This scene shocked everyone outside. Everyone was stunned and still couldn't believe what they just saw.

"Senior brother..."

In the distance, Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe were also shocked, their faces turned as pale as paper, and the disciples around them were already stunned and at a loss.

In mid-air, Xiao Chen came to Hua Weiyang's side in an instant, stared at the smoke-filled square below, and whispered in a secret voice, "This person must have been damaged by my palm just now, so be careful..."

Even though Yun Daozi was seriously injured with a palm, Xiao Chen still did not dare to take it lightly at this moment. After just a moment, when the smoke and dust in the square dispersed with the wind, the scene in front of him shocked countless people!

I saw Yun Daozi standing in the rubble, holding his chest with his hands, his face as pale as paper, blood pouring out of his mouth, the Taoist robe on his body was also stained with blood, his hair was messy, he no longer looked like a fairy. Instead, he looked like an evil ghost in Senluo Hell.


The people outside were even more shocked. They never expected that Xiao Chen's palm just now injured him so seriously!

"The real leader..."

The Yun Sect disciples in the distance were all stunned. The young disciples seemed to be petrified, and they all stayed in place and were at a loss. However, the senior elders all seemed to be in a state of panic at this time. .

"Hey Hey……"

In the pile of rocks, Yun Daozi suddenly sneered sinisterly, "It can hurt me like this, not bad, not bad... uh!" Before he finished speaking, another mouthful of blood gushes out, and his face suddenly became paler and uglier.


Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe were both startled. Just as they moved their feet, a dragon roar suddenly sounded in the air, and Guiyunshan's figure was enlarged more than three times in an instant, looking particularly terrifying.

"It doesn't matter..."

Yun Daozi took a strong breath and suppressed the injury. The reason why he was so seriously injured at this time was not all due to Xiao Chen's palm just now, but more importantly, the injury he suffered from being severely injured by the power of the void in the wind and cloud sky that day.

Before that, he suppressed the injury with force, but just now, it was obvious that the true energy in his body had been shattered, and the old injuries and new injuries were now superimposed.

"Want to kill me? It's not that easy!"

I saw Yun Daozi's whole body's true energy regrouping, and in an instant, he rushed towards Xiao Chen again. At this moment, the sky was filled with wind and clouds. Everyone outside was shocked. He had clearly been severely injured, but he still managed to survive. There is such terrifying power.


With the word "Beng Leng" said, Yun Daozi struck Xiao Chen with a palm. The mysterious force as fierce as a mountain was about to tear the void apart. However, this time, just like before, when his palm hit Xiao Chen, the other party unexpectedly Suddenly it turned into a phantom and disappeared.

"what happened……"

This time, the people in the distance were even more shocked. It was clear that they didn't even blink their eyes just now. How could they be phantoms again?

At this moment, Xiao Chen appeared behind Yun Daozi again, and with a "bang" palm, he was beaten until he vomited blood and flew out.


This time, all the disciples inside and outside the Yun Sect screamed, their faces all filled with horror. Yun Daozi was seen all over, covered in blood, as if he had lost control, flying backwards, flying into the distance. A stone pier in the square was smashed into pieces.

"Senior brother..."

This time Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe were also completely stunned, their faces as white as paper. They could naturally see that the senior brother was at the end of his strength. The injuries on his body a few days ago were too serious, and now he was injured again. Xiao Chen found out the flaw, I'm afraid something could be wrong...

At this moment, the two of them felt like beating drums in their hearts. They looked at each other, but neither of them could come up with a solution. The Lord of Wuyu Tian was cold and ruthless. How could they not see each other's murderous intention at this time?

"Sect Master Yun, you are getting old..."

The cold wind rustled, Xiao Chen tiptoed, and landed lightly in front of Yun Daozi. At this time, his condescending eyes reflected the desolation in the other person's eyes.

Outside, the people of the eighteen families in Shu were silent. At this moment, looking at Yun Daozi sitting on the pile of rocks, everyone could feel the sudden desolation between heaven and earth.

Fallen leaves were flying all over the sky, and the cold wind was beating the rubble on the ground silently. Everyone was silent. If Yun Daozi was also a young man, even if he was seriously injured, how could he be so badly injured at this moment? Even at this moment, he could not even Breathing seemed a little rapid.

At this moment, some people can't help but wonder whether there will be an end to heaven and earth, and what is the end of heaven and earth? Does immortality, which everyone in the world thinks about, really exist? Mortals cannot escape birth, old age, illness and death, nor can those who cultivate immortality... …

"Hey Hey……"

Yun Daozi's face was pale and his body was stained with blood. He suddenly sneered sinisterly. In the next moment, a terrifying power suddenly surged out of him, causing everyone in Wuyutian outside to change their color.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"


Before Zi Yuan finished speaking, there was a loud noise, and dust flew up all over the sky again. In the flying smoke, Xiao Chen's feet touched the ground and flew back dozens of feet in an instant.


Hua Weiyang immediately walked up, looked at him, and then stared at the square shrouded in smoke.

"It's okay, this old thief wants to fight back before his death."

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves and looked coldly at the place covered in smoke and dust in the square. When the smoke slowly dissipated, he saw that Yun Daozi looked like a demon, with blood and mist all over his body, and even his eyes became The blood is red.

"Senior brother..."

Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe couldn't help but shudder. They didn't expect that their senior brother would actually use the forbidden technique of blood soul. Although this technique can restore his power in a short time, once the blood soul is exhausted, he will die. He couldn't even enter reincarnation and completely disappeared into thin air.

The people from the eighteen families in Shuzhong outside were all shocked. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would dare to believe this scene? A generation of Xuanmen master was actually forced to use the Blood Soul Forbidden Technique...

"Xiao's you who will bring about your own destruction today!"

At this moment, two terrifying looks appeared in Yun Daozi's eyes, and these looks were so familiar...

The moment he finished speaking, his whole body turned into a streak of blood and attacked Xiao Chen in mid-air. Even people far away felt a terrifying power of blood soul at this moment. !

"All methods...annihilated!"

Yun Daozi raised his hand, and blood mist suddenly filled the air. The vast blood mist instantly turned into a hundred-foot-long blood handprint, pressing down on Xiao Chen!

"Be careful..."

Hua Weiyang flew up in an instant, made a slight seal with her hands, and Feihua Lianyou Umbrella immediately spun around. However, even Feihua Lianyou Umbrella could not resist Yun Daozi's blood soul attack!

At this moment, Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves, and thirty-six strands of Tiangang profound energy surged out of his body instantly. The thirty-third level of the Art of Leaving Hatred also reached its limit at this moment.


There was a loud noise, and the two forces collided, causing a huge wave of waves that shook everything nearby.

"Be careful."

Such ferocious power surged over, even the two quasi-sages Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe did not dare to underestimate them. They both worked together to circulate their true energy, protecting the nearby disciples and retreating outside.

Outside, all the people from the eighteen families in Shu retreated with horror on their faces. Another layer of smoke and dust covered the square. When the smoke and dust dissipated, the scene in front of them was once again. It made their hearts tremble.

In mid-air, Yun Daozi, who had sacrificed the power of his blood soul, was covered in blood mist, and his palm turned into a blood handprint, almost tearing the void apart.

And Xiao Chen's thirty-six Tiangang profound energy surged, and under the urging of the thirty-third level of separation and hatred, the palm power also turned into a hand seal. The two sides faced off like this, and the terrifying power almost overwhelmed the nearby void. Also twisted.

Seeing such a shocking scene, everyone in the distance showed horrified expressions. There is no doubt about Yun Daozi's cultivation. Even the holy realm is only one step away. Even if he is seriously injured and his vitality is greatly damaged, he will not hesitate. At all costs, the power of the blood soul was used.

But at this moment, Xiao Yichen was able to be completely on par with him. This was simply...

Everyone was really frightened, and while they were frightened, people with sharp eyes had discovered that the power of the blood soul in Yun Daozi was constantly dissipating. If this continues, he will definitely be defeated!

Many people looked at Xiao Chen again and saw that his white hair was blowing in the wind behind his shoulders. The expression on his face remained unchanged at all, which was in sharp contrast to Yun Daozi who was covered in blood at the moment!

At this moment, everyone's hearts trembled. How many abilities does this young man still have that he has not revealed...

The cold wind in the sky was like a blade, and the confrontation between the two became the focus of everyone present. Yun Daozi's eyes were cold and terrifying, and his eyes at this moment were somewhat familiar to those back then...

"Back then... you must have been to the ninth level of the stormy sky."

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and his voice was cold. At this moment, he had roughly guessed something. Back then, Yun Daozi's other identity was the Hidden Saint. And that time, his father was not the only person who went to the Nine Heavens. , is Yun Daozi.

It's a pity that Yun Daozi was defeated at that time, but his father did not kill him.

So that day, he set up an illusion in the ninth heaven, waiting for himself. He went to the ninth heaven before anyone else, because he already knew the other way to the ninth heaven.


A strange sinister smile suddenly appeared on Yun Daozi's face. The next moment, the blood mist on his body suddenly condensed and shot toward Xiao Chen. This time, it was by no means an easy move!

"Watch out!"

Hua Weiyang saw this scene from behind, and the expression on her face changed. But at this moment, Xiao Chen's expression remained unchanged, and a mysterious energy surged out of his body. It was not the Thirty-third Layer of Lifting Hatred, nor the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysteries. The power is not the fragments of the heavenly book, but the Yaoguang mind method taught by Ling Yin back then!

This mysterious energy instantly turned into a fairy seal and flew out. With a "boom", all the blood mist of Yun Daozi was dispersed.


Everyone in the distance was shocked. In their eyes, Xiao Chen was the Lord of Wuyu Tian, ​​with countless demonic forces under his command. However, they did not expect that he also possessed such great Xuanmen Taoism, no less powerful than Xiao Chen. Meng'er's Xianqiong sect's Taoism...

Yes, it was only then that someone thought that he was once the disciple of Yaoguang Zun of Xuanqing Sect, known as Fairy Miaoyin.

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