun Daozi seemed to finally suddenly realize that the source did not lie in these filaments of spiritual power, but in the woman who controlled the spiritual power in the distance!

"Everything is destroyed!"

With a sharp shout, the majestic palm power surged towards Hua Weiyang. With such powerful palm power, even if she had Xuanwu armor to protect her, she would still be severely injured!

But at this moment, Xiao Chen's Great Freedom Palm Technique was unleashed, and with a "bang", Yun Daozi's palm power was immediately diverted away, smashing the main hall of Yun Sect in the distance to pieces.

But even so, he himself was shocked to the point of being choked, and his chest seemed to have been hit hard by a huge force, and he almost spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Everyone outside was shocked. He could actually take such a powerful killing move. What level of cultivation had he reached...

"Found it, on his back, Lingtai point!" At this moment, Hua Weiyang raised her head and sent a spiritual thought to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen received his spiritual thoughts, and in an instant, he turned into a swift shadow and rushed towards Yun Daozi. When Yun Daozi saw him rushing towards him, his eyes became extremely scary, "With you? Wishful thinking!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and struck Xiao Chen with one strike. Such a terrifying strike almost made the people on Wuyutian's side almost scream out in surprise.

But just when his palm touched Xiao Chen's body, at this moment, Xiao Chen's figure disappeared... It was a phantom!

"How can it be!"

Everyone in the distance was shocked. They had been looking at it just now without even blinking. That was clearly Xiao Chen's true self. How could it suddenly become a shadow? Could it be that from the beginning, his true self was a shadow, so where is his true body!

Just when everyone was horrified, the void behind Yun Daozi suddenly seemed to be torn apart, and then a palm stretched out from it.

"Thirty-three days...Lihen Palm!"

When Yun Daozi came over in shock, it was already too late. The palm hit him firmly on the back, "Pfft!" He immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body fell to the ground. " With a bang, dust flew into the sky, and the entire square was suddenly enveloped in smoke and dust, making it impossible to see what was going on inside.

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